
CorBlimey! Spurs Striking Options Suddenly Look Lethal

Image for CorBlimey! Spurs Striking Options Suddenly Look Lethal

Good afternoon. 

Before my attention is drawn by the sort of  reader that types with one hand and massages peanut butter into their neither regions with the other that this is not breaking news  …I know.

I only got around to watching this today. I have an aversion to the youth players which is justified. I’ve watched two entire games featuring them and on both occasions I bailed before full time with a pressure in my skull that could only be relieved by trepanning.

Maybe this clip is good because it’s only a clip. But this Coulibaly chap looks useful. Perhaps when Defoe fancies giving exhausted linesmen a rest at some stage we could roll him out?

Full match report HERE

Highlights below…

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  • bob says:

    haha someone said I hope Harrys watching . what difference does that make!
    They were impressive and they had all seem to link up well.Maybe our future manager whoever that is willslect them.

  • Hamish says:

    I do so like the look of Coulibaly.He has the smell of one of those youngsters you could throw in at the deep end and they’d make headlines. I really hope we see him in a few games this season.

    • eastanglianspur says:

      I would play him now alongside adeboy. What have we got to lose after the last two capitulations? Are there any defenders we could use whilst at it?

      • jerkinmahjurgen says:

        Me too. He’s still a nipper but has been rated for quite a while already. I’m shocked we got him and hope he gets games sooner rather than later.

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        Calm down you two, he’s a kid. Give him a little time for his bones to develop a bit more before throwing him in against the men.

        • PerfectSpur says:

          Of course that is what they said to do with Rooney………..
          This lad looks like he could play with the big boys.

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          And as I said on a previous thread, Everton still looked after Rooney when compared to Liverpool with Owen, or Torres at Atletico Madrid, despite giving him early game time.

    • bukkake-breath says:

      you smell youngsters??

  • Yourmumlookslikehitlersballsack says:

    Finishing is without doubt very promising indeed. A bit route one though, eh?

  • SPURSINCE82 says:

    Defoe looks like a kid and understands the off side rule less than Sandra does..saying that, she probably knows more about footvball then her geriatric other half.. I mean he’s more of a tele presenter style manager any way aint he? whilst true managers are busy doing( what ever they do off screen) must amount to more than the sound bites from Horrid Harry. Also Defoe fuc** around like a drunk married tart in a club with her mates, all possibility and promise, with know happy ending or follow through, once she realises what her actual worth is ..

  • SPURSINCE82 says:

    sorry… the kids look good enough to get some sort of look in to the forst team set up, brittle bones or not. Fergie throws his kids in and they nearly always deliver, Rednapp sould be ashamed of the way he mis handles these potentially golden opportunities, can’t wait to get a genuine responsible admirable general in charge again..

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Fergie’s team that played Scunthorpe in the 3rd Round of the Carling Cup in 2010.


      Youngest player there? Macheda, aged 19.

      Everyone else was 20 or older. His “kids” are not generally thrown in, some of them get the odd game, but not before time. The Da Silva twins did not make his debut until they were 18.

      These players will be (are?) getting a chance or two I expect. The Europa League dead game saw that. But chucking a 16 year old into the mix (I’m assuming your “brittle bones” comment was in some way a response to my comment about allowing Coulibaly to develop his bones physically first) is plain silly, and takes unneccessary risks with a player who potentially has a big future. The key word being future.

      I am not Redknapp’s biggest fan by any stretch, but I don’t think he’s done too much wrong in this regard.

      Pritchard has turned 18, and perhaps could get a run out, but Coulibaly and Tomislav Gomelt (he of the hat-trick above and sending off which resulted in the first half pen for Inter) are both 16, I think they’d benefit from a little time. As Tim Sherwood said “It’s not just about winning football matches at this age, it’s about developing footballers”. I never thought I’d quote Tim Sherwood.

      I’m all for promoting the youth, in competitions such as the Carling/Europa, I’ve said it often enough, but I’m advocating the promotion of 18, 19 year olds rather than 16 year olds.

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