
EXCLUSIVE Daniel Levy Releases Pop Record

Image for EXCLUSIVE Daniel Levy Releases Pop Record

This was simply too good not to share.

Dan G is a very talented chap. Many of you might recall his astonishingly good artwork of squirrels in various football shirts a while back.  So from the same stable comes this. Enjoy, Facebook, Tweet and well done Dan yet again old bean.

Joe Dolce & my dad were big drinking pals back in the day…

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  • Finn says:

    Harry uses the media to circulate his casual enquiries, by getting them to ask about players who he can talk up, but at the same time keep his hands clean by dismissing speculation as they are other clubs players and of course he wouldn’t speculate about that! But to do this he needs to maintain some credibility for telling it like it is or the media won’t play his game.

    Trouble is he’s then locked into saying things to keep them sweet taht might be better left unsaid.

    Whatever out positive feelings about the glass being half full, the likely outcomes are that the first three spots should be taken by ManU, Cheatski and Citeh….they’ve prepaid after all. There’s nothing negative in that its pretty obvious given the relative strengths of their squads. Of course things could screw up, but they did last term for all there of those clubs at one point or another, but the league is the prize it is, because its a test of stamina and endurance as well as skill and class.

    He would be better not commenting, especially when what you say these days is unlikely to bear any resemblance to what gets reported as being said.

    As for transfers I suspect out transfer activity is likely to happen later rather than sooner, especially since we’ll get better prices later as the mid table and newly promoted, start to get desperate to re-inforce. I’d like to get players in early and let them acclimatise, but I think the sort of money flying around makes that difficult when a few million quid can be made or saved by waiting a few weeks.

    As for forwards, I’d guess we’re waiting till the big deals are done, which we cannot (or will not) afford and then try to get at the best of the rest. We’re stuffed on the Brazilian till later this year, so by the time he acclimatises, like Sandro it’ll be late winter before he’s ready. Adeybayor might be a possibility but I don’t think Citeh will sell to us (nor should they; we should not sell to any top 6 rivals either). Who else? Liked the sound of the Catalan guy but all these guys are long on sellung up by selling clubs, press and agents and short of real facts.

    I think its time tho’ to start to blood our youth a bit, Harry Kane sounds good and some of these guys need occasions to rise to; the hooter it gets the better they are. Obika too should be given a go at least…. if they are going to make it it should be obvious, if they are not….?

  • Dan G says:

    Cheers for sharing this Harry, and for the kind words.

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