
10 O’Clocker: And We’re Off!

Image for 10 O’Clocker: And We’re Off!

Good evening.

836,357 people have assured me this evening that I need to lose weight and brush up my social skills a bid has been accepted for long term Chicken Badge allergy sufferer Luka Modric.

If this is the case then goodbye and good riddance. Ooh …’nasty Harry’ I hear you say. Well, not really. My bitter sentiments don’t get borne out of boredom. Chancers like Luka and Dimitar could have stayed where they where and been an integral part of something good. Something worthwhile.

But when we are dealing with these type of half men …who spiritually come from a place so low that even the rats are hunchbacked …what can one expect?

Will a deal on Modders include a Noel Edmond’s Saturday Swap Shop stylee player plus cash deal? I sincerely doubt it.Will this spark a flurry of Tottingham shaped transfer activity? I sincerely doubt it. But Levy & Co are 100% working overtime…

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  • Razspur says:

    In The 94/95 season Klinsmann & Sheringham scored a total of 38 goals but Ossie forgot that the other team try to score as well and lost his job. Gerry Francis tightened up the defence but it was too late and we finished 6th
    This season we’re building from the back but a pair of 38’s would be lovely.

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    In the dock is the aptitude of the chairman.On trial based on circumstantial evidence.
    The defence is offering him some more time,the prosecution is stating past history.
    For me the jury is still out.

    For me its not whether is clever enough.That he is.The question is,is he TOO clever.

    • Razspur says:

      A trial cannot proceed on circumstantial evidence alone, the DPP, FA or whoever governs would need direct proof or a confession.
      Another point of note is that this is Football, where the hell are you going to find 12 Just Men ?

      • Ronnie Wolman says:

        The US Olympic soccer team?????

        well sans the goalkeeper who I would like to prosecute on my own terms
        I’d give her 30 years of living with me with an additonal 10years for bad behaviour

      • Ronnie Wolman says:

        Actually Levy cant be found guilty.
        He definately didnt do it (whatever it is)

        • Razspur says:

          If ‘arry got of the tax charges and the dog is not racist Levy would get away with murder, not that I’m suggesting you should throttle the Croat (think of the money Dan).

        • LosLorenzo says:


          You reminding Levy to “think of the money” is possibly the most unneccessary thing I’ve ever seen commited to writing in my life. Ever…

          :-D :-D

        • Razspur says:

          Between throttling the Croat and £25m, for most of us it’s a toss up but you’re right Levy is a breed apart, money every time.

  • Mitchell Thomas says:

    I think the subject of ***** needs an airing. H – i’d be interested in your considered opinion on him and why he should be viewed as one of the worst ever Spurs players. Which to my mind he should. Am i being unfair?

    Remember the important goals he’s got against Arsenal over the years. Should we cut him some slack as a consequence?

    My mate had a point of view that the real crime is that he’s only ever been ‘quite good’ when at his best. He’s never shown the attitude or desire to be ‘really good’ or ‘excellent’ when you just know that he could have been as he had bags of ability. He also slates him a ‘pea-heart’ and a ‘carpet-bagger’.

    Is Jenas now so far over the hill that even the ‘what could be’ thoughts are past their sell by date?

  • BrizzleSpur says:

    There doesn’t seem to be many players who actually want to join Spurs, only mercenaries who are willing to accept a move thats beneficial to their careers and one that accommodates them financially. No surprise there I guess. But that being the case, shouldn’t we be very cautious how much we sell and buy for, as it’s the make or brake factor in who we can bring in?

    I dont think it’s that, we can’t afford to buy a striker for £20m +
    I think it’s a case of, we can’t afford to buy the wrong one.

    This is just my logic that re-inforces my belief that the club IS doing the right thing, despite these on-going annoyances in players out/in.
    It’s only a fiasco if it ends in failure. And the fat lady hasn’t even warmed up yet.

  • Phil McAvity says:

    £23.6m + £3.9m in add-ons according to SSN. If that’s true then I’m sorry but what a load of shit. All this waiting for that?

    And that’s without the percentage we’ve got to pay to Dinamo.

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