
You’re Not The Only Ship Adrift On This Ocean

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Good evening.

And the headline of course alludes to the popular beat combo The Rolling Stones’ and their toe tapping choon, ‘Mixed Emotions.’

And so is  being concerned about just how profligate in front of goal we were this afternoon to make me, us etc somehow …ungrateful? 

An emphatic ‘no’ is the right answer. 

We were gifted the sending off of Cahill. It wasn’t a red  no matter how much anti-freeze you’ve consumed. Did this daft act by the ref then go on to destroy the game? Another emphatic ‘no’ is the right answer. 

Bolton are – if they are really quite awfully lucky – going to find somebody to give them a lump for Cahill in January and  if they invest brilliantly they might they stay in the Premiership.

We lack depth and never more so was it revealed today. We need all our bestest players on the pitch at the same time if we want to either win,  or indeed win well. 

Bleedin’ Nora Aitch, s’pose you want Arry out annorl? We wun dinnun we?  Yes my old friend we did. But everything in this life is comparative.

Far too many missed opportunities today against a 10 man team of relegation fodder. And Bolton weren’t a wounded beast making a brave stand.  Nor was Jaaskelainen making history with his cat like saves. 

It’s all a bit of a muddle up front as Babs Windsor said after getting stuck in a revolving door with Sidney James and Bernard Bresslaw. We clearly need to sort this out. The opportunities missed today were as embarrassing as that naffin’ Blackpool game.

Please don’t get me wrong, delighted we won. Delighted. But what a fist of it we managed to make.

Player ratings in morning.

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  • kojac says:

    i agree with the refs,it is a very hard job and one that i feel the linesman cannot physically do,every offside is a guess if you ask me because you cannot look in two places at once lok at SWP great goal yesterday for QPR it has cost them a win,i think they need to have replays for goals and sendings offs for the officials,if the linesman thinks its offside he should inform the ref and they review it,throught the mic/headset and not with the flag

    they need to move on with refs and technology,i don’t agree it will spoil the game,the refs need to be upgraded and can make decisioms and pull back play when informed by a team watching it on playback

    guessswork isn’t good enough these days just like the BBC forcing you to pay for their lefty views and political shiteness

    • lecoqhardi says:

      Spot on (not the last bit).
      To think that they’re about to squander millions on goal-line technology when statistically each club needs it between never and once per season, while the simple use of the TV screen would rectify at least one howler per game, at little extra cost.

    • UnkleKev says:

      This highlights, for me, exactly why I’m not convinced video technology is a good thing.

      Lets say, for the sake of argument, SWP’s shot cannoned off the crossbar, bounced on the line and then back into play. It’s unclear from first viewing whether or not the ball crossed the line so play continues whilst video evidence is consulted. During this time WBA bomb up the other end and score. Video evidence then confirms that SWP’s shot did cross the line and QPR are awarded the goal meaning that WBA’s ‘goal’ doesn’t stand. The correct result is arrived at, but it’s far from a satisfying way of getting there.

      The solution isn’t video technology — it’s better-trained refs and linos.

      • LosLorenzo says:

        Goal-line should be sorted with chips in the ball, no need for video there. Ref has a buzzer in his pocket. If the ball crosses the goal line, it goes off and he whitsles for a goal.

        Otherwise, I agree that there are some situations where video refereeing might be difficult to implement. Solution: don’t. Only use video assisted refereeing if the ball is not in play, which is the case after most, if not quite all, controversial situations.

      • kojac says:

        well in your example goal line technology should have solved it,but if its in the back of the net stop the game for an offside call if the linesman informs the ref he thought it was offside

        but say in your example,the ball bounces out on the line and no one knows,and is under review,a big light comes on the scoreboard to let everyone know,if the other team goes and scores,it has to be ruled out if the ball had crossed the line,i don’t see the problem with that,it is a correct decision

        golas should not be lost to a team becasue the refs and linesman made a guess and got it wrong,points and money are too important theses days

        like luis should have gone for chelsea the geordies would be above chelsea in 4th now most likely,the refs need to have more time to get it right even if its from a refs room in the stands,i don’t understamd why the refs should not be a whole team in themselves and professional now,the time has come

        i don’t care if it stops for time here and there on goals,pens and sendings off,its worth it and will help everyone against the cheating scums and give the idiotic pundits something to actually talk about

        • kojac says:

          this would only be possible for the premier and championship as it would cost a bit of course

          but they are the majot leagues the others can continue with the old style,gives the refs something to work too and get in the big leagues

          haha,the chances of the fa,prem and championship getting off their fat arses and sorting out a professional refs system is 0%

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  • MysteriousStranger says:

    Investec will be licking their lips.

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  • Razspur says:

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