
FIFA & The Poppy: We Will Remember This

Image for FIFA & The Poppy: We Will Remember This

Guten Ahbend.

I can say this in jest you see only because of the actions of those who were cut in half by machine gun fire, choked by mustard gas, blown to smithereens or disemboweled by bayonet. Blimey Aitch, tad heavy for a Saturday night, old man…

Well, I tell you this: I just enjoyed a cracking firework show on the Stray in Harrogate. And that was a show! But before I left the house I made sure I had my Poppy on. Then I get home and get a Tweet from a chap – regular or and indeed occasional readers – may recall. Remember a chap by the name of ‘This Is Sammy’?

Well he wrote a superb piece which I was very happy to run out on this blog about the whole David Baddiel fiasco which was HERE.

Well Sammy has unsurprisingly hit another bulls-eye with a piece about ‘the Poppy’ and FIFA which is lengthy and so I would ask you to click HERE.

You know me, I can be an intolerant/flippant git. But stuff like this is important. I hope you afforded it a minute or two and enjoy a great read about a deeply important subject.

And you can let ’em know how you feel!

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  • 39 39 39 says:

    Azza Blud is a yiddo!

    • Billy Legit says:


      (when he isn’t being refreshingly/disturbingly honest with those fine body of men/women in Fleet St.)

  • Yachtsman says:

    So who decides when we play Everton at home? Is it up to the two clubs? And what if both stay in the FA Cup through all the preliminary rounds? Where’s the space?

    I’ve probably overlooked an obvious answer. Mea culpa…

  • kojac says:

    good goals and good job our wingers are on the ball the last couple of games

    it does make you wonder what they see when it takes so long for sandro to come on and help out when we are getting battered away from home but the stats say 3-1 to us and thats all that matters,fulham are a pretty good outfit if you ask me

    results like that are a real boost,lets just hope we can keep this run going,we need to put the scum in their place

    MOTD2 has gone a bit swish in their new place,i prefer the sofas personally

    lets hope walker survives the friendlies,i think all international fixtures should be competitive now,they are not necessary in this day and age in my opinion

  • SpurredoninDublin says:

    Just to upset the doom-mongers amongst us who are saying that we will be lucky to make 4th, is predicting
    3. Spurs 74
    4. Cheatski 71
    5. Arse 66
    6. Barcodes 66
    7. Bindippers 63

    • melcyid says:

      also nice to see that we are given respect and called Spurs.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Interesting. We have matched our previous “Statto Index” high. I sense a trough approaching. :ninja:

      Judging on how we’ve been “grinding out victories” – surely our luck can’t run so good for ever?

      It’s a funny feeling watching us play, and the once inevitable capitulation fails to materialise! Though it feels a little naughty, taking all 3 points from all these games. Glad we are, though I admit I’m pessimistic as to how long we can keep this up.

      • SpurredoninDublin says:

        Has it occurred to anybody, that with all the bad luck we had last season, it might just be these things evening themselves out at this moment in time?

        It wont run forever, but as people will tell you,fate has a way of evening these things out.

      • TMWNN says:

        I was watching it in a pub full of yids who were all watching the last half-hour through their fingers, swearing that another goal was inevitable. The collective relief at the whistle was tangible. The reason we can’t see games out in a comfortable fashion is, in the main, due to tactical incompetence. Long may our luck last.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          That’s the thing about supporting Spurs. You still get the same adrenaline rush that you would get from base-jumping, but you know that you are not going to wake up in some hospital as a quadriplegic.

          Still, I think Cardiologists may have some stern words of warning for us.

  • PLN says:

    I have never seen someone physically dominate our Centre-backs like Zamora did yesterday, he was awesome.

    Adebayor was frustrating in the second half, hardly even made a challenge for a lot of the long balls we hoofed up, helped out defensively though.

    Nice of Jol to give the Spurs fans a clap after the game, i can totally understand why he didnt before and during the game.

    I dont think any of our outfield players covered themselves in glory yesterday, but i suppose the result is the thing that counts, hopefully they learn that they cant just turn up and roll over these so-called lesser teams.

    P.S, i’ve defended Kyle Walker a lot on here, but he was awful yesterday at both ends of the pitch.

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