Good morning.
Jose Mourinho then. Duncan Castles in the National is said to have a decent relationship with The Special One. Dunc believes that we’re in for Jose.
Well let’s look at this and try and weigh up the likely hood of it happening. First up the situation of both he and Arry as they stand.
Arry is obviously knee deep in a tax evasion case, but that ends very shortly. I say ends, if he lands a custodial sentence then his time at Spurs is over. Who will step in? Well ask yourself why David Pleat was recently brought back into the fold.
Should he swerve bird, then the next hurdle is that of the England job of which Arry is known to bee keen upon accepting should it be offered to him. Overshadowing all of this is that Tottenham have a contract with Redschnapps with nearly 18 months left to run on it.
Jose seems to have been bleating about something or other for a hell of a long time. There’s always been an element in his confessions to the press of keeping his name in the hat. Making sure nobody forgets about him. But who would blame him? Football managers can go out of favour in what seems like a heartbeat; in such a volatile market you’d be a fool to ever stop working the brand.
So would you take Jose? The pros are obvious, his pedigree is insanely good. Crucially he knows the Premiership. And unlike characters like Sluralix, he has traveled and achieved wave after wave of success wherever he went opposed to have ever really benefited from the ‘building’ process.
The negatives could therefore be potentially easy to gloss over. He needs money. And not just salary. He doesn’t do cruddy Steven Pienaar deals. He ships in nailed on talent that costs real money to not only augment the existing side but ensure that his strategies are implemented to their full effect. So where would this money come from?
Levy & Co, unlike too many fans won’t wet their pants and start signing off monster cheques just because Jose asks them too. There is a business model at the heart of the ENIC success and that will not be ‘expanded’ until we move into a new stadium.
Wee votey McVote
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Sooner have Pep!
Not for me. Our club used to stand for something many years ago – we are getting that back now so lets not ruin it. Has to be David Moyles – if he can add organisation and mental toughness to our skill, we could go to the next level.
Our future depends on top 4 this year – if we don’t get it, we couldnt even get basil brush to come.
I’d rather have Chris Moyles more of a heavyweight! :-D
If Harry were to go
Absolutely yes.
We need to keep the current squad together and encourage other big hitters to join.
New era and all that. It would be the way forward.
What are the other options, Mark Hughes?!
I’d never say no to MON but Jose any day!
I like the guy, he’s great TV and a damned good coach, but as a manager of Spurs?, not for me. The great thing about watching Spurs is the football,that’s what you buy into because anyone opting to support us because of our trophy record, must be either deluded or patently insane. Abramovic tired of the football, despite winning numerous trophy wins,as did many of Chelsea’s fans. Also we’ve got very limited resources in comparison to teams Maureen’s managed, so I’d doubt whether we’re a big enough club for him anyway?
There is no doubting his talent BUT he is IMO a thug !
Sends players out to stop at all costs including career threatening tackles (allegedly).
His antics on the side lines of assaulting his opposite number last season were a disgrace.
I would hate him the be our emissary at games and would know our reputation would crumble.
Even if he tried to scoop one of auntie’s minces out?