
EXCLUSIVE: Photo Of An Item Discovered In Stoke’s Dressing Room This Evening By A Cleaner

Image for EXCLUSIVE: Photo Of An Item Discovered In Stoke’s Dressing Room This Evening By A Cleaner

Good evening.

This just in from one Edith Scrunge, a part time domestic who does a number of public toilets in Stoke City centre and occasionally agency work which tonight happens to include the city’s flagship branch, the Britannia stadium.

Exclusively Edith told HH this evening, ‘ I don’t normally like to interfere, but my Ray – our eldest – said if I was to tell you about what I found, I could possibly get £30,000 tax free cash off you.’

What started off as an innocent item of lost property has now spiraled into being  a key exhibit in what football fans are calling, ‘a full on investigation into a proper diabolical liberty.’

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  • Steve_in_SA says:

    There are minimum and maximum sizes but you can pretty much change it how you want. I also noticed that they shortened the length and width. A good tactic if you want to stop a good footballing side with good wingers. Give everyone less space and turn it into a boxing match, which Stoke won.

  • Parklaner says:

    It’s not as if we didn’t know what was coming. Stoke playing for throws so they can launch bombs into the penalty area, get the flicks and look for the second ball. We simply didn’t deal with it in the first half.
    A couple of bad decisions, 2 blatant pens and a decent goal disallowed and the game would’ve been won, as I believe at 2-2 we would’ve gone on to win.
    Lets take this one on the chin and move on. 2 big home games to come; lets make sure it’s 6 pts going into the christmas games.

  • DessySpur says:

    I cannot believe how many of you readily accept Foys mistakes/cheating.
    I agree with Harry he looked like he revelled in giving us nothing, not just the penaltie and good goal he gave us zip, I thought dodgy so di Harry but hes smart enough to know he cant say that or he will be on a disciplinary.

  • David says:

    The ultimate irony was the Stoke fans singing the English rugby hymn “Swing Low Sweet Chariot”—–they obviously have more insight into their club’s tactics than we give them credit for.
    As to the ref, Chris Foy, there is nothing we can do about it just like FA and FIFA —he is a cross we have to live with.

  • Alpha T says:

    I took to the advice of a fellow yid & put a complaint in writing to the Barclays EPL & the FA, I thought it would be better than just b!tching about it to people who have no say in changing the wrongs in our great game, (even if the people who do have a say don’t give anymore of a flying fcuk than the people who don’t have a say) so here it is my rant “The officiating at the match at Stoke vs Tottenham was appauling and beyond a joke, what you allow your pundits and commentators to use through a match (video replay) would compensate for incompetent referreeing, all of the above mentioned represent your brand. If you allow them (the commentators and pundits alike) to use the instant replay to make better informed choices about things that happen in what is possibly the worlds fastest league, how do you expect the eyes of a human to pick up on what can sometimes be only reveiwed FAIRLY by an instant replay!? it makes no sense!? You use the excuse of “the flow” of the game is hindered if this type of AID was used, it’s been blatantly obvious the additional referree’s assistant on the line has not made a blind bit of difference in the European matches so that half measure isn’t a good enough replacement. The “flow” would happen alot more fluently if (limited) video replay were brought in to help officiate the game and help bring it out of ill repute! Players who attempt to dishonourably deceive the officials by using “unsporting” behaviour to gain an advantage would soon stop their dishonourable acts if they knew that an official could pass fair judgement there and then, rather than wait for an official FA disciplinary order which usually comes after the point of the dishonourable act has taken place and given the advantage, because a player knows the fine they will receive is miniscule to the advantage gained at the point of the dishonourable act. More honesty will come from players, less anger and bitterness will be directed towards the innoccent. The quality shown by Stoke and the way in which Spurs responded in the second half was superb, that is what makes EPL football exciting, we don’t need any added drama to the game by less than poor referreeing, I believe the suggestion of promotion and relegation amongst officials have been mentioned before and I support anything that would make the individuals more held to account for errors made while trying to appease the masses that choose to apply pressure to officials to make wrongly informed decisions, and helping those speak up when they believe that a decision has been made incorrectly. Please RSVP as the comedy of errors you call the Premiere League is fast becoming a joke!” COYFS! :shifty:

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