
CorBlimey! Spurs Striking Options Suddenly Look Lethal

Image for CorBlimey! Spurs Striking Options Suddenly Look Lethal

Good afternoon. 

Before my attention is drawn by the sort of  reader that types with one hand and massages peanut butter into their neither regions with the other that this is not breaking news  …I know.

I only got around to watching this today. I have an aversion to the youth players which is justified. I’ve watched two entire games featuring them and on both occasions I bailed before full time with a pressure in my skull that could only be relieved by trepanning.

Maybe this clip is good because it’s only a clip. But this Coulibaly chap looks useful. Perhaps when Defoe fancies giving exhausted linesmen a rest at some stage we could roll him out?

Full match report HERE

Highlights below…

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  • Chrispurs says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed that;I’ve noticed with Defoe, that he seems to go looking for the CB, to stand a yard behind him. The CB doesn’t have to go looking for him, he knows where he is, a yard behind him.

  • McG says:

    Nice to see Ledders back in training, lets prey he can stay fit for a while…

    Anyone an idea of how long Gallas is out for?

  • melcyid says:

    coulibay already throws his weight around and looks difficult to pin down or control once he gets that ball at his feet.Would like to see him thrown in on a cup game somewhere in the near future. Could be the real deal all the attributes are there any way.
    On another note what would the moaning minnies on here would have said if Gomes had shipped those last 8 goals in 2 games.I reckon he easily would have had the measure of at least3 of those city goals.In fact when we have done any of the sky 4 he has been the difference.

  • melcyid says:

    I dont think he expected crouch to score against us last season last season either. :angry:

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    Weird. I’m now getting moderated when I’m not posting links, and posting links later that aren’t being moderated. What did I do? Apart from post a long reply with errors (meant to say the Da Silva twins made *their debuts at 18).

    Of course, if this posts successfully, then that’ll just be confusing and mean nothing to the rest of the, ahem, community. :-D

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      WordPress gets emotional when links are posted in comments. As soon as I see ’em I ok ’em sadly there’s no override :blush:

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        Hmmm. Must be emotional, as you say (as in monthly cycle, irrational behaviour) cos as I said, it was the post without links that was awaiting moderation! :dizzy2:

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