
Spurs Sign Their ‘Roy Keane’ At Long Last

Image for Spurs Sign Their ‘Roy Keane’ At Long Last

Good morning.

Those bookmakers still trading this morning must be spitting feathers. It seems every Spurs fan this side of the Great Wall of China had lumped on the 3-1 win. But the real reason to be cheerful for all was Scott Parker.

We hear all the time about ‘winning mentality’. It’s a depressing truth that this mindset at Tottenham is something that seems too often be something that happens almost by chance. One of the main reasons that we have been driven out of our minds watching Spurs is having to watch too many of our lot seemingly, ‘not quite be in the mood for it.’ How many times have Spurs finished second best to a gang of assorted part time pipe fitters because the hackers and grunters simply wanted it more?

Exit the lethargy; enter PNB.

He quite simply has what it takes. QPR won’t be the toughest opposition he ever faces, but that is largely beside the point. If you walk out to every game ‘tailoring’ your performance to who is in front of you, you’re courting disaster. Manchester United haven’t achieved all they have achieved by playing like this against so and so or playing like that against whoever. It doesn’t work like that. The object of the exercise is to go out there and do ’em. Not to implement a strategy. This is football not the tweaking of a corporation’s stationary ordering policy.

And that’s Parker’s strength. He’s a good old fashioned, ‘which way are we playing and wallop’ merchant. Something we’ve been missing since oh I don’t know, MacKay?

I won’t dwell on his age or what might have been had he not been a twit and joined us sooner. You can either fall in love in the autumn of your years and enjoy what you have, or take the good out of your happiness by moping your days away. 

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  • kojac says:

    parker left the field after having given everything,that is what it looks like anyway,he always looks like he needs to come off,can’t ask for more than that and parker has some real top quality players around him who want the ball,bale,modric and vdv which always helps

    can’t understand why most of you are demanding sandro in the starting 11,he is still a kid and i would play parker and modric in the middle,nothing wrong with our current form,sandro,defoe,gallas can plug holes as and when

    peopele criticising big ade have a point on him not scoring yesterday as that is ultimately his job and if he had scored the game would have been dead and buried long before it was,fortunately bale and lennon worked the goals needed,

    but adebayor works their defence like no other striker we have had since berbatov and when he does find his scoring boots it will be 3 points in the bag,i aslo noticed it was adebayor making the header and tackle in the last 2 minutes when we were under siege,if our fancy dans can consistently work around the pillars of parker and adebayor,i’m up for 3rd :daumen:

    with a bit of luck all we need to do is keep beating the so called lesser lights and the scums will crack under the pressure


    • essexian76 says:

      I’d put Adebayor in the same mould as I do King, it’s their sheer presence alone. His runs down the channels allow the forwards more space to operate in, and irrespective if he’s on or off form you cannot leave him unattended. Crouch was easily marked as most of the balls to him were ‘lumped up’, whereas Adebayor offers a duel threat and robust tenacity as seen with the second goal. Most Gooners berated him because he stopped working as hard, and that’s my only concern with offering him a permanent deal. As a forward he’s got everything, but it’s always been a case getting his head in the right place, never his ability.

      • Hartley says:

        I’m hearing that Scotty Parker is on a par with Dave Mackay and that Adebayor is a match for Ledley King in their respective positions….and that the first half against QPR was the best 45 minutes that one of us has seen since 1963….
        Whose giving out all the drugs and why haven’t I been given any? :shocked2:

        • Astromesmo says:

          Come on Hartley, at some point you’ve got to give up the Albert Tatlock impersonation and enjoy the ride.

        • hartley says:

          I aspire to be just like old Albert, not there yet though…. :shifty:

        • essexian76 says:

          I meant in terms of presence not abilty, you moanin’ ol’ git, bah humbug ;-)

        • hartley says:

          :-D :-D I knew what you meant and there is definitely a difference up front for the Spurs since he came in however, he missed 3 sitters yesterday and for me was the only player below par…Bu the way my friend, VdV scored again so that’s twenty quid you owe me now, do you want to go double or quits again? ;-)

        • Astromesmo says:

          As long as Adrian Buyer is saving his scoring boots for the likes of Liverpool, I’m not too fussed. He was giving it plenty all round the pitch and I’ll settle for that in a 3-1 win. Loved the attitude though, to still try and open himself up to curl that shot into the top corner – Even after a couple of misses. Very top class.

