
Gerald Ratner Confirmed As New Spurs Manager

Image for Gerald Ratner Confirmed As New Spurs Manager

Let me tale you a tale.

There once was a jeweller by the name of Gerald Ratner. Gerald had not one jewellery shop but lots. He rewrote the rulebook for jewellery retail. He piled ’em high and he sold ’em cheap. His shops had big gawdy posters in their windows and he employed his East End market stall techniques on the High Streets of Britain, boldly offering cut price schmutter.

One day in 1991, Gerald woke up, went to work as usual and then toddled off to make a speech at the Institute of Directors. Unfortunately that was the very day Gerald –  a pioneering and successful businessman – lost his ******* mind.

He stood before his peers and revealed that his jewellery was “total crap!” He went on say that that some of the earrings his shops sold were “cheaper than an M&S prawn sandwich but probably wouldn’t last as long!”.

By the time Gerald got home, he discovered that single handed he had wiped £500M off the value of his company.

And so to ‘IdiotGate’.

It beggars belief that Redschnapps has done a Ratner. It is stunningly obtuse for him to question his customers’ right of reply. He’s paid handsomely for managing a football club who’s fan’s constantly want more. He lives in unmitigated luxury doing a job that many dream of doing.

He swans about in top of the range motors and hand finished suits watching his mobile phone bleep while there are people in the NHS caring for incontinent pensioners in exchange annually for what he earns in a week.

It’s bewilderingly arrogant of him to call those that dare to call a radio station to voice their dissatisfaction, ‘idiots’.

I’ve made no secret about how I feel. I think on balance he’s done a good job. But his comments aren’t welcomed by anyone. Not by his supporters nor by his detractors.

Dead man squawking.

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  • onedavemackay says:

    If you are all so smart tell me now all the managers over the last twenty years who have done better than him.

    Then name the managers we could actually recruit who might do better

    • PLN says:

      Not to bang on about Jol, but you did ask, Jol secured over 65 points in the 2005-2006 season.
      And was a lasagne away from the Champions League. We have 56 with 2 games left. Not saying he’s a better manager, but he had something Redknapp will never have, a humility and honesty that made him bond with the fans in a way Harry will never do.

      • onedavemackay says:

        I like Jol and think he was treated appallingly by the club but I think he had taken us as far as he could.

      • onedavemackay says:

        On the point that Arry hasn’t bonded with the fans I would say that you don’t hear much Arry baiting at the ground.

        • PLN says:

          Of course there’s no baiting, but i have been to games where for 70-80 minutes of the game Jol’s name was sung, an i mean at least!

          Harry… 5 minutes?

          It’s not relevant to an footballing mattter (obviously, because he’s taken us further than anyone has for a long time) but its a fact.

          Jol probably had gone as far as he could, but to all extents and purposes he got us to the champions league, we would have probably replaced him at the end of that season or the next, but remember he only came in as a caretaker.

      • Yid54 says:

        Fianlly you speak my language. I was a big fan of BMJ as well and in all honesty I prefered his manner to Harry’s.

        However we are now in a similar position and people (not you) are calling for Harry’s head as they were for that of BMJ.

        The point is we will only get real progress when we have some continuity and stop having knee-jerk reactions to every minor set back.

    • hotspurhartley says:

      He has only won 3 trophies in the last 30 years….it would be a shorter list to name the managers who have done worse :blink:

      • onedavemackay says:

        OK, especially for you cos I love you I’ll spell it out.

        Name all the managers of Spurs over the last twenty years who have done better than Mr Redknapp.

  • Nicktheyid says:

    Fergerson was one game away from the sackwhen utd equalized in a cup game many years ago and has since win 12 yes 12 LEAGUE titles amongst a host of other trophies. Continuity is what we need, a platform to build from. How many managers heads will we call for? We have had some great managers and some very poor but still we are fickle , we are only as good as the last game. Stop take a breath and think, who Is out there with proven premier league experience, someone who will quickly bed in and hit the ground runing?someone who wants to be OUR manager, not just take the money.too many have come for the cash, with no affinity for the club. Gross,Graham, Ramos, do we want their ilk again? Harry may not float all the boats, he may not have the nous of fergie but he is here he does care and he has improved players that weren’t performing. A taste of honey……………….

