Reports flying in of activity at The Stadium of Light and we’re not talking about Niall Quinn declaring today, ‘Naked Friday.’ Again.
The Neopolitan Swordsman, aka Jermain Defoe has been spotted on the premises. Is he on the verge of becoming Barren Dent 3.0? Is he having a go on one of the girls from their Club Shop? Or perhaps he was simply taking the stadium tour?
Time will tell.
The news comes via @windyCOYS who passes on the sighting via a friend at SAFC in very good faith. If you’re interested in our U18 players and such then Windy’s blog is a comprehensive place to click HERE for any Spurs fan.
Rumours that Rossi & Leandro all but tied up too.
I’d be delighted with Rossi. Less delighted with Leandro.
Rossi is ready made, Leandro’s a project. If the project comes off, would be superb.
Seen loads of stuff on youtube, a lot of it when he’s playing for the ressies. He can’t be that bad ih he’s played full internationals for Brazil.
Ermm….Gomes too!!
You dont want them all tied up,No, You want unleashed and free, Able to run as fas as they can, without hindrance and bother
you dont want them tied up, no no no
Maybe thats why Modric is confused. Levy had him tied up in his office, angle poise lamp two inches from his hairband, Daniel pacing menacingly in long leather gestapo coat with Donna Cullen just plugging in the cattle prod.
I paid a lot of money to have that done to me.
Now I would be happy if he was at Sunderland – he’ll still be offside – any idea on the fee – linesman may want to charge him double seeing as they have to raise their flags so often
Lets hope he takes that lacky tosser cuntch with him
I’m bored of rumours. I want facts Big juicy facts. Facts so big and huge you can sink your teeth into them like a collosal rump steak from the fattest cow the universe ever let fart in our universe. Mmmm, juicy, juciy, juicy. Burp. Pardon.
You think my little bit of dribble out the side of my mouth at the thought we could have a Rossi in the bag was a little premature? Say its not so… :(
Here’s a big juicy fact for you. 100% genuine.
Kulveer Ranger has been at Spurs Lodge today.
He can play instead of Crouch then
Ranger? At the Lodge? Was he A Lone?
Was he in the New Sikhers?
No, Turban Hype.
Who is Kulveer Ranger?
Not a top player, not particularly flashy, in fact a bit too Conservative.
Wide right.
If this is true then surely someones on the way in? Rossi would be the upgraded younger version? Crouch next with the upgrade of Llorente too?