        • essexian76 says:

          Cheeky sod, we didn’t bet this weekend, well not one that I was aware of?, but if he’s (VDV) scoring each week I’ll always continue doing the same thing until the ‘magic’ stops. Back to Adebayor, no, I agree he didn’t have the best of games but he was involved and active and to be candid, you cannot say the same for Defoe, who, if he doesn’t score rarely contributes. but as a side, it’s the best balanced since beating the scousers

        • Hartley says:

          It’s the best we’ve played since the scally’s….next week I’m going for a draw, but VdV will score!! :daumen:

        • essexian76 says:

          OK as I said winner calls so draw & VDV it is then, but really enjoyed yesterdays game my only moan is having to see how easily QPR scored when I got back, it was a poor goal to concede and looked even worse each time I saw it later on MOTD.

        • Hartley says:

          I’m not worried at all…now if you had said Ba Hat Trick instead of Bah Humbug, I would have been…. :shifty:

        • essexian76 says:

          Got Ba in my Premier League dream team, but typically have got Begovic and Kompany as well, Yin and Yan, but 68 points ain’t too shabby

    • Will says:

      Sandro should have come on earlier when Parker was looking quite hurt for 2 reasosn:1) to give Parker a break as he was killing himself for us ; & 2) to let Sandro know that we really need him.
      You have to watch these latin types they become p*ssed vey easily and he is far too good to lose.
      Keep not playing him and see what happens.

    • cyril says:

      i am not demanding sandro but i am acutely aware that while “he is a kid”, he is a kid who won the highest club offer in south america and who was quite surprised to not be in the cl lits of players for the group stages. today’s report that AC Milan are lining up a bid is believable because i saw what he did against them in the san siro last spring, he was absolutely magnificent and it was a lot more of a test than beating up on qpr. he has said in interviews he wd like to play in italy at some stage and i firmly believe he will achieve many times more in his career than parker has in his, which included not getting into a chelsea team (yes, he shd not have gone there but he did and guess what, mackay would have played in any chelsea team; as i suggest, sandro will one day soon.

      • UnkleKev says:

        Sandro only signed an extension to his contract a few weeks ago so any fears of him leaving anytime soon seem unfounded to me.

        Besides, he’ll doubtless get his chance to play in Italy next year when the Tottingham roadshow once more takes to the Champions League stage.

      • kojac says:

        sandro will get his chance and he can be a beast for us,we have 3 quality cm’s,if the continental giants come in for sandro,i doubt there is much we can do if he wants to go

        i’m still surprised we have kept bale and we fought for modric with big russian money,so there is always hope

        it all depends on playing in the CL for us now,get third and no one is going anywhere

      • Astromesmo says:

        Let Milan line up a bid for whoever they like. We only sell players we want to sell these days.


  • kojac says:

    its funny to read how we seem to be losing half our squad in january,you’d think people would want to play in a team like spurs when the chance comes

  • kojac says:

    i certainly didn’t fancy adebayor as a player into spurs and he is only on a year loan anyway,parker did not appear to be the answer either but there came a point when i decided that anyone will do because you never really know until they put on the shirt and managers should be able to fail or succeed on their terms

    no one can deny that adebayor and parker have moved us up a level as a team on the pitch,can’t even blame them for the mancs results

  • Bruce Castle says:

    Having Modric and Parker is now as much fun to watch as it was in the Hoddle-Ardilles days. Its an absolute pleasure to watch us control the middle of the park like that. In fact its fair to say we are better now as an all round team than we were during that good run (in the FA and UEFA cups in the early 80s.

  • andrew cross says:

    Haha I lumped on the 3-1!

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