
Huddlestone Loaned To Stoke [subject to medical]

Image for Huddlestone Loaned To Stoke [subject to medical]

Good morning.

Another tale to tug at the heart strings of some.

Tommy ‘Smack My Ketchup’ Huddlestone is set to join Stoke Anti Football Club on a season long loan this morning. My view is that he won’t be missed. My patience with the guy evaporated some time back.

Yes, the touch of an angel, but for all the dreamy 30 yard shots how many were ever on target? I don’t have the stats but I’ve been watching Spurs continuously throughout Tom’s time with us and the answer is in single figures. If he had truly wanted to knuckle down and improve he could have done so by now.

He was England U16, U17,U19, U20, U21 and in the last four years he’s struggled to make 3 senior appearances. Less iPod, less tattoos, less haircut, less hard done by Tweeting and …more football.

I wouldn’t wish a loan move to Stoke on many people, but this will be a sink or swim job. If he wants a career rather than a salary then he needs to apply himself.

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  • Clarkspur says:

    Let’s not forget the bloke is always injured. I used to rave about his talents but I realise that was about 5+ years ago. He’s not an up-and-coming youngster anymore, he’s seeing his career through on the injury table.

    Shame for all concerned but as a multi-millionaire you’d have thought he would conduct himself with a little more respect given his minor contribution to the team and the pay he gets.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      I thought exactly this when I heard about his (later self-censored) tweet.

      Yes, Tom, it’s true. Respect DOES have to be earned before being given. Now run along to Stoke and earn it…

      Personally, I absolutely love Thudd when he manages to do what he does best. But he’s not really up to many of the tasks AVB seems likely to require of his CMs. Luxury player if there ever was one.

      Who knows? Maybe he’ll ooze class all season for Stoke, and show us something we haven’t seen before. If it’s graft he’s been missing, then Stoke is certainly the right place for him to learn.

      • The Tottinghams says:

        Spot on.

        Things to do for Tommy today:
        1) earn some respect
        2) put down the pie

        Finally some advice from Arry pays off “run abaaaat a bit”.

        RUN TOMMY RUN!

      • LLL says:

        He didn’t self-censor – it is still on his timeline, don’t believe everything you read in the Daily Mail. Actually, play the law of averages and don’t believe anything you read there.

        He also said the tweet wasn’t about football, and who knows, perhaps it wasn’t? And if it was? I don’t really care. He’s not a player that has ever caused a problem in the past over 7 years of service so I would say he probably had his reasons.

        Can’t understand the stick people are giving him just because he was injured, isn’t fast and wrote a vague tweet that could be interpreted in different ways. Don’t you fellows remember the good stuff he’s done for Spurs?!?

      • Frontwheel 2 says:

        He’s bound to look good at Stoke with all the tat around him,no doubt a lot of future blogs asking why we let him go out on loan.

      • `rich g says:

        what did his tweet say mate, im not on twatter, but im curious about what hes said?

  • Bobbles says:

    Tellin’ it like it is today H.

  • Mitchell Thomas says:

    I predict severe neck-knack for Tom as another long throw/hoof/clearance flies directly over his head and into the corner of the pitch….

  • hoofing says:

    ‘My view is that he won’t be missed.’

    Bang on the money there. Unfit, injury prone and second the last para from Clarkspur.

  • dixta says:

    v good summary of Hudd. He wasn’t quite Hod. But still a glorious talent, sadly i make you right on the less ipod, tweet etc But a few cracknig strikes inc against the nomads

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