
Are You Cloughie In Disguise? Are You Cloughie, In Disguise?

Image for Are You Cloughie In Disguise? Are You Cloughie, In Disguise?

Good evening.

I tell you this much. I’m dead excited. The appointment of Andres Villas Boas should prove to be a genuine coup. And here’s my thinking behind why…

AVB’s pedigree and limited past successes fill me with hope. Why should they do otherwise? They appear a fair reflection of the man. Add to the mix Sir Bobby Robson and Jose Mourinho – two of the greatest footballing minds of what, the last two generations –  both showed him enormous respect and what have we got? A man that one of the richest men in footballing history – Roman Abramovich – employed.

Why was Chelsea a disaster for Boas then? Hahahahahhahahaha come on. Please tell me you didn’t arrive at this URL via the EDL website.  John Terry, Fwank and Ashley are unmanageable.

AVB wasn’t the first to be spat out of the Tosspot Social Club. Hiddink? Ancelotti? If you say otherwise you automatically assert that Roberto Di Mateo is one of the world’s finest football managers. 

So what did Boas actually do in his spell with the Blue Racists, then? Well, try this for size. His tactics were rather sexy . A defensive high line and an emphasis on having the ball.

Retention, speed, attack. Just enough to make it unpalatable for the conditioned old guard who still only know and trust their counter attack methodology. And so where might a system like this flourish? Well did any of you watch the EURO 2012 final? Yeah, Spain.

So what can we expect? The short answer ain’t short. AVB spoke of a project at The Bridge and I have to break it to you that we’ll be facing an approach whereby the system is paramount and the players will have to meld in order to achieve success. 

This isn’t as creepy as Scientology I promise you. But it can be as cool to watch as a Tom Cruise movie. 

What the appointment of AVB will herald is an intense focus upon commitment, drive, achievement and ambition. The resources of the squad were under exploited by the last bloke. This chap will truly coach. And believe me he will manage. 

Why did I mention Brian Clough? Because he was a man that got a second chance from football. Football allows that you know.

And if you were willing to pay close attention, you might learn even more than that yourself …young man.

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  • Spurs tough says:

    Lets kill adrian Durham. You know it makes sense!

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Hahahhahaha. Me first :-p

    • Razspur says:

      And Adrian Chiles please !

      • essexian76 says:

        ‘Be in Bimingham at 8 in the morning for the opportunity to kill Aidrian Durham’

        “Why Birmingham, he works in London!”

        ‘Because Birmingham’s where the queue starts’

        • Astromesmo says:

          :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • elvico says:

      do you mean that adrien durham with the cricketer or as i call them laurel and hardy,yeh lets .

    • kenny powers says:

      He is a provocative so and so.
      All about getting you to phone in and it works he has sometimes had me with steam coming out my ears lol.
      Even when he’s wrong he’s right :devil: :devil:

  • I think I’ve found your wristwatch.

  • TonyRich says:

    If we have a high line, then we need to sign two new centre backs… King in his prime would have been ideal – but not now, Kaboul should be able to adjust (just keep it switched on please), Daws, Bassong…forget it! Vertonghen????? Sexy high line to some, brown trousers time for others… Tactics were not working with a 2nd place quality lineup. Let’s hope that the tactics are adjusted to suit the Premiership…. The guy should know by now as he experienced Scotland for his coaching badges and Chelsea as assistant and manager.

  • UnkleKev says:

    When Villas-Boas’ name was first mooted I wasn’t too keen, but his exploits in Portugal soon won me over. I do know I’d rather have him in charge of my club than some bloke who was sacked by West Brom a couple of years ago. If it goes wrong it goes wrong and we get laughed at. Again. Nothing new there. But if it goes right it goes spectacularly right and Citeh will have a real fight on their hands.

  • Brentwoodspur says:

    Comparisons between someone who has won something in Portugal – where, let’s face it, the majority of us could succeed – and the great Brian Clough are at this stage complete b—–ks.

    • Paul says:

      Exactly (see my post above). With Clough you are talking about a legend where as AVB is wet behind the ears.
      I suspect van der vaart will have to leave (being Dutch and therefore having a mind of his own + he’s asenior player which AVB will find it hard to control)

      • Urbane Sturgeon says:

        Perhaps his having a dodgy hamstring, 70 minute playing limit and inconsistent quality might also have something to do with it?

      • Astromesmo says:

        Cheer up… According to the Express they were installing revolving doors at the new training ground for the vast numbers of experienced pro’s that were heading for the exit… Like Bentley, Gio and Gallas – But according to HR, the players don’t mind who’s in charge… So we’re OK!

        If VDV has brains, wouldn’t that work well with a thinking manager? After all, Terry doesn’t have a brain, that’s why it didn’t work with AVB?

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