My burning question this morning is who are THFC are selling home tickets to these days? Did anyone else feel the hate in the room last night? We seem to revisiting that whole ’emotional investment’ conversation again and again.
Look, I’m not advocating we routinely accept daft results like only taking a point off habitual losers like Sunderland at home. But we perhaps need to think about what support actually is.
I cannot recall an incident where a football team either collectively or by individual player were booed into playing better. But going to the The Lane these days there seems to be an upward swing in the volume of those who are outraged not only when Spurs don’t win but when a specific pass or shot falls short in the ‘magnificent’ stakes.
The internet is different. That’s what I told the cops. But it is. Brutally sledging Bob Keane online is a victimless crime. Nobody dies. Traveling to north London, paying £30 and standing on tip toe screaming despicable and vile abuse at someone wearing the Lilywhite shirt is bordering on psychotic.
Bentley of course was savaged. But his refusal to burst into tears and flee the pitch only served to provoke more hate. 3MP got his. Then Bale, then Modders.
The arrogance amongst our support is becoming increasingly suffocating. Try this for size. Ever heard the phrase, ‘As I Am You Shall Be‘ ? It’s a rough approximation of a not uncommon Roman grave inscription, Quod tu es, ego fui, quod ego sum, tu eris.
If Spurs fans continue along their current path, then they will become an arrogant foul mouthed version of the Woolwich Wanderers down the road.The Gooners haven’t won anything in a dog’s age. Their path instead has taken them on routine qualification for the Champions League.
We laugh out loud at Arsenalization, but you can’t help but wonder if some of our fans were put in charge of Tottinghamization at wherever our new home might be, complimentary scarves draped over seat backs would be replaced with placards marked, ‘W*nkers!’ and ‘F*ck Off Back To Wales!’,
So yes we lost two points. And excuses like our 3 best defenders are out and we haven’t got a striker you can rely upon are boring to hear. But we stand to lose a hell of a lot more if we aren’t careful.
The main concern has to be that if we do not qualify for CL next season or win something ie the FA Cup then our very best players will move on…Wonder Boy, Modfather, Lennon, Huds, even VdV
will attract plenty of attention. The best players want to win things, play at the very top level and be very well paid to boot. Bottom line is that I just hope we can keep our best because ManUre, Cheatski, City, Madrid, Bara will be circling next summer.
Realistically if City offered £40m for Wonder Boy, were in the CL next season and give him a salary of £150k bottom line is how could we keep him if we finish in the Ropey League and win nothing this season? Very trickey indeed.I do not want to think about it any further.
I guess we will just have to win the CL this season.
Well you have to ask how important someone like harry is to Bale.
maybe Bale only signed a contract extension because he was grateful for Harry giving him a chance and believing in him unconditionally.
It has repaid that loyality for now..but when Harry exits, players moods will change. It will be an opportunity for them to also jump ship if thats what they really had in the back of their mind all this time.
If we get in Jose mourinho, im not sure Players would leave as swiftly…except for the crap ones being flung out like garbage bags by the man himself.
Maybe this will lighten the mood:
Harry Redknapp quotes
“Even when they had Moore, Hurst and Peters, West Ham’s average finish was about 17th. It just shows how crap the other 8 of us were”
“Dani is so good-looking I don’t know whether to play him or f*ck him”
“Hartson’s got more previous than Jack the Ripper”
“Samassi Abou don’t speak the English too good”
“By the look of him he [Ian Dowie] must have headed a lot of balls”
“Everyone f***ing jumps all over you. They don’t care Michael Carrick’s just 19. When he gave the ball away the other week there was 20000 people c*nting him off. He give a bad ball and they are all f***ing “weeerrrr”.”
“Where are we in relation to Europe? Not far from Dover”
“I tape over most of them [player promotional videos] with Corrie or Neighbours. Most of them are crap. They can f***ing make anyone look good. I signed Marco Boogers off a video. He was a good player but a nutter. They didn’t show that on the video.”
“When I saw the referee put that whistle to his mouth I can’t tell you how fantastic that felt for me. It was like winning the pools.”
“It’s like being on the Titanic and seeing there’s only one lifeboat left.”
“He can say exactly what he thinks of the job I’ve done. It’s a million per cent not a problem for me.”
“If I said I’d go back now I’d be crucified – that’s all I need”
“What are they going to do, shoot me? It’s not war you know.”
“I sorted out the team formation last night lying in bed with the wife. When your husband’s as ugly as me, you’d only want to talk football in bed”
“Van Persie obviously thought ‘Why take the p*** out of poor old Southampton? I’ll get sent off and make a game of it’.”
“The sad part is that the ones who do well want to go, but you cannot move the ones who are useless,”