

Image for BIOYSTC!

Good morning ladies.

Stevenage away it is and at the risk of sounding like a crazy man I’d suggest we rest a few, but really put out a strong team. The game at Watford was a clear warning that some genuine thought needs to go into the team selection and the tactics.

My team would look a lot like this then: Cudicini, Walker, Dawson, Livermore, Nelsen, Sandro, Kranjcar, Bale, Azza Blud, Defoe and Saha. Which hopefully reflects a few injuries and a few folk putting their feet up and having a nice cuppa.

Eye-catcher bets are slim pickings as the bookies don’t see Stevenage as a foregone conclusion either. Anytime Goalscorers Azza 5/2, Kyle Walker 7/1. Ful time score 2-0 is 9/2.


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  • Chrispurs says:

    The truth is, we couldn’t be bothered; when do we ever play that many long balls, in a game? They thought it was going to be easy, just keep playing it up to Defoe, and eventually, he’ll score. It wasn’t what Harry wanted, he was going ape-shit on the touch line. I know the pitch was ‘bobbly,’but that’s no excuse, the same for them. At least we can do them at The Lane; anyone know when repay will be?

  • david says:

    So assuming we beat Stevenage and Bolton at home, we get a cup semi-final at WEMBLEY.
    I see HR is saying BAE, Ade and VDV all doubts for next Sundays game.

  • bukkake-breath says:

    Drawing against the nidge isnt too bad apparantly its what the FA cups allabout.. could be worse couldve got smashed in champions league them dumprd out of the cup by that scottish team!!

  • Yachtsman says:

    Here are my grades, based on (a) offensive display and passing (b) defensive display, and (c) movement off the ball [in so far as one could see it via Fox Sports). Out of 100:

    Cudicini 78, Walker 75, Dawson 75, Nelsen 82, Kaboul 82, Rose 85,
    Parker 75, Livermore 75, Bale 75, Saha 75, Defoe 75, Kranjcar 78, Lennon 78 (too little time)

  • Razspur says:

    Yachts you were clearly watching a different game to me, a much better one,Rose 74, Krankie 70, Lennon 84, take 20% off all the others and you`ll get much closer to the accurate rankings, Cuddles was never above 60%. That was worse than Watford and i thought it would have been hard to top. Jeckel and Hyde spring to mind. Why was PNB on the line ? No excuse we were piss poor.

    • melcyid says:

      he thought he was up the other end. Dazed and Confused.

    • Yachtsman says:


      Problem is that I was half asleep and using academic grading (which is sort of glued into my brain). A 78 is a C+, the 75s are Cs, and so on. C+ isn’t much to be proud of these days.

      When I saw the numbers I had put down, I was already agreeing with you. The first ten minutes said it all for me. The lads were not interested. Pokey ground. Ball bouncing like a dervish. No wonder Stevenage do well at home, they were thinking.

      Not that I agree. They should have knuckled under and done the business. Just disappointing, too, that ‘Arry, the great motivator, could not get more out of them at half time. Lennon did more in his few minutes [he was only on for a short time, so a B (84) is pretty high] than Bale in his 90. Ditto Krancjar in regard to Livermore/whoever.

      Moral: One should not endeavour to grade/assess when half asleep.

      Roll on, March 7.

    • Hartley says:

      PNB was on the line because he has no discipline and he thinks he’s the ultimate player. He’s not, he gets in the way of our forwards and attacking midfielders far too often….he has done a good job for us this season as a defensive midfielder when he stays in position but he now needs to be told in no uncertain terms that he is not Lionel Messi and he never will be………

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