
Some Small But Interesting Things *That’s What She Said*

Image for Some Small But Interesting Things  *That’s What She Said*

Good afternoon.

Here is what I have and I’ll leave you good and wise people to pick the bones out of it. I took a speculative punt (is there any other) on some information from a chap on Facebook recently that came via our man in the field …Seattle Spurs Guy. 

Since then the boy hotspurs magic it is alleged by the owner that that  his pages membership was boosted by some 500%. Well, I liked not only what I read but the distinctly decent way in which the information was presented. No ‘look at me’, no riddles just what the man had.

Since then this chap has been in touch privately and I have to say it appears even more kosher.

  • Arry was fired by Levy & Co but it was ENIC that pulled the trigger
  • Levy & Co were sick to back teeth with Arry and any hesitation was dispelled by a rare but considerable influence from above.
  • Modric’s departure is subject to all the usual bumflufferies 100% to Real Madrid. Levy & Co’s ‘straight bat’ to the Blue Russians worked a treat. 

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