
West Ham Launch New Souvenir Range

Image for West Ham Launch New Souvenir Range

In keeping with the leaked news that West Am Football Club (t/a Newham Naughties) are the new squatters tenants at the Olympic Stadium, I am able to exclusively reveal a few souvenir collectibles  currently being manufactured to supply the anticipated demand.

The ultimate in being able to tell the difference between the two teams. Only £399.99 + VAT.

This Collectors item is available for pre-order only. £638.99 + VAT.

The Daddy of leisure wear. Endorsed by DS himself. £899.67 +VAT

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  • Fatfish says:

    More good stuff from Martin Cloake.

    An interview today with Claire Kober (Leader of Haringey Council) she appears to be offering an olive branch and possibly money….

    CK: “We’ve always recognised that this was a scheme conceived at a difficult time, just as public finances were entering a pretty torrid time. That said, we’ve always recognised that if possible we would try to lever in additional investment, public as well as private. But what’s critical is that the council and the club are in the same place, working together for that common end. I still think it is possible that we can lever in that money, but we will only do so if both parties are absolutely committed to White Hart Lane.

    Full article here.

    • Astromesmo says:


      About 2 years too late but better late than never. A what point did these cnuts think it was good to start talking like this… As Fed-Ex were picking up the boxes from WHL?

      Sweet Jesus, Mary & Jospeh.

    • Snap says:

      Well spotted FF. The bit that grabbed me: “Daniel Levy was in my office two weeks ago and we agreed then that whatever the outcome of today’s decision we would prioritise sitting down around the table again as soon as we knew the outcome.” NDP all systems go.

  • onedavemackay says:

    Today looks like a winner to me.

    This way we won’t have to move east and more pressure is on Haringey to actually do something as they now know that Uncle Joe and Danny boy ain’t bluffing.

    Either way we’ll end up with a bigger stadium

    • Brycie says:

      Hail Hail every cloud has a silver lining and all that we’ll be better off in the long run I reckon.DL and the collective will just have to put their business savvy heeds toghether and come up with some sort of a “Hannibal from the A Team” type of plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Mes says:

      Tottingham in Tottingham, what could be better… Apart from maybe being on set with jennifer Tilly & Gina Gershon in Bound, but that’s another matter & could be overlooked in lieu of 3 points tomorrow.

  • david says:

    Nice arse Harry.

  • Brycie says:

    Nice pants Harry!!!

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    Martin Cloake’s a bloody gem.

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