
Levy & Co To Open A Jewish/Japanese Restaurant

Image for Levy & Co To Open A Jewish/Japanese Restaurant

It’s going to be called  The Sosueme.

Good morning fight fans and welcome to another installment of Two Dirty Old Men & A Brady.

So West Ham are to take time out from a busy schedule of selling season tickets to street urchins at £90 a pop and embark upon a course of legal action against The Sunday Times and Tottenham Hotspur Football Club.

Lord Sugar must be laughing so hard right now that the task for Wednesday night will be to design & market him a ventilator. ‘And remember teams, none of that Amstrad rubbish. This must be robust.’

Robust is the buzz word. West Ham’s official statement is adamant that their bid was robust. I’m always fascinated by the the use and frequent corruption of language. And I’m not just talking about my typos.

Robust. Webster’s tells us this means vigorous. Sturdy. Exhibiting strength.

Not words I would have immediately associated with a relegated outfit of chancers soon to be stripped of their best players whilst staring down the barrel of a stadium they are never going to fill unless they replace their entire back four with Take That. And this from within the quicksand like depths of the Championship.

Lord Sugar called it right. They are indeed blowing more than bleedin’ bubbles now. And even sooner than even the most sceptical of us might have imagined.

In a ‘Club Statement’ West Ham say,

“We are so confident in the probity of our actions that we will take the strongest action possible against any suggestion of wrongdoing on the part of West Ham United or its officers, as well as involve the police and the data protection registrar in regard to the accessing of private information by illegal means.”

That sounds quite bullish; like they may just be onto something. But then if you let a few facts get in the way, let a few pivotal pieces of information through all the bluster you get a very different picture.

A soon to be relegated football club, that cannot sell out in it’s existing ground, up to it’s crotchless frillies in debt, manages to convince their local council in a time of austerity to rustle up £40million in used notes and back their application to become tenants of an Olympic Stadium.

Then it transpires that the West Ham Bidding Director is shacked up with the Corporate Director of the Olympic Park Legacy Company.

This only turns out to be half the tale. The missing piece of this puzzle which incidentally a chimpanzee with a saucepan stuck on it’s head could solve is that this Corporate Director at the Olympic Park Legacy Company, who’s shacked up with the West Ham Bidding Director turns out to have been on the payroll of West Ham as a consultant, wait for it… in relation to West Ham’s bid for the Olympic Stadium.

If that’s robust, then everyone one Facebook actually knows every single one of their friends. It’s not been in the public interest to disclose this information I’ll eat my hat.

The funniest element (aside from the West Ham statement in full, which is available in HERE) is that West Ham suing The Sunday Times has to  raise the question in Rupert Murdoch’s mind, ‘How happy am I signing cheques in favour of a person who works for an organization that’s taking a legal action against me?’ Karren #facelikeakickedinfridge will probably decry getting binned by Rupe as a sexist outrage.


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  • spurious supporter says:

    Something that also doesn’t stack-up is the £40 million loan from Newham. A decision driven by the mayor,who happens to be a season-ticket holder at the bouncy castle. This ‘loan’ is supposedly collateralised by the players, allegedly the only ‘asset’ that isn’t hocked up to the nose hairs. Unfortunately, their values appear to have plummeted along with their league position. Begs the questions about Newham’s liabilities, how they managed to get the loan in the first place ( Newham is a poverty stricken ghetto) and how democratic the loan award process was.

    • Devonshirespur says:

      So the loan is secured on the players as whu have no other assets as they will sell the Boleyn to fund the os move.

      So if whu default on the lease then it will because they are in financial shit. Which means they will need to raise funds just to stay above water, but if the only possible source of funds is the players and they are effectively owned by the council to pay off stadium debts then whu would be on the brink if they found themselves in financial trouble. They would have no players, nowhere to play, it would be the end. In such a situation would their players be worth that much. When a team goes down like Leeds did players are sold for next to nothing.

      I fail to see how any one would lend whu money in these circumstances. It would be good to see if they could secure funds in this current Market form a commercial lender as opposed to the council handing out subsidy. I guess the risk would be deemed too great given their football league status and the inability to demonstrate that they would fill the ground….current ground is Never full and no ST waiting list.

      • spurious supporter says:

        I’m a bit surprised that Levy hasn’t challenged the whole loan status with the EU’s competition commissioners, as it appears to be a government(local) subsidy.
        If it was available to the club based in Newham, surely it should also be available to a club potentially moving to Newham?
        The whole thing is a Primark jumper with a loose thread, unfortunately for the pikeys wearing it, a Mr Levy is pulling on it.

        • Astromesmo says:

          ‘The whole thing is a Primark jumper with a loose thread, unfortunately for the pikeys wearing it, a Mr Levy is pulling on it.’

          F***ing priceless :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

  • edspur says:

    HH – You’re dead right about the current overuse of the “robust” word. I haven’t seen it in the media so much since Erica streaked at Twickers!

    • Astromesmo says:

      Ahhhhhhhhh. Erica. More swing than Jimmy Anderson on a humid overcast morning at Headingley.

      What that girl did to the minds of impressionable young Rugby fans… The Male 40yrs+ section of the polulation owes her it’s gratitude. ***SALUTE***

  • pornpricks says:

    Does anybody seriously think that levy didnt guess that the Pikeys would try to sue over this. Me thinks that this is exactly what The Mighty Glorious Spurs want. It can all be revealed legally this way!

    • Burstin says:

      That’s exactly what I thought last night. The only word I can think of in this instance is Oxymoron… I want Levy to screw them in court, but I really don’t want us to win and move to the OS.

  • melcyid says:

    H I have noticed a pattern in your most rapier like thrusting comments and that they seem to be brought to the fore whenever the Spammers are involved,some of your best moments FLAKIF and the Take that comments,also liked your comments on your incognito visit to the bowleg ground.The pen is mightier than the sword in this instance.You are like a rotwieler with a rat in in mouth.
    A great read and very funny. :lol: :devil:

  • Devonshirespur says:

    This is some of the most intelligent and reasoned debate I have ever seen on a blog……I am in shock!

    Whatever Levys tactics are (I am open minded about the OS because the merits are massive) I am loving the fact that we have not left any stone or dustbin lid unturned in seeking to gain an advantage. Levy is showing up The porno twins and their ugly poisoned dwarf gimp for being amateurs when it comes to playing hardball.

    How they think they can sue us is beyond me. We are not the ones who had a mole in the OPLC camp. They cannot plead ignorance on the fact she did not declare her position to her main employers as they have a duty to ensure there is no conflict.

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