
Tottingham Have Signed An Absolute World Beater

Image for Tottingham Have Signed An Absolute World Beater

Guten Ahbend.

I tell you this much, the natives are friendly. I walked passed a couple in the street both tucking into something I wanted. As this was in one of Harrogate’s many nice side streets and not a nudist beach, I fearlessly approached. ‘Hello, I’m Lee Marvin. Now, where did you get those beauties?”

Straight in there, my friend!” replied a righteous man in a fleece mopping his meated sweat brow whilst pointing at a nearby doorway.  Barely a few minutes after noon this was and within less than a minute I was the proud owner of a roasted pork bap with stuffing, a smudge of apple sauce and smattering of crackling.  A trip to York a while back had yielded something similar. This was actually more better.

And so to young Giovanni and as per the point made in the headline, this ought to be regarded as a new signing by rights. Hint, hint, Arry. C’mon Mr Redschnapps, the boy’s got two feet. You know it makes sense.

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  • melcyid says:

    If only arry could find it in himself to tell him to run around a bit it would all pan out right

  • melcyid says:

    I reckon this was LEVY keeping him and forcing Arrys hand.

    • Plod says:

      It was the fact Seville offered a third of the amount Udinese did and Gio refusing to go there, nothing more.

      • melcyid says:

        Gio is whining on about Tottenham pulled the plug on the deal 30 mins before the deadline.If gio refused to go there why whinge on about Tottenham ?

  • rich says:

    He is a Top forward but because he didn’t come as an established Name Harry decided he couldn’t find a place for him. Whereas with Rafa Harry still doesn’t know what to do with him but let’s him do what he wants. The sooner Harry fucks off the better.

  • Nicktheyid says:

    As with monkey boy only injuries will give the boy a chance but feckin hell when will this kid get it into his over inebriated skull to grow up and prove he’s worth a pint oops Fruedian slip i mean punt

  • DAVSPURS says:

    Well there was too shocks during the Transfer window or should i call it the selling window because we just sell and buy fuck all. Our Team is starving to death selling our Champions league players for championship players making Delaps job easier by selling a 6ft7 target to launch his missile throwers at that’s six points lost and six at Villa three at Stoke. We should be glad Keane is in America and Dosantos is in our reserves. We are in for a long relegation battle and Wolves will be another shock along with Liverpool unless Harry sacks our medical staff and and joins the North West quick quick tempo i warned you all what is rife in my area well you have seen it in the quicker boots of four goals Dzecko and is mates and Hamstrung Wellbeck who new would crumble and Rooney and Young will follow shortly along with Liverpool’s High Tempo players. We sold players on the back of false Tempo and that made me very sad and mad on Holiday watching us buying an English Palacios who will get back up to speed at Stoke just like Woodgate we need too Sack Harry Hotspurs for not heading my warning Harry R for allowing Levey to take the piss by selling players he said where staying Crouch and the medicals staff for making us play in 5th gear when the rest are in 6th. Sad mad Davspurs in the no and ignored 3-0 5-1 are just the start of TEMPO TAMPERING

    • Hartley says:

      If anything, surely 3MP will nullify Delaps threat…. :shifty:

      • Hartley says:

        Oh and I forgot to say…’re radged :blink:

      • DAVSPURS says:

        You are missing the point he is at a north west club energized. The same Club who complained about being drug tested twice in the cup against City who had no tests. Just Look who are in the top four Man Utd ex drug runner Ferdinand City Toure Chelsea Mutu Liverpool the whole team reported the year they came second the reason no one noes it was hidden by Barwick boss od the FA who was a supporter. So my reason for saying Crouch will score against us is Dzecko Welbeck both scored with there heads and i will bet any money he scores against Spurs.

    • Jimbo says:

      Crouch is crap. Keane was a class act for most of his spurs career. We won’t be in a relegation battle. Dos Santos has more talent in his left testicle than any striker we’ve had since Berbatov and Keane (apart from Adebayor, but his main attibutes are strength and pace). And Parker is a hell of lot better than Wilson was in the last two years.

      • burstin says:

        to be fair on Palacios.. he did go through a bit of a head fuck when his brother was murdered. He almost quit football and even though he wasn’t quite the same player he still always gave his all.

        • DAVSPURS says:

          Wong he came from Wigans medical staff worth 12 million and full of running and ours slowed him down and turned him into eight million.

      • Chinup says:

        Dos Santos has more talent in his left testicle than any striker we’ve had since Berbatov and Keane (apart from Adebayor, but his main attibutes are strength and pace).

    • burstin says:

      sorry but 3mp was crap… He hardly ever won an aerial challenge. Every challenge he made would result in the opposition being awarded a free kick. He really was Harry Redschnapps love child

    • Laity says:

      You need to lay off the drugs yourself, Dav..

      • DAVSPURS says:

        Keep Laughing we are on the same side in different corners you are in the ignorant one and iam in the reality one. This is your corner City are a fantastic fast flowing great defending team whose goalkeeper chews gum to help the ball stick in his hands, and Dzecko who scored one offside goal in 15 games has scored six and four against Spurs. You right on these blogs we are going to sign this player and that player this player is crap and Harry plays the wrong team. But when i tell you what i no you all come up with shit comment like your mental and so on well who the fuck do you think iam anti drug moralistic bookworm no just someone who stumbled on a team using energy drugs to help them defend and attack in 6th gear for longer a very potent tool to have and if we get it i will stop my rant because 5=1 wont happen and 3-0 because if we don’t match Liverpool Utd City you can bet your life Wolves will turn us over with players running allover us and we will be stuck in the bottom three till the Window opens . We sold players on the back of a season with record injuries record shocks and record relegation battle fueled by energized teams we finished 5th with Huddlestones goal against Arsenal Kranjars goals Crouch Blackburn goal or it cold have bean 8th behind Everton and Liverpool Levey and Harry are in the ignorant corner but we have not wasted our millions chasing fourth because Leeds payed the penalty for trying that method City and Liverpool have spent but are making sure they gel quickly by all running at the same speed for 90 mins trust me this is 100 percent right and deadly. One last note Fletcher played for Scotland and is now flying without any games under his belt and you could see he was a Utd 6th gear player.

    • bukkake-breath says:

      your strange.

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