
I’ve Been Gagged By The Fuzz

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Good afternoon.

I was proceeding in an easterly direction planning a slightly different blog today. However a telephone call from The City Of London Police asking that – any blogs specifically about or discussing Arry’s case be removed or that the fuzz may well take action to have them removed – put a somewhat different spin on things.

The defence team of Henry J are quite understandably taking a ‘belt and braces’ approach to this matter and therefor do not wish to run the risk of any of the jurors involved being influenced by a two bob blogger. Which is fair enough. This is a pro Spur site and whilst that means we don’t always ride the happy clapper bus, everyone is entitled to a far go in Court.

The case is only listed for two weeks; we are already a few days in now and so for the remainder of the period any reader comments left on any posts that might inadvertently cause the defence counsel concern will be removed. 

Keep ’em peeled, mind how you go.


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