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Good evening.

There are very few certainties in life. You know the usual gags of course. Death, taxes, nurses…

But one certainty that we all too frequently overlook is the arrogance of stupid people. So this blog is dedicated to Arry Redschnapps. One of the most transparently stupid people the world has ever known.

Roy Hodgson has been formally approached by the FA.

Arry, thanks for the 3 points today but history will remember you as a bloke that once won an FA Cup with a no mark club. 


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  • CB says:

    F me , once more people jumping all over Harry. This is incredible. Do you honestly believe our squad is top 4???

    At best we have the 5th best squad and yes were over achieving under the only manager in ages that could get us CL football and QF to boot!!!

    honestly, this getting boring, get behind HR.

    He mat still get the england job, but I’d rather him to Moyes or anyone else rumoured with the Spurs job.

    • jolsgonemental says:

      are you suggesting that a squad featuring Bale, Modric, Van Der Vaart, Adebayor, Lennon, Parker, Kaboul, Walker, BAE isnt as good as that of Newcastle or Arsenals?

      • Bruxie says:

        Hi JGM. Welcome back.

        Get on it!

      • CB says:

        Better than Newcastle’s, yes. better than Arsenal’s , is debatable? Depends on how much you rate Modric, Adebayor,Parker??

        My point is, the mindless garbage I read constantly knocking HR. Its madness, this is the most consistent team Sours have had since 87.

        We beat the Arse at least once a season, even Chelsea aren’t rolling us over every year. I’m not saying its perfect, but its better than its ever been since 87.

        Tell me, where should we be?? You know what, even if you say 3rd, even that shows how far we have come.. Thats my point.

        • jolsgonemental says:

          firstly you cant judge a current manager using where we were 10 years ago as a yardstick. The yardstick is put down at the beginning of every season. That is how football works.
          Imagine City or Leeds setting their targets based on positions 15 years ago. Ridiculous.

          And consistent? From 10 wins out of 11, to 2 wins in 10? From beating direct rivals 4/5-0 to being beaten 5-2/5-1?
          We, my friend, are the very definition of inconsistent.

          And yes, we should be 3rd. With a bullet.

        • Weeker says:

          We don’t own Ady but our team is a damn site better than all but the Chesters

        • gee says:

          Brilliant, CB….it’s about time the coomon sense began to rear its head in defence of a guy who has done better for us than anybody since the mid 80s.

        • Gee and CB says:

          We know fuck all about football

        • rich g says:

          CB we obviously dont rate arsenal shite as highly as you, mug

    • Bruxie says:

      Ten points clear. Third place. And NOW.

      Are you serious?

      • Phil McAvity says:

        Playing devils advocate……who says we weren’t overachieving when we were 10 points clear in third?

        • Bruxie says:

          We weren’t and you know we weren’t.

          Sing it if you like.

        • LLL says:

          Let’s say you are right. So where does that leave the recent run of games where only Wolves have accumulated less points than us? To what extent were we over or under-achieving when we were losing at home to Norwich and QPR?

        • Phil McAvity says:

          Clearly under-achieving in those games I would of thought?

          But that’s why they say that ‘football is a funny old game!’

      • CB says:

        Yes, the wheels have fallen off. BUT most of the games we have been better than the results showed bar 1 or 2.

        But thats how it goes, Wenger was a muppet when Arse were doing bad. Ferguson was crap when UTD were off colour. Same with Moyes at the start of the season.

        Its this strange belief that the “all seeing ever great manager is just waiting for Harry to leave”?? Ok, when you find that Manager, let me know.

        Because Rogers,Martinez or Moyes is n’t the person.

        All I am saying is HR is a bloody good manager, the p[layers Modric,Bale who apparently are only fit for Champions League, they have as many questions to answer as anyone.

    • Bruxie says:


      I think we ar in agreement.

      The “reply” syndrome is playing havoc.

    • ses says:

      Its fans like you who dont want the the club to be the best! saying we did not have a top 4 squad at the beginning of the season, sums up your knowledge about players, football and my beloved spurs!!

  • gee says:

    Well said, Daveyid…..a comment of logic and sense amid a sea of moronic tripe

  • MalSpurs says:

    I think the FA are trying to get him sacked to avoid compo. Poor roy being used as a pawn I fear

    • LLL says:

      You’re an idiot.

      • Phil McAvity says:


        • LLL says:

          True though, innit. No way the FA would do that, it would be their most embarrassing stunt ever. This chap just can’t understand why the FA haven’t given the job to Redknapp. I can. It’s because Roy understands tactics and football, and knows how to win games with shit players through a tightly disciplined defensive shape. England under Redknapp? All he would do is tell Dog, Lamps and Stevie what top, triffic lads they are and tell them to go out there and run around and try and hit Crouchie’s head.

        • Phil McAvity says:

          Can’t agree about Hodgson I’m afraid, what has he really done over the last few years to warrant the England managers job? He got his one big shot at Liverpool and choked badly! I’m not saying ‘Arry is the perfect candidate either but love or hate him, he has taken Spurs to a CL quarter final and is on course to take us into the CL again.

        • LLL says:

          Hodgson is more experienced in terms of managing European teams and international teams, and competing in big tournaments. Harry’s experience in that regard? Taking Spurs to a pretty humiliating and abject CL exit – in the quarter finals albeit – and that’s it.

          Liverpool aside, and most people would say he wasn’t fairly treated there and inherited a poor squad from Benitez, and has achieved no less than their messiah in league terms anyway, Liverpool aside, he’s been a solid manager of mid-table fodder. He is 100 times more likely to have a realistic opinion of the limits of the England squad, whereas Redknapp probably thinks Lampard and Stevie are better than Messi and Ronaldo. As such, he is more likely to adopt the kind of conservative tactics which the ageing, un-decorated, under-talented and over-hyped England squad will need to stand any chance of a respectable campaign.

          Other than that, Harry’s your man..

        • Phil McAvity says:

          Bollocks!! Sorry but had to say that as you are belittling our run in the CL! Yes we bombed out eventually to Real Madrid (oh the shame) but before that the ride was great and I for one loved it and want more of the same please!

          With regards to Hodgson and England, well the proof will be in the pudding! Good luck to him I say as I’m English and I want my country to do well.

  • jolsgonemental says:

    moderating my comments. Cheeky bugger. Its my name above the door.

  • Az says:

    Classic I was hoping for Martinez now we are stuck dropsy for next season.

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