
A Conveyor Belt Of Imbeciles

Image for A Conveyor Belt Of Imbeciles

Good morning.

There is a depressing quantity of uninformed rubbish out there.

‘You only just noticed?’ comes the cry. But for the love of Mary Poppins what is the point of ‘writing’ about something you essentially don’t understand? I maintain that football isn’t a complicated game yet some of the stuff out there is surely being published as a wind up or part of a post stroke rehabilitation scheme.

The utterly miserable Triffic Tottenham warn of the looming specter of ‘a major campaign to reinstate Harry Redknapp.’ The piece continues, ‘you can guarantee that any top Premier League team to lose their manager will be straight after Harry.’

As was evident when Swansea, Norwich, Liverpool, Aston Villa, West Brom, Chelsea and even Birmingham all recently opted to swerved his invaluable services. Not to mention the FA! Nobody in their right mind wants anything to do with him.

The but we finished fourth mantra is another myth that urgently wants busting. Courtesy of @EwanRoberts:

If you take the second half of our season – the second set of 19 games – we won just seven matches. A win percentage of just 36%…and three of those wins (none of which were convincing) came in our final four games.

If you then deduct from this magnificent inheritance, this legacy of a genius; the services of Modric, Ledley King and van Der Vaart any attempt to dress up the train wreck Arry left behind him is on a par with something spouted by that Iraqi loon, Chemical Ali.

So backing Villas-Boas isn’t some happy clapper love in. It’s called support based upon intelligence. The boss has plenty to do and it might, just might aid the cause if when those attending games didn’t have their minds polluted by misinformation constructed by dull children.

But finding football ‘a bit too complicated’ isn’t the exclusive preserve of brainless bloggers. You can be in the game for decades and still be unable to find your bottom with both hands and a map. This Hugo Loris business has seemingly got out of hand before a ball has been kicked thanks to a bizarre comment from the old woman that is Didier Deschamps

“Hugo has not appreciated the statements of his coach.I am not going to create a problem that I do not need today. But if it were to happen then it would need some consideration. I do not want Hugo to find himself in this situation.”

And in other news it might rain and you might not have an umbrella.

The painfully obvious issue here being either deliberately ignored by the press or not grasped by them as they are too thick is that of Villa-Boas’ impeccable manners and sensibility.

Unlike our previous incumbent, the new boss is able to be in the same postcode as a microphone without morphing into a free wheeling guest from This Is Your Life with an Attention Deficit disorder. He thinks before he speaks.

Like the business with Dawson. It looked even money he was off. But until the deal was done he spoke about Michael and his immense human dimensions (easy, ladies) respectfully.

And not:

“…yur well ‘es an ‘oof merchant so we ‘oping that Stoke or some other pub team come in for ‘im, top top ‘oofer, for sure.”

So with Bradley he’s not going to announce him being elbowed out by a younger man to the press. Any coach worth his salt needs to keep his charges motivated and feeling valued, even if their days might well be just a little bit numbered.

Three games in. Three.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 4 Live From Lahore by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Robbo56 says:

    well said , have people forgotten that we had a 10 point lead in Feb which Arry managed to blow with his weird team selections trying to get the sack so the FA could get him without paying compo. AVB all the way for me although the media seems hell bent on giving him a hard time. the later alone should be enough for true supporters to circle the wagons and get behind him

    • Cambridge Spur says:

      Why is it when people slate HR all they bang on about is “10 point lead, 3 wins in blah blah blah”. I didn’t realise that we were the only team that had a bad run….Think about it please! Man City were at one stage 10 points clear, then 8 points behind, then won the title! Arsenal dropped points against teams they shouldn’t have as did every team in the league! I’ll admit I never liked HR, it was my own personal ignorance that made me quite happy when we got rid but I’ll admit to you all now, I was wrong! We should hang our heads in shame for wanting HR sacked! I’ll get behind the new manager but unfortunately I can only see it going one way now. AVB’s bizarre decisions dont help himself either. Rightly or wrongly AVB will be gone by November and Tim Sherwood will be our next manager and back to square one we shall go…

      • Spurlative says:

        I dont think we had a great run, i think other teams played poorly.

      • JonnyHotspur says:

        Ummm… you are using Arsenal as an example of a poor run in, and you’re correct, they did have a poor run in.
        However; and this is the point, even with a poor run in they overhauled a 10 point deficit on Spurs!
        Our squad was out of gas, due to being over played! Same thing the year before…

        • jerkinmahjurgen says:

          Robbo is right. Arry tried to get the sack. Our players had it in them. Get the stats of how many games they played. A reasonable amount, not 60 plus or anything. Harry is a very good manager and when he stopped providing it showed significantly and he deserved the boot. But our squad had done well and just needed someone to carry it on. We have neither the time or really, the need, to go backwards, rip it up, etc. AVB’s only plus at the moment is we’ve played teams at home who are difficult to break-down anyway. Harry’s team struggled, even lost ties like these. Hopefully it’s that. Stop starting Livermore and Defoe would help. Keep taking Sandro off, ffs. And why no crouching? Is he having to relearn how he watches the game? Our players short enough to watch standing up? If you crouch, you crouch no? Pretentious much? Out of one’s depth? I hope he cracks it but I’m worried.

  • Singspur says:

    Just ignore what the press said since we all know that they are HR-love supporters. Right now it is extremely important that we give our full support to AVB, coys.

  • Jelly Smiff says:

    Its like you say on the pod-cast H, about some players not being that intelligent,I guess its the same with supporters,the intelligent ones see the long term plan,whilst the not so bright will want the short term fix of Redknapp doesn’t matter its not sustainable,its all about winning.

    • jerkinmahjurgen says:

      You intelligent lot make such good lovers. ‘Oh, not tonight darling. It’s not about tonight, it’s about tomorrow. Maybe next week. Or year…’

  • Smiley O'Reilly says:

    SPURS IN CRISIS. a number of Spurs players have not turned up for training after reportedly this week going to play for other teams across the globe. AVB failed to keep them on site, so clearly has no man management skills and is ginger. Daniel Levy has no hair and yet doesnt wear a rug or a hat so clearly he is selling spurs to finance a corporate venture into wig weaving and hairplugs

    I love the media.

  • Spurlative says:

    AVB is a young manager. The guy is not going to stop managing clubs, ever..maybe when he’s 70.
    He is a good manager. Levy looked at him and thought this is a young, dedicated and hungry manager. He was on the same wavelength as the club.

    He was the total opposite of arry. That was the allure. But the guy needs time FFS.
    Its so obvious. WE have a choice to either be positive to negative about this.

    I watched this Derren Brown show, The experiments.
    One of the shows focused on deindividuation.
    basically it proves how when people are in a crowd, will lose a sense of their personal moral integrity and seek to see someone potentially get hurt or suffer for their own entertainment.
    Its happening to AVB! The crowds need someone take a fall.
    Are we going to let that happen to a man who clearly has a BIG present and future in this game?

    • LLL says:

      We don’t know any of that. AVB might manage clubs until he’s 70, or he might stop managing this one in a couple of months and never manage another one again!

      Each and every one of Levy’s previous carefully thought out appointments have been complete disasters. So who really cares what he thinks? Let’s just hope he’s managed to fluke it and get one right this time.

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