
The Martin Jol Poll

Image for The Martin Jol Poll

Good afternoon.

This has been niggling me for a while and as Frank Spencer’s mother did say, ‘A trouble shared is a trouble doubled.’ So tell me this. When we play at The Cottage on Sunday – where do you stand on the whole ‘I love Martin Jol’ song thing?

I think it’s a given that it’ll get an airing. Difficult to imagine it won’t. BMJ will be remembered as a deeply lovable chap, no two ways about it, but it doesn’t sit quite right that what was a great song will be rolled out too frequently given that he is …er …no longer our manager. Or am I just being miserable?

[poll id=”24″]

As highly trained medical staff across the globe attempt to lure Tottingham fans out of a Europa induced coma a great opportunity to have some fun at the expense of someone else. This snap & suggestion come courtesy of highly esteemed reader, Fatfish. 

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  • ric says:

    Everything changed with “the godfather” (and comolli of course) What was special, was that he did a really good job and really loved the club and the supporters. So what could have happened without the “lasagnagate”……..
    Sing a song to begin with and sing as many as we like if we’re winning. Maybe it will teach Arry, that having happy supporters is’nt only about winning matches! Anyway hope Harry is fit and in shape by then.

  • NellyYiddo says:

    He deserves our respect and our admiration, we should let him know before kick off, but we should back our boys/ management. Remember he’s plotting to take 3 points off us. Will we still sing if we are 2 down?

  • Fatfish says:

    Man City’s attempt to start a Marx Brothers tribute act using Kiddo, Scarfo & Twatto fails miserably.

  • Steveo1987 says:

    It’s that…Balotelli moment……..

  • melcyid says:

    arry says there are some really lovely people around.I now know that he definitely reads this blog.

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