
The 10 O’Clocker: An ITK Frances De La Tour De Force

Image for The 10 O’Clocker: An ITK Frances De La Tour De Force

Good evening.

Some more bones and over ripe vegetables to throw into your transfer window stock as you quite naturally ask yourself, ‘why me and what’s with the stock, it’s June?’

This from the secure unit of the Tottingham message board that is FTL and a geezer wot intros the goods wiv …’Has never sent me anything like this before and dunno where he would’ve got it from so take it as you please:’ 

  • Vertonghen WILL be a Spurs player come July 1st? 
  •  Sig WILL be a Spurs player come July 1st? 
  • Loic Remy WILL be a spurs player come July 10th (delays in agreeing terms)? 
  • Modric WILL be sold to Real Madrid (£30m + Sahin) by July 9th? 
  • AVB WILL be Spurs manager on July 1st? 
  • we WILL be signing with our MAJOR sponsor/investor for naming rights on July 15th? 
  • Stadium work WILL be commencing July 27th after the signing of the final contracts.? 
  • 2 x more MAJOR signings WILL be made before July 18th
Oh yes. And can whoever it was that grassed Spurs Odious’ webmaster Paul Smith up to the Premier League for publishing next seasons fixtures please make themselves known to Reception. Hilarious prank, my name was mentioned alas kudos to whoever thought it would be funny…

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  • nobby nobbs says:

    i hope Bale isnt our new signing and,,,,,,,,Striker

  • Flav says:

    Fucking hell. Can you fit anymore advertisements on here? I’m curious to know where you stop thinking about money and where you start thinking about Tottenham.

    • sorry we are not communists at Tottenham.We are true blue (not ultra blue mind you) conservativesI I think you need the red half of woolwich down the road.

    • melcyid says:

      I just scrolled down and looked at the adverts,there’s tons of space for all kinds of ads. would you have a product that you would like to promote I’m sure HH could do you a deal.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      There’s always Adblock, Flashblock, etc. Maybe you should familiarise yourself with these, and then your complaints will disappear along with the ads. :daumen:

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Flav, are you Her Majesty’s blog inspector?

      You shouldn’t worry myself with what other people are doing and just make sure you get a good nights sleep.

      So you can be bright and up with larks to start cleaning toilets again in the morning :winke:

    • ads are definately better than some of the posts including the one about the ads.Why would you even focus on the ads?
      I mean its like going to WHL and talking about Sainsburys

      What do you think of Modric?

      The chicken is not very good is it.

  • Spurs 37001 says:

    The are the votes of the Communist Republic of North Circularobia.
    1. No
    2. No
    3. No
    4. No
    5. Probably, we’ve told you a hundred of times over.DON’T DO IT!
    6. No – pipe dream.
    7. No – don’t be silly.
    8. No – could we make that August.

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