
Just Been Handed The Showreel For Our New Striker

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  • Its ridiculous how we have treated many of our players.Leave them on the bench.Leave them at home,leave them to stew in their own blood and then expect the best of them when we put them out for 5 minutes.
    Managing is the art of getting the best out of players.
    Harry R gave 5 minutes here and there or offered them a bigger part of the game when they were just about to commit suicide.
    GDS could be another Nani type. This is so bad and warranted the behavior of Redknapp to these players?
    Now AVB has to make amends and give them a chance to breathe.Quite frankly we have no idea what we have (but please NO JENAS!)

    • They are so bad and warranted the behavior to these players,This is what I meant to say.
      My brain cant keep up with my fingers

    • essexian76 says:

      in the 4 years since GDS has been at the club, you tell me a single game when you thought ‘Maybe, just maybe’ and then put yourself in a managers position as ask yourself ‘Is he worth putting my job on the line for?’

      • How can you possibly have any sense that Harry worked the squad in any fair and respectful way when so many of them on the bench were unhappy from not being given a fair shot.
        Compare that with Ferguson at United who put his faith in his players.
        Either they are or they are not.Harry pre decided who was and who wasnt,
        So you cannot go by Harrys tenure he ruined more players than he developed.

        • How comes he plays fantastic for Mexico????
          It is not GDS its Harry Redknapp.

        • essexian76 says:

          nonsense Ronnie, International football and Prem football are poles apart. Players need different dynamics to perform in the EPL, and showboating, lazy and disinterested aren’t any of them

        • What happened to Darren Bent before and after he was with us????

        • Phil McAvity says:

          Darren Bent? Before us he played for a shit club and after us he has played for shit clubs.

        • essexian76 says:

          WTF has Bent to do with GDS? AVB will have his pet’s and hates and his own set of idea’s.Managers need players they can trust,not those who show up when it suits them.I’d sooner believe my own eyes,when I see a player like GDS skulk around and not doing the business,lose the ball and hope someone get’s it back for him,like with Mexico? We play in the EPL Ronnie,you have graft as well as showboat-watch Shearer, Klinsman, Gigg’s, Ronaldo, Cantona..blah ,blah,, all could play- all earnt the right to play because they’re all grafters as well, that’s the difference!

        • Yes but he scored against good clubs didnt he?
          So that makes him even better

        • Phil McAvity says:

          Not sure I get that logic Ron to be honest.

        • Think about it Phil,
          If he has been with crappy clubs and scored against good clubs.That is more difficult than playing for good clubs and scoring against weak clubs.
          I hope now you can get it Phil

        • Phil McAvity says:

          Nope! Peter Crouch has scored against some good clubs for Stoke, doesn’t mean he has got any better.

      • Mattspurs says:

        When Lennon was injured for about 10 games we played VDV, Modric, Bale, krancjar, Livermore and Sandro in his position. Gio got about 20 minutes. He’s clearly a very talented player and a good manager should be able to bring out the best in him

        • essexian76 says:

          When Lennon was injured long term between New Year and late April, Bentley covered for him and played brilliantly, so well in fact, we qualified for the CL,but why aren’t people clamouring for his inclusion as opposed to GDS,who’s done absolutely nothing to further his own cause?

      • kpn82 says:

        The first season we signed him (I think) in preseason he looked mustard. He then was one of the first/ major scapegoats along with Bentley for the ‘2 points in 8 games’ quotes by Harry.

      • Crouch was use expensively for us so he is not in the equation. Bent was use very sporadically and showed us what he could do when he left.
        He was on the same team as Milner,Young and Downing by the way.
        Defoe also has done better away from us than with us.

  • essexian76 says:

    Let’s ‘do a Cardiff’ and change our strip to Green, white and red, then play only sub-standard sides from the wider reaches of the Amazonian rainforests, and perhaps we’ll get a same out of him?

    • CptCaveman says:

      Essexian has a point, its not like Mexico are playing the cream of the world week in week out. And anyway, if Gio put in a shift in training every week like he does for Mexico then it would be impossible to leave him out of the side. Theres clearly always been a problem there, possibly the physical nature of the premiership..who knows.

      • essexian76 says:

        He played well for Ipswich while on loan, sort confirms my gut-feeling that he’s not up to the Prem. Believe me I only want to see him do well in a Spurs shirt, but would Barca have flogged him for 4.5m if they thought he could cut the mustard?

        • Phil McAvity says:

          I was just going to say that very thing Essex, if he was that good then Barcelona would not have let him go for such a small sum in the first place.

      • He played well for Ipswich on loan and thats why he cant play in the premiership?????

        Thats ridiculous.Why send our scouts anywhere but the top 6 ???????

        He either has had a fair chance at Tottenham or he hasnt.

        Let me ask you has Harry helped any players do better????

        A player gets a big injury and gets a chance but most of the timeit was 5 minutes at the end of a game.
        Managing is more.Much more.
        Thats why a Hodgson could take Fulham or West Brom and make those players play well.
        Harry had to buy all his cronies because he cant manage with an open mindto develop what he has.

        • essexian76 says:

          Why are you bringing Harry into the equasion?, there was I thinking HR gave GDS a fair crack in the team during the Europa league games and apart from 1 game (Irish part timers), proved himself right by not considering him further, because quite frankly he stunk the place out! Ipswich was mentioned simply because there he showed he had talent, but again you’re confusing an average/poor league, with the EPL which requires more than just talent alone to succeed.

