
Just One In, One Out In January…

Image for Just One In, One Out In January…

Good afternoon.

And here’s today’s thought for you. Graham Roberts was on talkSPORT today and named A&E as his weakest link in the current Tottingham team sheet.

The sanity of identifying Benny Sue as our weak link evades me. He’s called A&E for a reason of course – whilst on a run of assured performances there is always a vague underlying threat of a trip to casualty – but he’s been great of late. I also believe he’s added hugely to the positive vibe that’s about the club right now.

So if you were Arry; what move would make in January? The January window is ordinarily a relatively sober affair.

Tell me about your singular swap!

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  • Fatfish says:

    Being more realistic I would look to move out either Bassong for Cahill or Samba.

    • jim says:

      Do you rate Cahill? Haven’t watched him a lot but when i have, he doesn’t seem up to much.

      • Fatfish says:

        I think he’s better than Bassong & Dawson. Comfortable on the ball, mobile, pretty good in the air & only 25.

      • essexian76 says:

        Said as much before Sat’s game, I’d much prefer Samba and also the Ajax player we’ve been linked with looks the part, but he’s more of a gamble. Krul would be a good signing, but I’d use this window to get rid more than I would to bring in players. Teams use this window more out of desperation and therefore players have a higher selling value, leaving the summer window to assess our finances and situation. Another clear-out, but no loan deals, look at Jenas and Bentley on that score!

        • jim says:

          I keep praying ade will stay. Been away for a while, how ya keeping mate.

        • essexian76 says:

          Really good, hope you’re in the finest of fettle yourself Jimlad. Had this conversation with DubSpur, and consider Ade to be a conundrum. Allow me to explain.If Ade’s dissent was a one-off, I’d say fair enough, but he’s done it four times in the past. Secondly, his wages and transfer fee would have a negative effect, insomuch as the queue for Levy’s door would be long. Some may suggest that qualification for the CL would offset his wages, but that sort of outlay is astronomical for a club of our stature and it’s on the basis of the most fragile of assumptions. Can Harry keep him on the straight and narrow and if not and it goes tits-up, who else would buy him?, massive gamble don’t you think? I think he’s a great player, but that work-rate dropping off after a useful spell was the very thing Goons and City fans fell out with him over, so I’m concerned to say the least.

        • jim says:

          Has he said something? I must have missed that. If hes starting to whine, then i’ll stop praying. Don’t think the transfer fee will be too bad. But his wages are no go from the beginning as far as i understand, so they would have to drop. I’m pretty sure if anybody can keep him happy its HR but agreed its a bit of a gamble. Ferguson took a gamble on Cantona’s attitude i think (i might of made that up!). The only thing i can say with confidence is we are far better with him and i would be delighted if hes found his “spiritual home” here. Don’t you fancy him mate?

        • UnkleKev says:

          I don’t think Ade’s attitude is a problem. I genuinely think that the Ade that survived the attack on the Togo bus two years ago is a completely different Ade to the one that sulked at both Arsenal and Man C.

          If he’s serious about wanting to join us long-term though he has to accept he’ll need to take a mssive cut in wages. I’m enough of an optimist to think that if he’s really enjoying himself here he might just convince himself that he can get by on a measly £80-100k a week after all.

        • DSDSPURS says:

          Get City to give him to us on a free. Give him 10m signing on fee (worth two years at 100k) and offer him 80k a week. Jo done. If he knocks it back, look somewhere else. Lets face it wont be hard to attract the top top players as Prem Champions ;)

        • essexian76 says:

          No, well not to my knowledge or understanding as yet, but my point is four times in his past four clubs, all’s been rosy and then..bang, he’s gone and we cannot afford a potential 30-50 hit dependant on his mood being OK for 3-4 seasons when the odds suggest otherwise.

        • essexian76 says:

          Sorry Jim, forgot to add, I think he’s a wonderful player and appears really happy at the Lane. He needs us as much as we need him, but players are funny sods and he’s openly said our wage structure will be a problem if a permanent deal is lodged. My biggest concern is Modric not signing a new deal and another month of media speculation on the horizon, and any potential repetition of August’s debacle.

