
Haringey Council Fatwa On Chick King ‘Tip Of The Iceberg’

Image for Haringey Council Fatwa On Chick King ‘Tip Of The Iceberg’

Good afternoon.

The footballing fast food world was rocked to it’s very foundations yesterday as Haringey Council’s Tottenham project director Anne Lippit revealed, “Tottenham has a lot of fried chicken shops. It’d be good if Tottenham had places like Costa Coffee.”

Do wot? This is an outrageous and unprovoked attack on the Tottingham tastebuds from this one time riot regeneration tsar. If Ms Lippit is genuinely concerned about civil disorder she may wish to have a rethink her secret seasoning scrapping suggestion.

Do Costa Coffee offer an extensive range of mouthwatering, deep fried delicacies including a can of pop for a mere £1.99? I don’t believe that they do. Do Costa Coffee present you with your order almost before you’ve finished ordering it? No they do not. They wouldn’t know how.

In the time it takes some middle class housewife to order her caramel macchiato frappuccino then check her iPhone then change her mind then squawk at some ‘barista’ that she actually wants  an espressio doppio and an naffin’ apple; you could have ordered a top of the range box of poulet on the bone served on a bed of pomme de fryer and had already started adding salt, vinegar and ketchup to taste. 

The council’s ‘A Plan for Tottenham’promises ‘up to 10,000 new high quality homes and over 5,000 new jobs’ for Tottenham by 2025, £400 million new 56,000-seater stadium would provide Tottenham with 300 new homes and 800 ‘match day’ jobs.

Ms Lippit added, ‘regeneration could include a new Victoria Line tube station at Northumberland Park and increased overground rail commuter services.’

According to the Daily Mail THFC are considering a temporary home at either the Olympic Stadium or Wembley while they have the builders in.

A Tottenham spokesperson said their preference was still to remain at White Hart Lane during the building work and that any communications with the LLDC would be part of fully exploring every option – and that interim use of the Olympic Stadium is different from being based there full time.

Let’s hope that this can get going as quickly as possible. I’d prefer to demolish the OS and have a swanky new stadium that was cheaper to build and in an area that was a doddle to get in and out of, but whatever happens we need more seats to buy better players and that’s what it’s all about.

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  • nipper says:

    …wouldn’t mind a good Japanese takeaway or sit in noodle shop though

  • TMWNN says:

    Lippit should zippit.

    The Stratford ship has well and truly sailed, thank fuck.

    Long live the chicken shacks, and all who clog their arteries in them.

  • Swanspur says:

    If going temporarily to Wembly or os means more seats sonner that has to be good

  • essexian76 says:

    I understood that we were staying at the Lane regardless of the re-building, and the work was being phased so as not to interfere with matches or even a reduction in gates while the scheme unfolds-has this now changed?

    • Garth Crooks the ruffneck ting says:


    • Minionas says:

      Essex . After the last round of backhanders, brown envelopes and fake promises of keeping the running track(Which has now been proven by the lack of interest from the inbred rednecks we know as the spammers) I’ve had enough. Much like the Luka saga. They both could have made our club more successful, but I just want it done with.

      • essexian76 says:

        Actually JimLad, I was taking the piss out of the Daily Mail ‘report’, because unless the original plan’s changed-there’s no intention of us leaving the Lane, making the Mail report a deliberate attempt by the rag to stir up shit among Spurs support as they’ve tried and failed with the AVB and Lloris line. So now it’s a different angle-and no doubt the ‘say no Stratford’ and N.17KKK Brentford Nylons Boo, I’m a ghost in a bedsheet brigade will be out in force protesting about something or other

        • Minionas says:

          I noticed that after I’d written the bloody thing. If you don’t read all through you can make yourself look a right plum!

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