        • If Harry was the manager and he said to me that the Europa is a shit league and he had no interest ,how could I be interested.
          The wholeteam played like shit because of that.

          Ferguson played City in the Community Shield and had his players believe it was the world cup final.

          The point is we had a lousy manager who would give the keys to the chosen goup and the rest he had no respect for.

        • essexian76 says:

          You’re bending the rules to suit your argument now Ronnie, the guy’s had chances, even before HR’s arrival-he stunk each and everytime, he’s been on as sub-anonymous,would be my kindness observation. He’s not very good, why didn’t Sociadad or the Turkish side make a concerted attempt to buy him after extensive loan periods?

        • I cant say why another team didnt sign him or whether he has even developedcomplately yet.
          BUt AVB would be better to give him an exptensive trial to see if what he can do and then we will know.
          AVB said all players are going to be tested. Thats fine with me.Lets see what he comes up with and I hope he gets a fair chance under AVB.

        • essexian76 says:

          My backs killing me and instead of going to a faith healer, I think I’ll ask AVB to put his healing hands on it, it’ll be great to see a miracle worker first hand.

        • No but I would ask AVB for a second opinion at least.You have written him off completely.

        • essexian76 says:

          No I haven’t..he’s managed that all by himself. IF AVA can get a tune out of him, then more power to his elbow because it’ll mean Spurs are the beneficiaries, all I’m saying is after 4 years of piss-poor, non performances, an awful lot of posing and awful lot more press quotes, where and when do you draw a line on him and move on, instead of having to go through codswallop after every decent performance with Mexico, who are an International team in the CONCAF region?

        • We all know what Harry did by not using the bench correctly,downplaying all the tournaments that the bench did play in and generally only giving players 5 minutes at the end of a game.
          We will see now.Its a shame that we have to be talking about this moot point considering that we lack some components that are much more important.
          GDS could turn out good or not.The winder situation is the least of our problems.

        • Winger I meant winger dammit.
          Winder is another problem and it will be gone soon.

    • Taco muncher says:

      I’ve watched GDS play too many very strong games for Mexico to believe that he cannot succeed in the EPL. Let’s face it, there are enormous gaps between the cithes and the blackburns in this league. So to say that international football is not up to EPL standards is not exactly saying anything. It is quite obvious that gio is a player who needs to feel comfortable to perform well and arrys constant nagging didn’t help. Gio is a young lad from a foreign county who likes to have a good time out in london. Unless AVB figures out how to give him sufficient playing time, he’s gone on a free come Jan 2013. I have a sense that he ll find a team in a major league (Spain, EPL,
      Germany) and be very successful over the next 3 – 4 years.

  • essexian76 says:

    A Game, even!

    • Thepin says:

      Hey Gringo, Haven’t we just bought a Cardiff Fan on Ebay, because of their change of kit? If we changed, that would mean we would have to put him back up for sale again. I don’t mind players coming and going, but let’s not drive away any fans.

  • 89Spurs says:

    GDS has done very well in the Mexico squad environment, alas, when it comes to commitment,( And I really think that is all about commitment) towards a club, not only Spurs, but other clubs that he has been on loan at. Maybe he needs a more controlled approached to training/matches in order to get him in the right frame of mind to compete in the PL

    • I think the opposite is true too.When a club buys a player they have a commitment too.Not just to pay him but to play his and help him.
      Harry gave air to half the squad and stifled the other half.

      • essexian76 says:

        So as Jenas signed a 3 or 4 year deal before his loan, it’ll be OK to play him now then?

        • The situation with Jenas is different.he has been in the team previously on a regular basis and everyone knows what he can and cant do.
          He knows the club and he has had his chances and maybe we singed him on at that point for utility purposes. He had no future anyway.
          With GDS he has potential.But he never got the chance that Jenas has had with Tottenham.
          He has the ability or at least that he needs a fair crack. We dont know how good he is.But he looks like he has talent. He needs to put on bulk (Both Ronaldo and Nani looked malnourished when they went to United and GDS stilllooks that way)
          I hope AVB tried him fairly and he has a chance to really shine in the new set up.Jenas? He is a good athlete but not that bright of a player.

        • essexian76 says:

          I think you’ll find he’s had plenty of chances and failed each and every time to stamp his worth on them-blame the player Ronnie not the manager as he’s there to get results-irrespective of who it is! GDS cannot be trusted, it’s that simple!

        • No you cant excuse Harry for his poor management of the squad which encompasses the GDS situation.
          AVB is testing them.Ill live with that.
          But GDS has been with Mexico.Now he willget a chance. we’ll see.

  • Hot_Spur says:

    I’ve made a point of watching Gio very closely through the Olympics and come to the conclusion that his movement off the ball is very intelligent, in fact sometimes TOO intelligent for his team mates to keep up. On many occasions he moved into positions that would have allowed a killer pass from a team mate, but the pass didn’t come because the team mate wasn’t aware. Get Gio playing in the same team as Modric who is always aware, that could be devastating. The main problem with Gio is that under ‘Arry he was always played out of position. ‘Arry just stuck him anywhere we needed to fill a position through injury or whatever. I’m not sure about his loan spells, I didn’t take that much notice but maybe he was played out of position there also.

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