I see the earth appears to still be gently spinning and no reports of ships sailing of the edge of the world into dragon’s mouths.
But should we lose any star players this summer, it’ll not be a embarrassing as the new name across our shirt. Aurasma.
Who actually ok’s stuff like this? If you’re forced to give some foot powder pharmaceutical a brand name rather than have it known Monotricetylene Chloride than ‘Monoped’ probably isn’t going to damage sales.
But ‘Aurasma’. Is this what their Ideas Board looked like after consuming several pints of mescal?
Here’s from their official site.
Aurasma is a radical piece of technology that represents the future of how we use our mobile devices by bringing the physical and virtual worlds together for the first time.
Available on smartphones, the app was created out of technology that is capable of recognizing images, symbols and objects in the real world and understanding them. It can then deliver relevant content in real time, including videos, animations, audio or webpages.
Using the smartphone’s camera, GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi internet and its position, acceleration and direction, the technology combines image recognition and a conceptual understanding of the 3D world to recognize objects and images and seamlessly merge augmented reality actions into the scene. Without the need for barcodes or tags, the app is able to see its surrounding environment and make it fully interactive.
I like phones with big buttons. Preferably marked ‘A’ and ‘B’.
sounds like a shooting stars/vic and bob catchphrase FFS
My first thought when I saw the new logo, was that the capital A looked liked a cock drawn on the inside of a public convenience door (not that I’m a regular, of course). :blush:
Much of it is poetry in it’s own way.
As much love and attention goes into Tony likes it up the wrong’un as was ever penned in the entirety of Romeo & Juliet.
Not just that… But that is such a crap 1990’s font. They need some serious design help at Orgasmus towers… It’s like one of those skanky A4 paper signs in an internet cafe window in Tottenham High Rd.
Our forwards could do with this excellent device while on the pitch so that they would be able to steer the ball into the space that the goalie cant reach and there for scoring a goal which would help us all tremendously.Well done Mr Levy with your cutting edge foresight and business ACUMEN/AURASMA. We now dont need to spend on any new forwards and we get this company to pay us to advertise their goods, win/win.
sounds like a galaxy or the name of a space ship in a sci-fi film that hasn’t been made yet
Just to support our wonderful sponsor, I downloaded the Aurasma app for free on my phone and had a little play.
It’s looks pretty but actually is f*cking useless. Perhaps our strikers should wear the new logo & the rest of the team stick with Autonomy.
Aurasma iPhone app now deleted.