
More Front Than Southend

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Good morning.

What’s been amusing in all this that the minority that still support Arry are as outraged as he is that that anyone would have the audacity to wish him gone. 

And so the great pretender has come out swinging. What a stark contrast to the carefree international playboy of the western world schtick we had to suffer when he was waltzing on our screens; telling people he’d bring in Scholesy, give Walcott a chance.

“This is an outrage; an absolute liberty for people to be putting around this kind of rumour on the internet.

It is not true, there is not a chance I will resign. Why should I? I have a year left on my contract.”

Interesting wording. Devil’s in the detail. 

‘On the Internet’ he says, clearly gutted that despite all his extensive whoring and schmoozing he did with the press Arry the dinosaur overlooked the medium most preferred by the vast majority of the human race.

Interesting that The Sun online has chosen to completely bury the story – you have to click on the club crest to unearth it.

‘There is not a chance I will resign,’ he says. Well I never said you had. I had everything crossed you’d gone. I actually used the word ‘vomited’. How you left didn’t interest me. That said, a regular reader does have what I am given to understand is a perfectly serviceable gents bicycle for sale.

At around the £15 mark, it seems good value.

Arry has supposedly armed himself up with Paul Stretford the football agent that caused havoc in the corridors at Old Trafford negotiating for Wayne Rooney for the meeting. Remember the tactic there? Wazza off to City? 

22 November 2011If we keep up this form we’ll win the league”

8th February 2012  Capello steps down as England manager.

23rd March 2012Absolute nonsense. That’s the biggest load of nonsense I’ve ever heard in my life. They don’t care whether I’m manager next year.

They wouldn’t lose any sleep over that.’ ‘Footballers play the game, they come in every day and train. Someone else walks in here tomorrow-the king is dead, long live the king.

They don’t worry. They don’t think ‘Harry is going to England’ or ‘he is going to go somewhere else”. 

5th June 2012  “It’s not a case of me looking for security.

What it’s about is players knowing you’ve got a year left on your contract, and knowing that it doesn’t work, basically. I think it’s a situation of ‘well he might not be here next year.’ 

5th June 2012 “I think it’s overrated what people say about Champions League.”

When all the clucking is done the bottom line is that Arry’s delusional episode when he believed he was going to be the next England manager cost THFC ballpark £30M. Anyone who wants to debate that in a coherent manner, here I am.

So the attempts thus far to bully the Board with threats of offers elsewhere and possible player unrest by our tight lipped supremo won’t be given houseroom. Only a man as plain stupid as Arry would try and hold someone up with an empty gun.

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  • cozzer9 says:

    Beyonce sums it all for me. Heard this earlier this morning, Levy was blasting it from his car
    “So go ahead and get gone
    Call up that chick, and see if shes home
    Oops I bet you thought, that I didn’t know
    What did you think
    I was putting you out for?
    Because you was untrue
    Rolling her around in the car that I bought you
    Baby, drop them keys
    Hurry up, before your taxi leaves

    Don’t you ever for a second get to thinking
    You’re irreplaceable”

  • Spurs 37001 says:

    The king is dead, long live Ledley in our new set up.

    We want you to stay, we want you to stay, oh Daniel Levy, we want you to stay.

    Sign Johan Cruyff to remodel our club.

  • Theme Songs says:

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