
Baroness Bird Brain

Image for Baroness Bird Brain

Good morning members of the jury.

You’ll recall Sunday Times a while back exposed the fact that West Ham and the OPLC were accused of shall we call it a conflict of interest. Specifically that WHFC they had commissioned the paid services of an OPLC employee to assist with their application to win the Olympic Stadium Raffle.

The Sunday Times were led to believe by the ‘investigators’ that they spoke to that payments were made into the back account of the OPLC employee, Dionne Knight. The payments came from an account operated by Naughty Knickers Of Newham Ltd T/A West Ham United Football Club.

The best bit was that the OPLC employee, Dionne Knight was in a relationship with…  a Director at West Ham.

“My board were put under surveillance by Tottenham Hotspur and the chairman of Tottenham Hotspur felt confident enough to say that in the Sunday Times several months ago, that all 14 members of my board were put under surveillance. The Metropolitan Police are now conducting an investigation into that surveillance.” Baroness Ford

Now, due to old Rupe’s pesky pay wall and a poor memory I cannot cut and paste the admission by Levy & Co that Baroness Ford is insistent the article contains.

The Baroness needs to get a good solicitor. The issue of the law being broken by private eyes is likely to be pretty black and white. If bank statement information has been obtained it is vital to establish precisely how this was done. The issue of the OPLC process having been corrupted is already proved. Dionne Knight admitted the payments when doorstepped by a Sunday Time journo.

I question as to what the Baroness actually has to throw at Levy & Co. If someone had put me under surveillance I wouldn’t be delighted about it, but I would be stark raving outraged if my bank account activity was leaked or stolen. And it wasn’t the Baroness’ account remember. So she’s getting very shirty whilst we hear zip from Ms Knight.

Perhaps the Baroness has been so immersed in Birtspeak she is incapable of speaking normally anymore. If bank statements or whatever were unlawfully obtained, then why not say so? Why whine about ‘surveillance?’ This is like people who wander around decrying things as being ‘inappropriate’ what they are actually doing is masking what they really want to say.

“Our job now is to narrow, as far as we possibly can, the scope now for legitimate legal challenge in this next process. That is all that we can do. If people want then to be vexatious, frivolous and vindictive or whatever they want, they will do that.” THFC

What the hell is she on about? I thought her job was to weigh up bids and pick the best one. It seems I was wrong. It’s her job to make a fist of everything she touches and speak like a magic eight ball that was programmed by a half cut public school boy.

So what have Levy & Co to say from deep within the bowels of their volcano lair? Well they are denying involvement in any law breaking. They are quite specific saying that THFC:

“…did not undertake, instruct or engage any party to conduct surveillance on any member of the OPLC committee”

All that remains is the glaring fact that somebody blew the whistle on the West Ham manipulation of the OPLC process. And I wonder if the damning information wasn’t simply tossed into to the public domain by someone who simply couldn’t resist sitting on it any longer. Which would be ironic of course. Don’t forget that the Porn Barons suffered from a similar fit of being unable to keeping schtum when they began celebrating their success in landing the OS the night before the decision was formally announced.

Let’s hope that all the useless players and all the crooked players in this farce are removed from the field of play as swiftly as possible and common sense is given an opportunity to elbow its way into proceedings. When Baroness Birdbrain has finished clucking the entire future of the stadium needs to be reevaluated.

The vanity of Lord Coe and his cronies in wanting this ridiculous structure to be kept going after the games is breathtaking.  Trying to pass off a Championship football club plus a few dozen folk running, leaping over things , jumping and chucking stuff about as a legacy is a joke and a not very funny one. Has the OPLC been guilty of collusion? Did West Ham rig the deck? Was Daniel Levy the bloke from the 1970’s Milk Tray adverts? What we do know is that so far stupidity has been the OS’ first tenant and maybe, just maybe this is a good opportunity serve it an eviction order.

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  • Dagenham Dave says:

    Could be a bad few months for Tottenham, with Harry on the road to recovery, his next road is to the old Bailey for his tax evasion trial, if found guilty a custodial sentence awaits. He could soon be joined by the odious little wimp Levy, who it appears is knee deep in gaining information illegally, again a custodial sentence

    Never mind Pervy pleat will once again step into the breach, what a disgusting Club you are, no wonder you’re situated in the arse of London

  • Billy Legit says:

    This is nothing more than ‘Establishment’ cronies trying to deflect attention away from themselves after they’ve been caught with their fingers in the cookie jar.

    Daniel Levy has categorically refuted Baroness Facelikeabackofabus’ allegations. To do so in the strongest manner possible (which THFC have), tells me this landed-gentry-toady may have bitten off more than she can chew…….and by the look of her, chewing is one of her favourite pastimes.

    I hope Daniel sues the the f*cking pants off this gobsh*te and nails her to the wall!

