
What Were Villas-Boas And Steffen Freund Thinking?

Image for What Were Villas-Boas And Steffen Freund Thinking?

Good afternoon ladies.

There have been so many attacks on the boss since his appointment it’s just a pleasure to slowly watch them all be revealed for what they were. The work of low rent hyenas.

All of the nonsense that was spun seemed destined to appeal to the cheapest kind of fan, the sort that claimed to support Spurs, yet also harboured an irresistible desire to shout ‘I told you so’ in some twisted, utterly pointless game of one upmanship.

The one that bugged me was the assertion by some that Villas-Boas lacked the necessary passion. What was this ever based upon? The fact that he didn’t make balloon animals during his press conference? The fact that he speaks English fluently and appears to take the job seriously? Wow, what a schmuck.

What were these two thinking? Best thought/speech bubble suggestions wins a free download of this week’s Hotspur’s Half Hour.

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  • Mitchell Thomas says:

    The one thing that sticks with me from that game was the moment after we scored the second, Arbeit was on his way to bark some orders on the touchline. AVB grabbed him by the lapels to turn him round and told him to get a message out of ‘such and such’ to the players

    It just absolutely showed me that this guy wants to win and to prove himself. I love his passion. Also shows the two guys are getting on pretty well in my book

    (N.b – I realise on reading that back it may come across as a bit of a ‘Brokeback’ moment – “Man roughly grabs another by the lapel and emotion ensues” but it wasn’t really)

  • nobby nobbs says:

    Fruend..calves, thighs Pecs Avb ..biceps triceps thighs hamstrings
    its just beautiful.

  • Tomjuno says:

    “Oh Stefan, that stinks, i warned you about sausages for breakfast”

  • Tomjuno says:

    Steffen i mean, hard name to spell in any language.

  • Tomjuno says:

    out of interest this is Steffen’s song in Germany….it’s a cracker.

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