
Extraordinary Quotes

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Good evening.

Another Arry out blog, oh how terribly fascinating, Mr Harold. Or rather, let’s weigh matters up and see how we get on, shall we? 

The most recent charges against Citizen Redschnapps include a lack of squad rotation, an inability to provide a coherent tactical strategy to the players and the distraction of an offer to manage Engerland that has yet to be offered to him.

In the previous blog we discussed the clusterfeck that was two points dropped against a dull, dull Stoke side. Bale appeared almost embarrassed into pursuing the obvious and using the left wing.  Why isn’t this delusional child being managed then? 

Parker is being physically driven through the floorboards. West Ham wore out their welcome with the guy by doing the same. The sole distinction here is that with us he’s playing with some superb talent, not schmucks. How long can we trade on this before he is sidelined? 

And now these bloody Chelsea quotes.

I was talking to ODM the other night and I think I shocked him by discussing something we both agreed upon. It was about a piece in a red top a few years back where BMJ was eloquently pining over that Dirk Kuyt bloke after Liverpool had signed him.

I said I expect …in fact, I demand that anyone managing the glorious Tottinghams stays purely focused upon what we’re doing.

But that Arry Redschnapps is unstoppable, isn’t he? 

“Chelsea have got strong characters, they’ve got leaders on the pitch,”

TRANSLATED: When I’m Engerland manager I’m gonna give a spine of maturity, for sure..

“They’ve got good players, they’ve got leaders, characters, winners”

TRANSLATED: You can see wot I’m up against, most of ’em don’t speak the Queen’s.

“Chelsea are good, that’s a powerful team again. Am I more worried about them than Arsenal? Not really, they’re both bang there, both strong sides who were both red-hot favourites to finish in front of Tottenham at the start of the year.”

TRANSLATED: The collapse ain’t nuffink to sweat over ‘cos we were two bob at the bookies to start off wiv anyways.

The man’s a fool.

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  • Heath Spur says:

    We’ll lose 2 nil on Saturday and Harry will tell us that Chelsea are a great side and how Di Matteo has got them performing again. How we are still in 4th place with a cup quarter final to play.

    • lecoqhardi says:

      So by sacking the manager who was taking Chelsea down the league they rediscovered their form.
      Hmmn. It might just work. Shall we give it a try?

  • A_Felching says:


  • DAVSPURS says:

    Its funny when we play Utd they wheel Reo of his bad back and he plays a blinder. Terry’s all gold has a bad knee till Spurs arrive are we missing something. One went missing for 48 hours after running away from the naughty testers and the others in court for Obscene language Harrys right they have leaders If i was Ledley i would fucking grap Modric by the hair and shake the little Fucker for wasting guilt edge chances Fried egg for staying on his line at every cross and free kick and Bale for worrying about his ankles when Ledders only had one knee. The problem Ledders whispers with his lisp and Reo shouts with his wobble lips and Terry over heatedred face shouts who th fuckin hell are you looking at you —————– and gets respect from is own players. We need hard bastards who can escape drug testers and ones who can get on rude Tube. We all clapped Muamba and wished him well sent a top specialist from the stands and now Fabrice wants Bolton to beat us on Tuesday. Are we too nice the answer is yes and that’s why i chose Super Spurs aged ten 50 years this April 15th. So sorry Fabrice its my 60th birthday and 50 years a North west Cockerel we must win just like you must win your battle with a full recovery.

  • Hartley says:

    Parker is being physically driven through the floorboards if he stayed in the position he was meant to, he would have bags of energy left…..but no, he has to show everyone that he can do what Modric does (he can’t) and what Bale does (he can’t) and what VDV does (he can’t) in fact because of this he also can’t do the job Livermore and Sandro do as defensive midfielders….
    Sandro is…the (albeit recent) past, the present and the future, PNB is nothing more than an average journeyman, filling in for a future legend who is playing for himself and not the team as is Arry Redscnapps….

  • melcyid says:

    I expect Torres will find his prem form against us :dizzy2:

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