
Modders Opens His Heart To Croatian Press

Image for Modders Opens His Heart To Croatian Press

Good morning again, then.

More from our boy. I have translated via Google as my Croatian is actually weaker than my English if you can imagine quite how feeble that must be.I have in brackets made tweaks that hopefully add to the report being more readable without in anyway attempting to put a spin on things.

So what happened to the 40-minute get-together with the President of the Spurs?

‘I must first say that I am sincerely disappointed with the way President Levy did communicate with me. He was waiting for me [it was a ]cold [and] pretty arrogant performance has given me the knowledge that [he] really do not care what I [said] to him.  It was [the] kind of approach only further convinced that [I wasn’t] wrong in the decision to change the environment.

[I reminded the] President of our gentlemen’s agreement of last summer when we were in Dubrovnik [and] agreed a contract extension with Tottenham. Then I talked openly with Levy that in perspective, if a concrete offer of a large team, then we will consider the offer and negotiate the best solution for all of us. The President then said “OK, we’ll sit and talk.” Now Levy to co-opt, do not want to talk to and he told me in a raunchy way that there is no chance for me to leave Tottenham …
What does this mean a raunchy way?

‘He threatened me, if you do not accept that his club’s stance, then they will send me on a bench or stand, and we talked about the option of other team Tottenham.
‘There is no doubt that Chelsea is interested in my transfer, after they sent a concrete offer from Tottenham which means that I want [to accept]. I know that the new Chelsea coach said he would like to see me in his team. Of course I am flattered [with]  interest in [me] this club that offers what all players dream, [which] is a fight for trophies on all fronts.

‘When [I]first [knew of ] Chelsea’s official offer, I felt that he came [the right] moment.  I talked a long time with his family and to the people whose opinions I hold, I thought, weighed, and finally realized that this [outcome] was best for me and the club.

What if Levy does not let go?

I have not thought about it at all because such a solution [is] definitely not good for anyone. Again, I have already told the President last summer that [should an ]offer as in the case of Chelsea [be made then both parties] should find an agreement on mutual satisfaction. So I hope that you will eventually understand the situation and that we will achieve harmony and disperse in an appropriate manner.

Smacks of naivety on the part of Modders and brinkmanship on the part of Levy & Co.

When people sign contracts they need to read what it is that both parties are agreeing to. I bet you Ledley King’s contract doesn’t say he can use the chairman’s pool.


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  • bullseye says:

    If Modric wanted to play in the Champions league every year why didn’t he join Glasgow Rangers?

    In fact sell him to the jocks with a clause in the contract that he has to stay there for 6 years, and wear a kilt 24/7.

  • frontwheel 2 says:

    I wish i had a button i could press that took away all my interest in footy.I hate the fact that pampered greedy fucks can can have such a bearing on my mental health.Alas i’m stuck with the whole shit stained greedy game

  • MickeySpurs says:

    Fed up of Modric, Fed up of Spurs and transfers. All this commotion is ruining our pre season, as no one will sign until things are sorted out. If Modders, any fecker wants to go then ta da, sell them for stupid money abroad or to Man City. Whilst man City would not be a popular choice, they are a mercernary team and will sell them for the next big thing in a few years. With a sell on clause, we could make a further profit. We all know from berbatov, that keeping an unhappy player is pointless. Let modric go, take the big cash, buy someone else, and hopefully he will break his ankle when he returns to the lane. The Cnut.

    • essexian76 says:

      Problem is no big cash has been offered..yet. I think if Modder’s wants out, put in a transfer request or strike, preferably both. That way Levy can do no more than take legal action against Chelsea and hammer the bastards through the courts and in their pockets. It’s time UEFA-FIFA and the FA did something about ruining any chance of progression by the smaller less cash-riche clubs, by making any tapping up a points deducting offence if proven 4-10 points and a European ban for the offence and hefty reparation to the club involved, perhaps even a playing ban for the player and revocation of the players agents licence, enoughs, enough!

  • Peter says:

    Fuck modders. I am all for letting him rot in the reserves until he understands his true value. Get in Diarra asap along with two top strikers. Sell the deadwood and modders when a fit offer comes along from anyone beside chelska, uni***, shitty or anyone in the PL! And please HR, could you stfu, do your job or get out.

  • Dougie says:

    “Here, sign this contract, and at the same time let’s have a spoken agreement that makes this very contract entirely pointless(!?) Forget ‘2016’ as it’s typed there, you can just leave whenever you or anyone else fancies it, don’t mind us… in fact, you should just bitch about us to anyone except us, even when given the chance to.”

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