
Huddlestone Loaned To Stoke [subject to medical]

Image for Huddlestone Loaned To Stoke [subject to medical]

Good morning.

Another tale to tug at the heart strings of some.

Tommy ‘Smack My Ketchup’ Huddlestone is set to join Stoke Anti Football Club on a season long loan this morning. My view is that he won’t be missed. My patience with the guy evaporated some time back.

Yes, the touch of an angel, but for all the dreamy 30 yard shots how many were ever on target? I don’t have the stats but I’ve been watching Spurs continuously throughout Tom’s time with us and the answer is in single figures. If he had truly wanted to knuckle down and improve he could have done so by now.

He was England U16, U17,U19, U20, U21 and in the last four years he’s struggled to make 3 senior appearances. Less iPod, less tattoos, less haircut, less hard done by Tweeting and …more football.

I wouldn’t wish a loan move to Stoke on many people, but this will be a sink or swim job. If he wants a career rather than a salary then he needs to apply himself.

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  • Benspur says:

    Might give him a bit of “mungrul” as one of my former bosses once informed me I needed

  • Mark falcos love child says:

    Can you fail the medical because of obesity ( spelt wrong i know) just asking ?

  • Hotspur125 says:

    If he’s not capable of getting in our first 11 now then he never will be. Assume it’s only a loan as no one is stupid enough to risk a permanent deal for an injury prone lump who makes Niko Kranjar look fast

  • Cozzer5 says:

    Are they going to play him in the centre of a 9 man defence and have him just ping the ball up to LSP.

  • BrizzleSpur says:

    And with Daws on his way this is turning out to be quite the clear-out. J**** and Bentley next please.

    A rat replacement and the capture of that illusive no.9 must follow!

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