    • onedavemackay says:

      Good points. Then there’s Moyes, Wenger and even Tony Pullis whose clubs all benefited from giving a manager time.

    • Ronnie says:

      Oh my…the “Ferguson was one game away from the sack” argument again?

      Nick, Alex Ferguson was building a team made up of promising youngsters and their fans could sense something special. Our very very old Redknapp is getting rid of the youngsters Adel, Gio, Lennon, etc hoping to replace them with Jamie Redknapp’s friends Joe Cole and f*ckin Phillip Neville. While Ferguson was knocking at Giggs door at this point of his tenure, Old Redknapp can be found speaking to reporters calling fans idiots – while missing out on great players like Suarez.

      Frankly, our “Ferguson” isn’t providing us with hope for the future – just embarrassment, dispair and gloom.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      “Continuity is what we need”

      Precisely. And with this idiot at the wheel we won’t get it because either:

      He’ll get found guilty.

      He’ll fuck off to manage England.

      He’ll go and manage some south coast club after he’s fucked up our team by filling it with old useless parts, or

      He’ll have a heart attack.

      He cares about himself and his reputation. His reputation is taking a (justifiable) dent – which in itself is probably hurting his chance of getting the England gig – and he’s defending it the way he knows best – by spouting bollocks.

      It’s as good a time as any to start afresh. We have a good enough squad, attract the right replacement and move on without this twat. And before anyone says “what about Bale/Modric/VdV/whoever, they might leave if Harry goes…” well then let them. Nobody is bigger than the club.

      Harry said the other day as he rolled out another in his line of excuses “if Bale hadn’t have got injured in January, there’s another 4 or 5 points right there and we’re right in the mix” or words to that effect. Since Bale came back from this injury his appearances saw our record as follows:

      League: 7 apps, 1W 4D 2L 7pts from 21
      CL: 3 apps 1D 2L

      Are we really to believe from Harry’s little soundbite that Bale’s injury cost us so much? Perhaps he wasn’t the same since the injury. If so, why was the manager picking him? That’s right. The manager. Harry Redknapp. The one who is paid a fortune to select the best side, and incidentally, apply the tactics. We all know how that’s been going.

  • onedavemackay says:

    PLN Reply:
    May 14th, 2011 at 11:27 pm
    Ramos won the Carling Cup?
    *runs away*

    I was waiting for that.

    Of course you can argue that winning the Carling was a greater achievement than getting into the Cl and reaching the quarter finals. Not sure if the majority would agree with you but who’d want Ramos back ?

    • PLN says:

      The argument never ends about what is and isnt sucessful, when we got to the FA Cup semi-final, people were having the debate then about whats better, Champions League qualification or FA Cup sucess…. I was in the FA Cup camp personally. But I think on reflection the Champions League was more beneficial.

      As i say, the argument is so relative, that it can’t be won or lost.

    • Ronnie says:

      Don’t forget Ramos had won the UEFA twice also and finished 3rd with Sevilla in the La liga. Not saying we should bring him back but the circumstances that led to his poor tenure at Spurs surely do not portray the truth about Juande Ramos’s career. People are just happy to use it as a means of justifying Redknapp’s poor periods.

      I for one will never forget the thrashing we game to arsenal on our way to the final. 5-1. It was Arsene Wengers third worst defeat in his entire arsenal career and his first loss to us. The final was agaist Chelsea too.

      Redknapp’s PR and media manipulation has really worked on you guys. 2points, 8games indeed.

  • Carlos says:

    People talking about Jol have lost the plot. Loved, Yes! But when it came to the big games, we lost everytime.

    Arry has us beating Arse, Luverpool, Chelsea etc,..

    Honestly, there is some shite being spouted.

  • PLN says:

    If we all agreed blogs would be very boring.

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