
SSN News Understands… £27M Bid In.

Image for SSN News Understands… £27M Bid In.

Good evening.

I’m just looking for perspective. This is because aside from being able to spot  the obvious contempt women can have for me occasionally, I know I’m not psychic.

Nasri & Fabregas for shall we say – ‘illustrative purposes’ – are fat pickings. Little or nothing left on their contracts. Berbatov’s contract had run down.

So how in the name of Allah is a Tottinghams player with the wrong end of 5 years on his contract only worth £27M? Pee off, Roman.

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  • Devonshirespur says:

    I have a sneaky feeling that United are on a watching brief on this whole Modric saga, but are ready to pounce.

    They know that Sneijder maybe available for £35m and that his wages will be massive.

    I bet that they are watching Chelsea do all the running, and will swoop in late.

    Sneijder is reportedly on £165k a week at Inter and Utd would have to match or better that. Modric would probably accept £50k a week less (£2.5m a year or £10m over a 4 year deal) so maybe Utd would shell out more for Premiership hardened Modric than they would on Wesley “massive ego” Sneijder. They have remained totally tight lipped on the whole Modric saga. Its quiet….too quiet.

    Remember, you heard it here first!

    • LLL says:

      It would be a good ploy really, they know that Chelsea are running a very real risk of completely scuppering any potential transfer for them, if that hasn’t happened already. So let them tap up the player, destabilise the club, make Modric’s position untenable but also Levy unable to sell to Chelsea for the sake of face, and then come in and grab the little c*** in late, late August.

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    My god, I’m in a time warp. Is it last week, this week or next week?

  • eddieken says:

    Just a word of warning to Ratboy, Chelski buy midfielders all the time and they do nothing but warm the bench. Zhirkov, Benayoun, SWP, Joe Cole, Parker….. the list goes on.
    Do you think you’re better than Fat Frank, Mikel, Malouda, Ramires, Essien (injured for now)and this is without any of the young lads coming thro’?
    Don’t insult our intelligence Ratboy, this is about money. Granted boat-fulls of money. But don’t come out and say your want to go for football reasons, it’s greed and nothing else.

  • 39 39 39 says:

    Looking out through the ventilation holes in my box.
    Possible reason why Modric is a bit shaky at the moment

    Presumably he has a family back home?

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