
SSN News Understands… £27M Bid In.

Image for SSN News Understands… £27M Bid In.

Good evening.

I’m just looking for perspective. This is because aside from being able to spot  the obvious contempt women can have for me occasionally, I know I’m not psychic.

Nasri & Fabregas for shall we say – ‘illustrative purposes’ – are fat pickings. Little or nothing left on their contracts. Berbatov’s contract had run down.

So how in the name of Allah is a Tottinghams player with the wrong end of 5 years on his contract only worth £27M? Pee off, Roman.

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  • chiversmetimbers says:

    It’s Paxton Rd Cecil, not Paxman…run along now dear

  • Billy Fiore says:

    They drop 50m on a has-been flat track bully like Torres and expect to half inch a player in his prime form at half the price?

    Like someone said, WE took the gamble on Modric. Not Chelsea, not the player. WE did. Chelsea need to be made to feel like they’re making a gamble.

    70million? It’s in the ballpark.

  • notsohotspurs says:

    Get rid ASAP

    —– that is Modric can stay if he must.

  • ufluckingplick says:

    35 million plus Drogba…then see what the muppets say.

    I’m sure next Modders will be complaining that we are in Breach of his Human rights!!!

  • chiversmetimbers says:

    anyone else notice the ad on the official site for next seasons “Special Edition Cup Competition Kit”…to be released Sept 14th 2011?…..guess who the model is? some weasel lookin face with number 14 on his back..I think the price just went up ;P

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