
Levy Steps In & Signs A Winner

Image for Levy Steps In & Signs A Winner

Afternoon boys.

A busier schedule ahead of me in one day I cannot recall. A haircut has to be bought. A rack of ribs needs to be procured and the Meat Museum closes early on a Saturday. I’m out of garlic salt for the marinade. And I need to work out the Sky box to order The Fight.

See what I did there?  The point I’m making is everyday we all have to multitask. For some it’s reading a newspaper without missing their stop on the underground. For others, it’s the control dashboard on a space rocket. Most of us fall somewhere between being punctual and being a decent astronaut – on the sliding scale of multitasking.

So I’m confused as to why people think that the Chairman of a football club somehow can’t multitask. If  he’s spending a few grand on barristers does it really damage our chances of being able to afford to buy The Striker Of Our Dreams™? Of course it doesn’t, it’s nonsense.

I see Levy & Co have drawn criticism for ‘wasting time’ on the OS. And the Judicial Review. It would be great if those sneering actually understood what it was they were passing comment upon.

The NDP is a minefield. And most minefields can be negotiated, but not by lurking at their edge sneering.

The news has come out that THFC have applied for public funding via the Regional Growth Fund. This could be a masterstroke. The application as far as I can see at this stage would very obviously tick a lot of boxes with the RGF and almost more importantly …swerve interfering chancers like Boris, Lord Coe and people employed at the OPLC who are also employed by West Ham Football Club.

This would be a great time for We Are N17 to announce they are disbanding. I have struggled to work out what they ever contributed to all this that was remotely positive in the first place.

Their whole mantra of it’s a sh*thole, but it’s our sh*thole alienated anyone with half a brain. We never needed a group to instigate a bed sheet being held up outside the ground by half a dozen scruffs. What we need is intelligence and guile.

If we aren’t arming ourselves in this manner then we are no better than the tubby Porn Baron who threatened civil disorder on the streets. The only black shirt I wear has a Comme de Garçons label in the back of its neck.

The NDP was only ever put on hold as it reached a point where to finance it ourselves we would, ‘overnight’ become shackled with colossal debts and defeat the whole purpose of the exercise. We would be unable to advance at all. But some real wise guys are already calling this wrong.

The insanity of pursuing the NDP as it stands would grant your average imbecilic No To Stratford/We Are N17 member their utopia. A swanky new stadium at WHL with a team largely comprised of youth players as we’d lose all our stars and be unable to afford to replace them. But it would be our white elephant!

There is case for the improvement of the area. A genuine one. But this has to be a byproduct of a sound business strategy. There are ways of helping ordinary folk advancing in life. Hand outs aren’t the way forward. The government and indeed the locals in Haringey need to embrace the long term benefits of having a stable multimillion pound business as a neighbour. Picking that neighbour’s pocket will ultimately result in the phrase, ‘There used to be a football club over there’ become a harrowing reality.

It’s time for the overwhelming majority of supporters to take in just what the Board are seeking to achieve here and for the noisy minority? Time for the  sneering at Levy & Co to cease.

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  • Dublin YID says:

    make sure you get the haircut before consuming the garlic….very disrespectful to the barber. COYS !!!

  • N17 Or Bust! says:

    At last an honest blog about this debacle!

    We Arse N17 (not a typo) set this whole thing back with their ridiculous protesting. Funny though when they met the club and were told just how much damage the protests done they denied any responsibility for them. Essentially they sold fans out!

    Coincidence that NDP begins to move when We Arse N17 fuck off? I don’t think so! Though I did see them claim credit for yesterday which anyone with half a brain knows is bullshit.

    Did we ever find out what the outcome was of their petitions, apparent meetings, or have anything official from then to show where they done good?

    Hope to God we don’t see their return now things begin to trundle in the right direction. The fans deserve better than grandstanding ego maniacal no-gooders that are more about promoting their personal likeability than the good of the club!

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Blimey. DO call again. Good man :daumen:

      • N17 Or Bust! says:

        I might :) incredible that motives of a group of individuals like this are not crystal clear.

        I have seen another group emerge and a lot of what they have done and what happened yesterday seem to coincide. Still skeptical but I haven’t seen any chest beating from them … yet!

  • essexian76 says:

    Perhaps the main objection was the re-generation of a borough that’s totally reliant on ratepayers getting a new infrastructure at our (THFC’s) expense,while the borough sat back and hit them objection after obstruction, yet offered nothing by way of financial incentive.Levy’s had to play Russian roulette and looks as though he’s won, but we’ll see?

  • Lodvic says:

    If we get the grant or not (regardless of how long its been about) i think the real point of this is to show the supporters why Levy went for the OS and why N17 had become unviable.

    The only thing Levy mentions spending the grant money on is a new underground station.

    This suggests that everything else we have planning permision for is viable but the straw that broke the camels back is Haringley demanding we rebuild their local transport network.

    well thats what i think anyways!

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