
Modric & Baines

Image for Modric & Baines

Good morning.

That old devil called Luka Modric again and the first out of the traps are The Mirror with a cobbled together piece that wants deconstructing and putting back together in a more logical order. Let’s kick off with the valuation of the pocket sized Croatian.

£22m they say. Now before the first of you screams the place down with er… screams of, ‘£40m and not a penny less!’ take a moment and consider two things. Firstly the valuation of fans is rarely in tune with that of football clubs. And by that I refer equally to under-valuations as well as the over estimates.

Secondly, Levy & Co. kept an uncompromisingly straight bat when it came to Modders. The boy has a contract with us with what, four years or whatever on it to run. There’s no buy out clause and there’s no gentlemen’s agreement. 

Next to be factored in are the purchases made by the the supposed vultures themselves. Manchester United have just bought Shinji Kagawa. This is undoubtedly a player Slur Alex has bought to operate in a space that Modders could occupy.

“He’s simply a great footballer his movement is insane. I wouldn’t like to play against him.” Mats Hummels

“Kagawa can keep the ball in the smallest of spaces and is a quick decision-maker” Ryo Miyaichi

The most real threat is potentially from Chelsea. The Blue Racists are shopping with some gusto buying gifts galore for their new manager; but arguably have yet to buy a player that so obviously duplicates Modric.

And so to Leighton Baines. We should buy him. The fact that Slur Alex is whinging about the price is neither here nor there. United talk a big transfers but the reality is they are under enormous financial constraints. £15m is probably ‘toppy’ but we have a card up our sleeve here.

The Pienaar deal stank and indeed still stinks to high heaven. We bought him and yet it was painfully evident not only we didn’t know what to do with him, but his heart belonged to Goodison.

The wiseacres will chip in here, ‘but we bought him to make a quick buck on!’ But this is clearly rubbish. From who? Only Everton and nobody else in the whole wide world want him …and they’re skint members.

I don’t know the truth of why this all happened but what I do know is we have an excellent bargaining chip in relation to Baines.

Why Baines? Well, he’s very good at playing football would be the first box I’d check and second of all is the choice he would give us. Benny divides opinion and this is born quite rightly out of frustration. He’s the coolest left back in the west, but he’s not routinely the greatest. 

Next season will be a tough campaign. If Arry manages to survive last season then it’s likely he’ll only be offered a contract of token length.  Hence the out and out punt taken by a couple of papers yesterday in relation to this.

Champions League qualification will therefore be non negotiable despite what blabberchops has to say on the matter. There too will be the Europa and dare I even suggest it, domestic pots and pans to chase.

In conclusion, it will be fascinating to see what Levy & Co do upon their return to business next week. I have a suspicion they won’t be mucking about.

You gotta love a raunchy president.

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  • Tony says:

    1st June 2011,opening of transfer window. Story from Manchester based reporter Ian Ladyman in the Mail that Spurs would accept £20m for Modric. Every blog site and national newspaper then carried that farcical valuation for the next few weeks.

    Fast forward to 3rd June 2012. Mail carries story from North East correspondent Bob Cass, saying Levy had quoted Fergie £32m, and Fergie will not go that high. Press pass journos on Talksport report that Bob Cass is close to purple nose.

    Call me cynical but both these joke stories are transparent attempts by someone with a purple nose to talk the price down. What annoys me is that some of you appear to have bought it. Modric has 4 years left on his contract, he is still worth £40m+. Levy will try to hold on to Modders, but if he once again turns into ratboy, then my guess is that Levy will try to encourage a bid from PSG or Juventus, to keep him out of SAFs clutches. One thing is certain Levy will move heaven and earth to keep Modders from Manure and their filthy tactics. Ultimately if the Govan thug succeeds in unsettling Modric, the chances are both Spurs and Manure will be losers. Spurs may have to take £30-35m, but Modric will end up plying his trade at PSG.Almost certainly Modders will not go to manure on the cheap, and the more they underbid, the more Levy will dig in.

  • Will says:

    What is the difference between a tablod sports journalist and a fellatrix?

    Answer in one word please.

  • Bruxie says:

    Why isn’t ‘Arry talking today?

    Has he been told to shut it?

    No comment on Modric and the £22m opener from manure?

    Astounding. The journos must be hacking his answer machine/voicemail.

  • xildnparadise says:

    My fantasy of “The Office” style You Tube video…

    If offers come over the fax machine, I would love to see DL’s assistant taking it off the machine yelling “MU is offering 22 for Modders” and everyone in the office break out laughing in hysterics… I mean rolling on the floor laughing….

    Like what the f*&^* are they smoking laughing….

  • A Brian Surgeon says:

    Levy takes no crap from Modders or Arry.

    A reminder:

    Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp insists the club will end up going backwards if they sell their top players and Levy agrees.

    The Spurs chairman wrote in his end of season address to supporters:

    “Our squad has top players at all levels and we shall continue to seek stability and to retain key players this summer and beyond.”

    “We are a club that is focusing on growth and moving forward.”

    Dan’s the daddy. Dey is goin nowhere guy, change da record.

    :cop: – (sings) Police & know alls… in de stree eets…… Oh yeah eah eah………fightin de bogsphere wid their….. sense & supposition…

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