
Just One In, One Out In January…

Image for Just One In, One Out In January…

Good afternoon.

And here’s today’s thought for you. Graham Roberts was on talkSPORT today and named A&E as his weakest link in the current Tottingham team sheet.

The sanity of identifying Benny Sue as our weak link evades me. He’s called A&E for a reason of course – whilst on a run of assured performances there is always a vague underlying threat of a trip to casualty – but he’s been great of late. I also believe he’s added hugely to the positive vibe that’s about the club right now.

So if you were Arry; what move would make in January? The January window is ordinarily a relatively sober affair.

Tell me about your singular swap!

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  • Spurstacus says:

    2 out. Pav, and just to make 100% sure Pav again.

  • Spurstacus says:

    Realistically Pav out and Anelka in til end of season.

  • Spurstacus says:

    Pav out and a very much humbled Berbatov in.

  • onedavemackay says:

    I think BAE is probably my favourite player of the moment. He just has so much character and having all but eradicated his once customary 2 balls ups per game there are few if any better in the Prem.

    Berba will not be back. There are plenty of clubs in Europe who’d snap him up

    • munso says:

      I’d vote for him as player of the season if only for the way he refuses to be join in properly with the huddle!

    • melcyid says:

      I enjoy his personal tusslea with the oppo and the way he deals with them on the blindside of the ref ,with a little tug when they are off balance. hence most of his opponents end up on the deck with no fouls given.a bit like nice one Cyril who was not obviously dirty but was as difficult to get past as Benny sue.
      Case in point Benny had a 50/50 with Sagna who ended up off the pitch with a broken leg because his leg crashed down on the top of the foul was given, but Benny did the business.

  • Sao Paulo Spurs says:

    I too listened to GR this morning on Talksport, living in Brazil and away from the action, i like to listen moronic, so called pundits/journalists talk shite about the beautiful game. Not sure why it’s called talksport tho’, should be “fancy letting me bleat on for 3 hours about how sh*t your team is and that your manager is a retard sport” Probably not the catchiest of names, granted, but more acurate. Benny is a great player but due to his early form, an easy target for commentators who take a whole 3 1/2 minutes to prepare for radio shows. He is not going anywhere, we know it, Harry knows it and everyone with half a brain knows it.

    One in one out…..gotta be Pav for Anelka

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