
Lo Fei Gibetto De Le Mei Case

Image for Lo Fei Gibetto De Le Mei Case

Good morning.

As I write this late last night I’m not long in from having been to watch a stand up comedian called Stewart Lee. One of the many excellent bits was him quoting from a supposed 40,000 word document comprised of bile about him collected from numerous places online.

Stew made this poignant, bitterly funny and utterly brilliant courtesy of one particular nasty rant he discovered online that revealed so much about it’s author that he recognised him as someone he had actually known very well for a short time, at one time in real life.  

The blackest comedy of this blogging lark is by far the ITK. I’ve backed a few winners and the occasional non runner*. It goes with the territory and if you can barely cope with the vagaries of life then any mask you use to conceal your daily struggle with life slips in the click of a mouse. 

*Benzema shirts are still available at full price from Reception

As the online designated driver of Redschnapp’s contempt I have to by rights share the dark forebodings of anyone a chap on Spurs Community who has predicted that our tight lipped supremo has less than 48 hours left in office. The poster is called Adief and he has spoken thus:

Harry will be removed at some point this weekend….
So this is clear, by monday morning H will be gone….

Ill be back monday, if this doesnt happen then the mods can ban me simple :)…this idnt rumour, this weekend he is gone!!!!

There was on response to this little bundle of joy that stood out and it came from another poster, Akquyid: 

Lunch with an agent today after golf. Agent off to Vegas with some of our lot this weekend, reckons Harry’s 100% gone.

Deep breath….

It won’t be his choice either. Supposedly some senior members have been either told incoming or of the situation

Other news Ade wants to stay and his people met DL before End of season and pretty much pleaded for it to happen. Other stuff Joe Cole was highlighted by HR, Advisors of DL completely ignored, may have been one of the final straws, but no one knows.

Not really, just seems DL has finally had enough. Don’t think the whole #askarry stuff on betfair helped. 

Any truth in any of this? Well, it all appears determined enough, you have to say that much for it and this Adief chap has gone as far to say he’ll willingly take a site ban if his Arry exit prediction didn’t turn out to be completely correct.

Adief’s ITK track record has been questioned. As your mother tells you, and my mother certainly told me, it is important, she always used to say, always to try new things.

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  • Topspur100 says:

    HH please go back to your funny write ups, they are what attracted me to return to your website in the first place, which if asked I suspect many others would agree with.

    This seemingly daily obsession on what some claim or do not claim to know has now become rather tedious. This appears to be taking you over! And we have now apparently lost your daily witticisms and irreverent pokes of fun. In fact, everything that made me smile and grin when I took the trouble to follow your newsnow link.

    Why does anyone actually care if these unknown contributors are right or wrong? If they are correct in their prophesies then we will all know in due course, if they are wrong (as they ALL seem to be so far) I am sure they will disappear from here in a nanosecond. I accept that you repeat or make some of these ‘ITK’ claims yourself to create interest, but ask yourself how many times any of it has come about?

    I grant you that what you have successfully done is highlight how utterly unreliable these people are and how silly it is to repeat or even reply upon what they purport to know. Please do not ruin my enjoyment of your write-ups by becoming one of them.

    Come on, you can do better than this!

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Why don’t you start an online petition.
      Maybe call it ‘Dance Monkey Dance.’

    • Topspur maybe you should create your own blog or website. Its difficult to be centre of the universe when you are visiting another planet

      • Topspur100 says:

        I thought your intellect might be limited from your reply on the previous article, now I know it is.

        • What a dickhead you are

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          Cant you hear the background music from the Twilight Zone as we speak….doo doo doo doo (or was it doo doo,doo doo?)

        • jerkinmahjurgen says:

          One would do well to remember that this is no Spurs blog. Indeed, Redknapp has spoken low of us on occasions, but not to the frequency or ferociousness of the aptly named Hotspur. Fannying off all our moves, hating all our games, hating all our players… like a wide-eyed, open-mouthed pre-teen boy when reading the red-rags or some ITFK somewhere on tinternet, and smearing other peoples all over the place, all over ur face. All over the fellow Spurs face, I say.

        • To the idealist go the riches.
          Never settle for mediocrity I say
          If we cant get into the CL then off with the mans head and let the blogs sing
          This is our Tottenham Spring and nobody will stop the march to freedom.

        • jerkinmahjurgen says:

          Many wrong mans heads off’d by the angry masses. Too busy hunting down the innocent to notice the goal-posts being moved. Got 4th [our target] even after 3mths of shaight…, but even so, = CL.

  • Spider says:

    I want HR replaced as much as you do, but don’t forget that the players (at least the starting 11 – the only players who get more than 5 mins per game under Harry) love him. And what about potential signings? would the man from Ajax still come? Remy? For this to work Levy would have to have an instant replacement ready, like he did when Harry replaced Ramos. And the replacement would have to be an attractive proposition for the players we are chasing. Who would you have as manager?!!!

  • CLaw says:

    In The Know. Claiming to know something or someone on the inside. I’d say at least 90% is utter rubbish.

  • Sid Trotter says:

    ITK = Itchy Timy Knob. Ergo, they have to make themselves seem important by writing ludicrous stuff on blogs, where they have total anonymity

    In other news, we’re out of sausage rolls but there are 2 crates of Shiraz left.

    I once met a pony called Derek, that could eat hay on three legs and neigh at the same time

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    How does In The Know, know? Is DL’s phone bugged? Has he got Harry’s ear? Does he have access to an orbiting spy satellite 5000 miles above the Earth? Is he fed titbits of information (a la Deep Throat in “All the President’s Men”)in some shady car park basement? Does he read The Sun and think it’s real life? Does he confuse the word “invention” with the word “information”. Is it really Arsene Wenger all the time? Any other explanation escapes me.

    • jerkinmahjurgen says:

      Cleary some people will be in a position of ITK. Don’t dispute that. What % of ITK would leak, or what % of self-stated ITK’s are actual ITK’s… that’s the grey area.

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