
Lo Fei Gibetto De Le Mei Case

Image for Lo Fei Gibetto De Le Mei Case

Good morning.

As I write this late last night I’m not long in from having been to watch a stand up comedian called Stewart Lee. One of the many excellent bits was him quoting from a supposed 40,000 word document comprised of bile about him collected from numerous places online.

Stew made this poignant, bitterly funny and utterly brilliant courtesy of one particular nasty rant he discovered online that revealed so much about it’s author that he recognised him as someone he had actually known very well for a short time, at one time in real life.  

The blackest comedy of this blogging lark is by far the ITK. I’ve backed a few winners and the occasional non runner*. It goes with the territory and if you can barely cope with the vagaries of life then any mask you use to conceal your daily struggle with life slips in the click of a mouse. 

*Benzema shirts are still available at full price from Reception

As the online designated driver of Redschnapp’s contempt I have to by rights share the dark forebodings of anyone a chap on Spurs Community who has predicted that our tight lipped supremo has less than 48 hours left in office. The poster is called Adief and he has spoken thus:

Harry will be removed at some point this weekend….
So this is clear, by monday morning H will be gone….

Ill be back monday, if this doesnt happen then the mods can ban me simple :)…this idnt rumour, this weekend he is gone!!!!

There was on response to this little bundle of joy that stood out and it came from another poster, Akquyid: 

Lunch with an agent today after golf. Agent off to Vegas with some of our lot this weekend, reckons Harry’s 100% gone.

Deep breath….

It won’t be his choice either. Supposedly some senior members have been either told incoming or of the situation

Other news Ade wants to stay and his people met DL before End of season and pretty much pleaded for it to happen. Other stuff Joe Cole was highlighted by HR, Advisors of DL completely ignored, may have been one of the final straws, but no one knows.

Not really, just seems DL has finally had enough. Don’t think the whole #askarry stuff on betfair helped. 

Any truth in any of this? Well, it all appears determined enough, you have to say that much for it and this Adief chap has gone as far to say he’ll willingly take a site ban if his Arry exit prediction didn’t turn out to be completely correct.

Adief’s ITK track record has been questioned. As your mother tells you, and my mother certainly told me, it is important, she always used to say, always to try new things.

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  • lk says:

    Sorry did Harry run a berfair column? Is this allowed? Did he stick a few quid on Chelsea? Hopefully this is true and we can build and use tactics like say Greece to nullify superior opposition. And stop trying to reform the west spam dream team!!
    What with all this misery in the World and the fact I’m drinking too much at the moment, I might actually cry tears of joy if this pans out.
    ps: What is an ITK? Sounds computery…? Internet Talk King? I’m from the north we don’t even have channel 5

    • hahahahahahaha….the ps is classic. I think exactly that way when people talk formations.I’ll raise you 4-2-4 and hit you with 5-3-3 when you are not looking. Meanwhile everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off and the formulators are trying to find some symmetry in all the chaos.

  • touching cloth says:

    Cant wait for something to happen. Anyone see Greece get sold out by a Spanish referee what a joke. He had a Cris Hoy game. Sold out scum.

  • Michael O'Sullivan says:

    I wish I was on crack. all this shit I am hearing is fucking me off. Make your mind up fast DL and either support harry or dump him. The choices you make in the next 8 weeks will make or break us so make sure you get it right!!

  • Nick says:

    to top it all off, Pavlyuchenko scores a beauty today. i can see harry scratching his head/balls: how can somebody score a minute after coming on as a sub if he doesn’t speak english?!

    • Habib says:


    • Hamster1 says:

      Would perestroika of scored more goals than saha ? I think so
      And gios so shit hes not worth game time oh dear Harry did he score again last night definately not good enough for us
      How much has Harry bet on him leaving or where his next job is I’m sure Harry’s pals will be on it .
      Harry now be fair and f off to bet fair permanently .
      I have never knowingly traveled to the middle east
      The king of bullshit lives

  • varun says:

    If harryy goes clebrate and appoint wigans manger
    martinez if he defeted arenal with wigan players imagine what h will do with spus

    if modric goes – joe allen
    if bale goes -milos krasic, affelay,snclair
    if vdv goes -gaston ramiez , ola

    • hoofing says:

      I am interested on Croatia’s handling of their group. Slaven Bilic and Tim Sherwood as his number 2 I have touted before, not convinced of Martinez though.

      As for ITK stuff ‘Adief’s ITK track record has been questioned.’ Mmmmmmm rubbing chin.

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