
Gerald Ratner Confirmed As New Spurs Manager

Image for Gerald Ratner Confirmed As New Spurs Manager

Let me tale you a tale.

There once was a jeweller by the name of Gerald Ratner. Gerald had not one jewellery shop but lots. He rewrote the rulebook for jewellery retail. He piled ’em high and he sold ’em cheap. His shops had big gawdy posters in their windows and he employed his East End market stall techniques on the High Streets of Britain, boldly offering cut price schmutter.

One day in 1991, Gerald woke up, went to work as usual and then toddled off to make a speech at the Institute of Directors. Unfortunately that was the very day Gerald –  a pioneering and successful businessman – lost his ******* mind.

He stood before his peers and revealed that his jewellery was “total crap!” He went on say that that some of the earrings his shops sold were “cheaper than an M&S prawn sandwich but probably wouldn’t last as long!”.

By the time Gerald got home, he discovered that single handed he had wiped £500M off the value of his company.

And so to ‘IdiotGate’.

It beggars belief that Redschnapps has done a Ratner. It is stunningly obtuse for him to question his customers’ right of reply. He’s paid handsomely for managing a football club who’s fan’s constantly want more. He lives in unmitigated luxury doing a job that many dream of doing.

He swans about in top of the range motors and hand finished suits watching his mobile phone bleep while there are people in the NHS caring for incontinent pensioners in exchange annually for what he earns in a week.

It’s bewilderingly arrogant of him to call those that dare to call a radio station to voice their dissatisfaction, ‘idiots’.

I’ve made no secret about how I feel. I think on balance he’s done a good job. But his comments aren’t welcomed by anyone. Not by his supporters nor by his detractors.

Dead man squawking.

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  • forhodssake says:

    Greavesie you are missing the point.

    Our league satistics will show a significant drop off in points from last year, one or two league positions dropped (despite Liverpool’s turbulent season), less goals scored, more conceded (I think?), less clean sheets, hardly any games won by more than one goal and an awful late season run of form/results (relegation standard), despit the fact that we have no CL/cup distractions.

    We exceeded expectations in the CL but crashed out embarassingly in the early stages of the domestic cups.

    If we had the same points as this stage last season, we would almost certainly have qualified for the CL again and possibly managed 3rd.

    None of the above are opinions – they are facts.

    On these grounds alone, the season must be considered a disappointment.

    My issue and I suspect many others, is that Harry keeps telling us what a wonder seaason it has been, how we had no right to expect any better (despite telling us we were going to compete for the title) and how we have no right to criticise him. Any other manager would be keeping his head down, concentrating on trying to finish the season on a high note and planning for the next, not self publicising on the TV, radio and any other available media at every opportunity saying what a shit club we were before the Messiah came along.

    Roy Hodgson was interviewed on MOTD last night, giving all the credit for West Brom’s resurgence to the players, not himself…….

    • eastanglianspur says:

      Perhaps from the balance sheet perspective it has been a wonder season and Levy is generally happy. Perhaps he’ll make a statement. :-p

      I, however, cannot help thinking that it could have been a whole lot better for the balance sheet and the supporters.

  • Tommy_Puddle says:

    Someone could make an absolute killing if they we’re to sell “I’m an Idiot” T-shirts for the last game of the season.

    I just feel i’ve been let down this season, everything was there for the taking this season. Sure its hard but I was expecting at least to be fighting on one domestic front until the end.

    I booed at the Blackpool game last week, that sums up my feelings over this recent form, I didn’t have to make the effort to travel to watch that dire, but then again that would have made me an idiot.

    Resorted to playing FM2011 in my spare time this week just to vent out the frustration. I did what Redknapp should have done…bought a striker, sold the deadwood. I’m top of the league.

    I never boo.

  • Rappaspurs says:

    Techically HR is correct. TalkSport is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to meaningful discussion and sets the lowest common denominator in terms of the presenters and the callers who the broadcaster wants to be contraversial.

    BUT given that our slack jawed manager is happy to make TalkSport contributions to spout his own brand of b*llocks, and to then insult his own fans for doing likewise is pure hypocracy.

    His time is up. Either Pentonville or FA HQ I don’t care.

  • Will says:

    Let’s be honest. We’re better than where we were. How much of that is down to Harry is difficult to quantify. However, our potential to continue to improve I think is what is worrying most of the fans. Redknapp has work to do – either back Gomes or replace him. Solve the King / Woodgate £120k a week no show. Sort out why we seem to have about 5 right backs and only one left back in the club. Why do we have 4 international strikers who couldn’t hit a cow’s arse with a banjo ? Who is responsible for the coaching of the strikers – “Sir” Les Ferdinand ? – if he coaches as well as he played for us, it’s no wonder. Ultimately the responsibility for all of this rests with Harry – and I for one am very worried that he thinks the answer to these problems is signing players past their prime on huge salaries.

  • boon says:

    two wins (im counting today’s win at anfield) out of 15 or whatever isnt good and i cannot stand harry twatknapp at all and would leave see him leave. He simply has to leave. not because of my hate for him, not because of wha he said on talkshite radio, not because he constantly demoralises players (the sandra comment for bent) BUT HE HAS TO GO BECAUSE HE WANTS THE ENGLAND JOB. If continuity is what you are after plan for five years ahead and harry wont be here. David Moyes, or god help me, sven boring erikkson or even someone like sparky is what is required to push tottenham forward. One more thing: whos 3AE?

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