
SSN News Understands… £27M Bid In.

Image for SSN News Understands… £27M Bid In.

Good evening.

I’m just looking for perspective. This is because aside from being able to spot  the obvious contempt women can have for me occasionally, I know I’m not psychic.

Nasri & Fabregas for shall we say – ‘illustrative purposes’ – are fat pickings. Little or nothing left on their contracts. Berbatov’s contract had run down.

So how in the name of Allah is a Tottinghams player with the wrong end of 5 years on his contract only worth £27M? Pee off, Roman.

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  • frontwheel 2 says:

    Levy needs to do what Villa and Everton have done in the recent past and put a price on, which would suit us, say 50 million squid on a pay it or fuck off basis

    • lecutus says:

      £50m no just go for the throat must be a world record that wont be smashed. ibo’s pocket money £500m

  • Toddspur says:

    Ah shit. I’ve changed my mind again

    Keep him. Take his trannie request, make it into a tube and shove it up his arse

    Modders oh how i used to adore you

  • mille147 says:

    Fabregas has been tested over the last few years by interest from Barca…but never folded like the little rat bastard did in a matter of weeks.

    • kenny powers says: on says it all

    • Astromesmo says:

      Great comment. Fibreglass may have shuffled around Emptycrates without being able to look anyone in the eye but at least he was true to his word.

      Modric, talk about a cheap date. 1 glass of bubbly on Roman’s yacht & the pants are down.

  • Toddspur says:

    I’m hating chescunts now more than that shower of shit in the championship. And that’s something I’d never even considered before now

  • david says:

    The longer this goes on, the more Modric whines and bleats, the more the supporters come to despise him. Sad.

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