
Groundhog Day

Image for Groundhog Day

Good Groundhog Day.

Where doe one start? Is it a blip? Is it is a the business end of the season suddenly sharpening the previously blunted knives, hatchets and broadswords of the opposition?

I’ve made my views clear on this endlessly and it’s so flippin’ obvious what the problem is I’m typing this like it’s something I’ve been practicing and fine tuning for weeks. I’ve also made the point, the serious point that it gives me no pleasure whatsoever to state how I feel.

Redschnapp’s has worked wonders. I wholly agree. I’m grateful. But that does not give him immunity from criticism. Again, for the umpteenth time, when I wrote the, ‘Gareth Bale The Ego Has Landed’ piece with a few notable exceptions I was told to roll it up and insert it in the orifice of mu choice.

The jig was officially declared in the last 20 minutes of yesterday’s game when the away supporters began singing ‘Gareth Bale, He Plays On The Left.’ I want to interject here that this chant must surely go down as the politest in sporting history.

In relation to an end to this misery; the FA like any confused and contrary child have stropped off saying that they will make their mind up when they feel like it and if anyone talks about them while they’re gone then that will make them very very angry indeed and everyone will be in trouble.

Arry is not managing the side any more. I’d be fascinated to hear a coherent counter argument. He said under oath he was, ‘a fantastic football manager’. I’ve witnessed several fantastic football managers in action in my time and I’ve never heard a the supporters reduced to singing postional tips to them before.

I hope we finish third, or even fourth or make it o the FA Cup Final. But again as I said earlier in the week, I truly wonder what we’ll actually do with any of this achievements. 

I got you babe.

I need to finish some stuff for Hotspur’s Half Hour or ODM is going to up his hate mail rate. So analysis and ratings later on.

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  • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

    We can debate the Redschnapps methods and selections and I am pulling my hair out now on the Bale roving role.

    However my worry is why we cannot beat teams that we dominate so much and then end up losing? Stoke, Manure and now Everton for example.

    I wonder if it is the lack of a goal threat from midfield. No goals all season from Parker or Sandro and maybe not Livermore either (can’t remember). Then very minimal contributions from Modric and Lennon.

    • Hartley says:

      Scott Parker could not hit a barn door with a feckin banjo…..

      • Steveo1987 says:

        To be fair it’s not his job and he ain’t even got a banjo even though he played for those “Deliverance” guys in the back of beyond called Spam or something. Squeal like a pig………

        • Hartley says:

          Before I clicked on your link I thought to myself, bloody ell Steveo has found a clip of PNB scoring a goal somewhere….thankfully not, but now I want to watch the whole film which in my eyes is a classic :daumen:
          As for it not being his job, don’t tell me, tell him or get someone else to because he is doing my nut in with all this forward play…..I am really starting to dislike the bloke in the same way that I did J**** and Paul Miller….

      • kenny powers says:

        ditto modders

  • Spurstacus says:

    Punxsutawney ‘Arry!

  • The solution to the problem is for Levy to offer H a new contract. It’ a no brainer. If he takes the England job Spurs get more money to get a decent manager.Most importantly, b 4 the Chavscum game.

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