Champions League

Arry’s New Fullback Will Cost £5M And That Cad Comolli…

Image for Arry’s New Fullback Will Cost £5M And That Cad Comolli…

A pretty surreal dawn greets those in the Kingdom of Yid then.

Graham Roberts is the new manager of Pakistan. What a journey. From Clyde to Karachi. At 51 and after many years in the wilderness it’s a hopefully a nice pension. The last time I saw him it was signing autographs off a trellis table on the High Road with born again cabbie, Mickey Hazard.

When I got to The Lane, a parade of Legends were being applauded by over 30,000 presumably after they had enjoyed a three course meal and some half decent VIP attention.

The Great Dame Comolli has turned up like some bad French centime. Quite how he has the front to pop up now essentially taking credit for where the club is now, some time after he was fired is beyond me. He was instrumental in spending a hell of a lot of money and it’s a pretty dishonest exercise.

AC Milan’s Daniele Bonera would cost iro £5M. He’s 29 and would be a welcome addition to the sick, the weak and the weary we currently stock.

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  • Big Yid says:

    You’ll be off from newsnow shortly. Turns out chief exec is a client of ours…!!! Say night night muggins/princess XXX

    • seppoyiddo says:

      How did Jabba the Hut figure out the gravatar thing?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Mazel tov.

      You win the secret star prize! The first person to declare me shut down/removed from NN etc wins a lollypop.

      Please forward your name & address.

      • Spurstacus says:

        You seem to be getting a bit of abuse since rejoiing this firm. Whats it all about? I’m puzzled. Wa gwan, Rasta? Do you want me to take em for a ride in the ghetto?

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          The beauty of a *ahem* wider audience is you get every misfit that has been bounced out the door marked exit on every forum this side of Peckham.

          I see this conveyor belt for what it is and consequently don’t get emotional.

          ‘Yeeh, Spurstacus. Pop a Harris Tweed cap in da biatches ass. Aye’.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Mazel tov!

      You win the secret star prize! The first person to declare me shut down/removed from NN etc wins a lollypop.

      Please forward your name & address.

      And again, congratulations.

  • marts2smooth says:

    Comolli would sign a sausage if it made him some dosh!

    He was and probably a dodgy f******..

    On the plus side we need some more defenders.. any more news on Woody?

  • Jazz15c says:

    F*** sake. There isn’t even an England game on this weekend, that may have been (marginally) better than the grand sum of p*ss all that we’re faced with! Hate hate HATE international breaks. If VDV, Bale or Modric come back crocked I’m going to strongly consider firebombing FIFA headquarters. Cads.

  • Carlos Kickaball says:

    Gents, is this Woodgate rumour true? Will he be back in Jan 2011 – its not been reported anywhere else!

  • nick the greek says:


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