I discovered this today. I guess it wasn’t hidden, but given the obvious interest it would have to fans I find it strange that nobody to the best of my knowledge anyway makes greater efforts to share it. And before some pompous twit comes on and tells me it’s on the Trust’s official site, let’s not kid ourselves. Nobody uses it.
These are the minutes from the meeting on the 16th of this month between THFC & THST (Tottenham Hotspur Supporter’s Trust).
The minutes cover the issues of the moment so predominantly The Stadium, Redschnapps calling fans idiots, Transfers and Ticketing.
For clarity and to lessen the likelihood of comments degenerating into a bun fight, I’m splitting the minutes into three parts this evening so if you want to whine about Ticketing for example, you might see the benefit of waiting a little.
In order that no spin or whatever is put on these notes by me, I’m simply going to bullet point them.
- The Club is very busy behind the scenes trying to make the NDP viable. There are two dedicated people working 24/7on the stadium project and a committee of 15 meets weekly to discuss progress. The Club is seeking public sector grants to help reduce the costs and in light of this has appointed Savills to explore this avenue.
- The Club is carrying out market research to ascertain what the appetite for corporate hospitality is as well as considering a moderate increase in capacity.
- At the same time the legal challenge regarding the Olympic Stadium bid process continues. The club should know the results of their challenge by the end of July. There are two reasons for this; (i) Uncertainty remains that NDP will ever become viable and (ii) Genuine concern that the bidding process was unfair.
- With regards to other Haringey locations DL confirmed that a site near Tottenham Hale was considered but, due to the amount of property that would need acquiring, this would have been extremely time consuming and in all likelihood just as expensive as NDP with a further need for seeking planning permission from the local authorities.
- With a capital cost of £250-£300m it is just not viable right now.
- Re funding, the Club has not gone to Market yet re Naming Rights and the Supermarket deal is on hold.
- The Section 106 agreement has been agreed but is not yet exchanged.
- Ultimately, despite the huge investment this would be from THFC in the local community, there is no public sector money being made available.
- No timeframe can be put on how long this may take to resolve one way or the other.
- BK asked what supporters can do to assist THFC? DL advised that it would be beneficial for THFC supporters to lobby David Lammy, Boris Johnson, the Sports Minister and the Local Authority to constructively point out the benefits that would accrue to the local community from providing some Public Sector grant support to the stadium project. Ultimately this should be a Private/Public Sector project so all pressure exerted on the decision makers would be very welcome.
- DL advised that he has no preference re stadium he just wants a stadium solution whatever that may be.
DL =Daniel Levy and BK=Bernie Kingsly (Trust Board Chairman).
And let’s skip that 1st business, eh? It’s beginning to make nice people angry :cop:
Ah ok second.
This news is on the far superior, DML.
So why are you wasting your time on here ?
Just because he writes blogs the length of a ZZ Top beard, don’t make it superior. Just long.
Actually this news is on the PDF from the Supporter’s Trust.
Do you want me to run back in time to a point when Eve said to Adam, ‘ere wot happening at Lane then?’
Can we have the bits about the transfers please? The stadium stuff is old hat now.
So far we’re selling JJ, Niko, Bentley, Pav, Jock and Bassong and buying Parker, Cahill and Damiao.
I’ll let you know as soon as there is more.
And just to cheer everyone up, from the Beeb gossip column: “Tottenham midfielder Wilson Palacios is on the brink of a £12m move to Italian side Napoli, which gives Spurs boss Harry Redknapp the funds to buy West Ham’s Scott Parker.”
Hip Hip Hooray! 8O
are you serious sell a 26 year old tank to buy a 30 year old mid table player for 10 mil thats crazy in my opinion.waste of money hope if that happens i’m wrong,but i doubt it.
I highly doubt Levy will sanction a transfer fee of £10m for Parker. I see Spurs spending around £6m for his service. People forget, the Spammers have to purge their wage bill, and Parker’s reported £70k per week salary will go a long way.
Sad to see Sgt. Wilson go, but since his injury and the death of his brother, he is a shell of a player he once was. The focus and concentration appears to have gone. We get one-off matches, Milan at the San Siro, but then he’ll be poor. Something that happened with Jenas, 1in 5 matches he is decent. It is a good rate of return, and he can dominate in Italy. Thanks for the effort Wilson, best of luck in the Serie A.
Old hat = this meeting took place one week ago.
Now we know what they don’t do with the TV Licence dosh!! :-D