  • dixta says:

    ford’s performance yesterday typified the way this country is going down the toilet. a pompous, self righteous, unelected, insignificant politico who’s prob never done a decent day’s work in her life lecturing Spurs in that overly confident Theresa May type manner about unproven alledged dastardly deeds when the bottom line is that a championship football club owned by adult entertainment barons and an icelandic bank are trying to get a tax payer funded (500m thank you v much) stadium for 100m, whilst by any sane person’s definition corrupting the bid process by paying an OPLC emlpoyee to consult for them whilst at the same time she’s having it away with a bloke at West Ham!!! and ignoring the FL own rules about moving to Orient’s patch. And Boris stating after all that that West Ham will almost certainly win the 2nd bid process! And I cannot get the pic that Brady had in the Sun of the OS without the track and Champs League livery round the side! and didn’t it also have no black supporters in the crowd as well? Brilliant. Anyway 99 year lease for the track to remain, so by 2113 they can remove it, no prob Hammers fans your great great grandkids wont have to take bins to the game! and as for Lord Coe and his desire for a legacy, yeh we’re all bovvered about that while you and you Olympic cronies and every other tom dick harry are zooming round London next year in nice cars while the rest of us mugs have to get off the road. ****s.

    • cb says:

      Before you go on a rant you should check the facts 1st.

      1) The consultant had nothing to do with the voting, the work she did for WHU was pupliced and never hidden.

      2) Its not Orients patch Stratford is in Newham same borough as WHU current ground. Orient is Waltham Forest, so not the same patch you twit.

      Kind of got bored or your stupid inane rant after that point

      • chivers says:

        @cb The consultant had inside access to the process, and people involved, that is dodgy.

      • Billy Legit says:

        Geographically it is Orients patch……you can see the OS when you come out of Leyton Tube Station. The Newham/Waltham Forest boundary line begins at the start/beginning of High Road Leyton (depending from which side you’re coming from).

        • cb says:

          So if you think it is their patch then why would it be ok for the yids to move over from one side of london in to Leyton’s patch but not ok for a team in the same borough? Kettle-pot-block

        • Billy Legit says:

          Did i say it was o.k for Spurs to move to Stratford?

          Personally, the Barrow Boys are welcome to it. The amount of skullduggery and controversy surrounding the whole edifice would make Wet Spam the ideal occupants.

          My original point was that geographically Orient is closer, so for Spammers to continually bleat about ‘their manor’, ‘their patch’ etc, is frankly a complete and utter load of bollocks!

      • jim says:

        Both consultants had access to voting members during the bidding process. One of whom was regularly taking a bidders member! That my friend is very illegal.

      • melcyid says:

        pupliced? I see your dogs have fleas

      • essexian76 says:

        Kids for a fiver-I’ll give you a fiver to try and get a ticket for your kid at the next game at the Lane-there are attendances and there are attendances. Spurs are profitable and our capacity crowd are paying top dollar-not some buy one get one free offer, who do you think we are? Still, West Ham have got an open top bus parade to look forward to al-la 2007 come May (be) for finishing 6th in the Championship? wow, I’m impressed-not!

    • chivers says:

      Bang on.

      I actually want WHU to have the OS, can you imagine it, 5000-8000 supporters filling the place up, all a 1/4 mile from the pitch, the atmosphere will be haunting.

      • Hammer says:

        Funny, because we actually have the same amount of fans in our ground as you do, and we’re playing Blackpool and Doncaster, not arsenal and Chelsea.

        • devonshirespur says:

          Tuesday 1 November 2011:

          West Ham 0-0 Bristol City

          Attendance: 27,980

          Saturday 29 Oct

          WHU 3-2 Leicester

          Attendance 30,410.

          Thats not even capacity….how you gonna fill the other 30,000 seats?

        • Billy Legit says:

          Spurs’ Capacity: 36,310
          Average Attendance: 36,175 (2011-12)

          Barrow Boys’ Capacity: 35,333
          Average Attendance: 29,354 (2011-12)

          Jog on…….

        • Hammer says:

          Sorry, my mistake. Didn’t realise you got that many but it must be the lure of being at the top.

          To be fair though, we got 33,500 against Pompey, which is only a couple of thousand below your average.

        • Chirpy says:

          Er, yes, but your average gate (as opposed to one match) is over 6,000 less than Spurs’ and nearly 6,000 less than your current stadium’s capacity, so your statement: “…we actually have the same amount of fans in our ground as you do, and we’re playing Blackpool and Doncaster, not arsenal and Chelsea,” is bomplete bollocks.

        • Hammer says:


          Yeah, well done.

          Hence my “Sorry, my mistake” comment.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          If it was the lure of being at the top, how comes we had 99.6% capacity, and you only had 83%. Oh! I just worked it out. T=You’ve never been at the top.

          Incidentally, we only had 2565 empty seats all season. You have 6,000 every game. I can just imagine the Ponces:

          Sully: What we gonna do to get a few quid?

          Gold: Well we we’ve got 6000 seats we never use. We could flog them for firewood.

          Brady: You can have mine too, and than can sit on your knees in my schoolgirl uniform.

  • ehbagumspurs says:

    Enjoy the Olympic Stadium, because we will be enjoying watching you enjoy 2nd rate football fifty metres from the touchline, whils’t we slum it watching champions league football from our state of the art 60,000 seater stadium.
    We do hope you prosper because you are our feeder club, when you have any decent players.

  • AFelching says:

    You could not make it up, by the time Levy has gutted them in the courts we’ll have a free stadium

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