
Nasty Songs? Just Banter, Get Over It…

Image for Nasty Songs? Just Banter, Get Over It…

Good morning.

The tiresome issue of Club Statements dominates and perhaps the Inter Lull is a useful opportunity for some of us to pull the car over switch the engine off, take a deep breath and have a bloody good long hard look at ourselves. Arsenal fans who for who knows how long suffered abuse actually matched and perhaps even outshone Tottenham cavemen with their own hate  songs on Sunday.

As I’ve mentioned previously, even for those with no moral center be they Arsenal or Spurs – no value system worth speaking of – the fact that both clubs have seen fit to issue a statement condemning those with a lust for bullying – and face facts, that’s essentially what this is -that the jig is well and truly up.

I actually think this blog is well past the point of ‘arguing the case’ against the minority of bigots hiding behind the ‘it’s banter/just a laugh’ defense. The notion that somehow buying a ticket to a football match gives one a passport to bully using race, or inferences of homophobia or suggest child abuse is a deluded one.

Yes, banter is good. The sharper, the nastier the better in my book. But sing about child molestation in a supposedly humourous way? Have any of you choirboys got children? Are you allowed near children?

I don’t ’embrace’ the whole politically correct gig. But this garbage needs knocking on the head now. I don’t even understand how it’s still in existence. 



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  • david says:

    Most of the best and funniest chants I have heard have not had to resort to filth or vile abuse.
    How about “taxi for Maicon”, ” Youre just a shite Michael Jackson” ( directed at Nani ) or “can we write a song for you” and “you’re just a shite Chas and Dave” directed at the Gallaghers during a game at WHL versus Man City.
    I usually go to matches alone and so the songs and swearing don’t really bother me, but last year I got 3 tickets to see West Ham v Fulham and took my wife to see her first football match and my father who was 77.
    Maybe I noticed it more because I was with them but the language throughout the 90 minutes was unbelievanble with every obscenity known to man hurled at the players and officials.
    The biggest joke of all was a West Ham supporter a few rows behind who shouted “you C***” at his own players every time they messed up.
    These people would not dream of acting like this away from the ground, so what goes on in their brains when they go to a match ?
    As for spitting at Sagna or anyone else, the person involved should be banned for life if it is true.

    • Astromesmo says:

      So right on the chants like the Maicon one… That genuinely was heard around the world, and for all the right reasons. I hated the fact that one of the only things we took away from the Bernebau (apart from knowing that Crouch can’t tackle), was international press coverage of us singing racist songs at Adebayor. Our fans are so much better than that and deserved huge recognition for the way they supported the team in the CL.

  • frontwheel 2 says:

    I don’t regard myself as violent but I remember when we lost 5 0 at home to Arse it cheered me up that my Arsenal mate Arthur got a brick on his head after the game,still good friends after all these years.the truth is we’ve all got a bit of cunt in us.If I remember rightly a song about Harry Roberts was a common one at WHL,i didn’t know who he was then.

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    Hang on. Some of you are suggesting spitting and throwing stuff isn’t on.

    What the hell am I supposed to include in my short films?

  • onedavemackay says:

    As any decent upstanding member of the Tottenham fraternity I hate those Gooners but I actually despise supporters of any club who denigrate themselves and their own club with vile and unnecessary abuse of the opposition.

    It’s not funny and in fact demonstrates a lack of wit.

    Let’s face it a lot of ignorant people also support Spurs

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Yes, I remember vile abuse being hurled at one Dave Mackay at a match in 1970 at Derby. It was the first time I was ever ashamed to be a Spurs fan.

  • McG says:

    This won’t stop, uncontrollable IMO.

    If Leadknee jumped ship for the goons, the abuse would be just the same as C*ntball’s. Same as the scum dish to Adebuyor, same as Tevez will receive, same as Incy wincy got from the spams.

    We all seem to be highlighting the matter, drawing attention to words that people dont actually mean. Doesn’t make it right, but we all know we wouldnt want to see a goon burned alive, or shot dead on the no 73 right before our eyes. Put it down to over passioned morons, cos that’s really all we’re talking here.

    Think I’ll worry once fans start sneaking guns ‘n flame-throwers into the ground..

    • melcyid says:

      The blue mooners have just burned an effigy of Tevez

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        Are you sure it wasn’t The Daily Mail who’s responsible? They have “before” and “during pics”. A bit odd, that. Clearly the whole thing was staged in some manner. And we know they have a low tolerance threshold for “Johnny Foreigner” :cop:

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          “during” pics, even. :-D

        • Astromesmo says:

          Strangely enough, I would think that the entire staff of the Mail are up in Manchester at the moment to applaud Cameron to the rafters tomorrow… Coincidence?

        • melcyid says:

          Might even have been Mankini himself.

        • Billy Legit says:

          The Daily Snail is the voice of reason, of truth, justice, English values, honesty, integrity and tolerance.

          They would never stoop to such levels, it’s just not cricket.

          I think you’re being incredibly harsh on that fine organ MS, incredibly harsh indeed. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

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