        • jim says:

          I think your right its most footballers. (Am gonna play my harry card) HR seems to have a “knack” keeping footballers happy. I sometimes question his tactical ability. And the preseason constant media hunting gave me the right ump, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. As for his player management, honestly, i cant think of better. I think these players happiness is all connected to HR staying. No doubt some will disagree by telling me he has his favourites, but does that mean we play Kane instead of Ade in the interest of fairness. It means trying to keep a squad happy and spurs is where its all at. I dont think we will hear much about the negative Ade anymore, hes older ,wiser and happy (at the moment), and i’m damn near positive Modders is waiting to see what happens to our manager. I’ll stick my neck out and say, if England came calling now, HR would refuse them. It’s ok though mate, i keep pinching myself and wondering what dimension iv’e slipped into where spurs are 3rd, one point away from united with a game in hand and Adebayor and Gallas in the first team.

        • essexian76 says:

          In all honesty Jim, all that favouritism malarkey is plain BS,translated into fans-spiel, all it means HR doesn’t agree with that fans perspective. HR’s greatest asset is an ability to get the best out of players by putting them in their correct position and motivating them to perform, hence the Englishness about the Lane under his tenure. But 3 years is an awfully long time and so much hinges on the next few months as you rightly point out Harry’s future and ours are linked. Just loving it so much at the moment, but I’m a Spurs man and there’s always a dark cloud lurking somewhere over the horizon.

        • jim says:

          I know those dark clouds are always in the back of my head as well.I’m doing my best to dismiss them. :daumen:

  • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

    One is not enough. Minimum two; Pav for Llorente and Bassong for anybody.

    Roberts’ comment shows just why he made such a success of football mangement.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      One is not enough.

      If THFC did January window Bond movies…

      • mikey says:

        Does that mean that we can sign Sean Connery? That would be shplendid.

        For me get rid of Steven Pienaar, can’t for the life of me understand why we got him in the first place and bring in Samba. I too would prefer him to Cahill

  • lilywhitemike says:

    we need a striker. lose adebayor to injury/suspension and it all goes tits up

  • mitchellstolemypipe says:

    Pav out – The drog in ! Simples

  • jim says:

    Pav out. Anybody in, Defender, Striker. As for A@E being a weak link utter lunacy.

    • DAVSPURS says:

      Jim. Robbo is right but only because our standards are so high, Benny does over play sometimes and a few times its cost us a goal. We must deside who too drop for Van and the only player we could live without is Benny. This would be my team and our buys one of three Hangerland Samba or Cahill out Corluka Bassong Midfieald okay out Dosantos Bentley Jenas Upfront wages and money of Bentley and Dosantos goes to Aby wages and transfer fee. My most contraversial move is to sell Modric in exchange for Lampard and Sturridge plus 20 million. This would depend on Huddlestone being 100 percent fit and only in the summer. This would be my team Walker Hangerland Kaboul Bale Lennon Huddlestone (Sandro)(Van)
      Parker Drogba Defoe Ady We would have some height at set pieces Hangerland 6ft5 Hudds 6ft3 Kaboul 6ft4 Drogba 6ft3 Ady 6ft4 Pace Bale Walker Lennon Passing skill and creating and strong defence and great replacement Surplus Kranjcar sadly, Dosantos Jenas Corluka Benny sadly Pieaar Bentley Livermore Bassong Gallas most in the summer.

      • DAVSPURS says:

        Oh i forgot Krul for Gormless

      • jim says:

        Dav always like your comments, constructive and with substance, dont always agree though mate. The thing is A@E for me has been great this season nearly every year he has improved since we first got him (think commoli or jol). He has pace,a fair defensive judgement(could be better), a descent cross, good in the air and has a fair shot when he can get one away. I don’t think hes the best LB I’ve ever seen but there don’t seem to be a bundle out there. I cant see us getting rid of Mod. But your buys and sells other than that i’m with ya. Would like Samba and I don’t really see why we couldn’t attract him. I think spurs are past restructuring at the mo and more about fine tuning.As for Krul he looks the part doesn’t he.

        • DAVSPURS says:

          Jim you are right about Benny but the problem is Qaulity needs too be shared or it will stagnate. We cant drop Defoe when he is linking and moving like he his with Lennon Ady and Bale, the movement for Lennon’s goal was superb, So Benny would not be dropped on his performance but on who would be missed more Defoe or Benny. I still say the team looks more comfortable attacking and with Van when we come up against high tempo work rate it becomes hard work too win games. If you want to lose Van then we keep Benny in every game and drop Lennon or Modric or Defoe.your call fellow cockerel.

    • jim says:

      The overplay thing yes that’s my biggest frustration, but my only one.

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