
Nasty Songs? Just Banter, Get Over It…

Image for Nasty Songs? Just Banter, Get Over It…

Good morning.

The tiresome issue of Club Statements dominates and perhaps the Inter Lull is a useful opportunity for some of us to pull the car over switch the engine off, take a deep breath and have a bloody good long hard look at ourselves. Arsenal fans who for who knows how long suffered abuse actually matched and perhaps even outshone Tottenham cavemen with their own hate  songs on Sunday.

As I’ve mentioned previously, even for those with no moral center be they Arsenal or Spurs – no value system worth speaking of – the fact that both clubs have seen fit to issue a statement condemning those with a lust for bullying – and face facts, that’s essentially what this is -that the jig is well and truly up.

I actually think this blog is well past the point of ‘arguing the case’ against the minority of bigots hiding behind the ‘it’s banter/just a laugh’ defense. The notion that somehow buying a ticket to a football match gives one a passport to bully using race, or inferences of homophobia or suggest child abuse is a deluded one.

Yes, banter is good. The sharper, the nastier the better in my book. But sing about child molestation in a supposedly humourous way? Have any of you choirboys got children? Are you allowed near children?

I don’t ’embrace’ the whole politically correct gig. But this garbage needs knocking on the head now. I don’t even understand how it’s still in existence. 



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  • ignorance is bliss :daumen:

    • hartley says:

      and full stops are useful…. :shifty:

      • Phil McAvity says:

        So are capital letters to start a sentence.

        • Hartley says:

          I’m confused Phil…are you telling that to me or to iallwaysbelieved who wrote the post I was commenting containing at least 200 words and no sentences beggining with a capital letter?
          For your information, if you were commenting on me, you really should have noticed that I shouldn’t start a sentence with ‘and’, which I did but only as a follow on to ‘ignorance is bliss’ to make ‘ignorance is bliss and full stops are useful’
          You may not like me, but you shouldn’t waste your time replying to my every post. I’m sure that ‘iallwaysbelieved’ can stand up for him/herself…

        • Phil McAvity says:

          I was replying to you Hartley, it was written tongue in cheek as it makes me laugh when people criticise other people’s spelling or grammar (especially on a football blog) and then make errors themselves. My reply to you was quite sad, which kind of proves my point really!

          I have replied to you twice previously on this article, hardly ‘every post’ is it?

          Finally what’s with this ‘you may not like me’ rubbish? I have never met you and have no clue who you are etc so therefore have no feelings towards you good or bad. A few things you write I agree with, the majority (so far) I disagree with but this is a blog and quite frankly it takes all sorts of people to make it work.

  • u just proved ur an idiot.

  • kojac says:

    football has and always will reflect the current society,however,this does not mean everyone now is a stupid moronic thug and everyone back in the day was just a stand up proper geezer,que sera sera as they say

    english football is what it is becauase of intense local rivalries and the country being the right size to travel up and down to matches to create some decent atmospheres

    how you stop peaople being arseholes or doing things you disprove of,i wouldn’t know

  • spurious supporter says:

    By a strange coincidence, this is being discussed on the 75th anniversary of the “battle of Cable Street” when Jews, Irish labourers and local dock workers fought Mosley’s ‘brown shirts’ to stop them spreading their racist, fascist, nazi bile in an area of London with a large Jewish population.

    Bigotry and hatred have no place in football, it’s supposed to be entertainment. Those with personal issues need to find other outlets for their spite, hatred and bigotry. They stain football and our club with it.

    I must admit, I’ve never found a goon I have liked, but then I’ve never found one I hated. I’m happy to ridicule them at every opportunity, but draw the line well before the paedo, racist, homophobic tripe.

    Spurs are reknowned for class on the pitch, I’m all for the club asking for a little class on the terraces.

  • rich g says:

    I love to see grown men bullying people on a two bob football blog about punctuation, so funny .

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