
Analyise This

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Good afternoon.

Brentdon Rodgers is a card, eh? There is something in the water at Melwood. I don’t remember him being such an overwhelming twit when he was at Swansea. More to the point I can’t believe that so many Spurs fans would have been suggesting Levy & Co. appointment him after Arry’s demise if that were the case.

Fatigue seemed to be nipping at the heels of one or two. And the decision to fly out the traps was definitely a good one. The Azza Blud goal was a body blow the Bale free kick delicious for us, vomit inducing for them. But and there always is a but, if there’s something in the water up there, then there’s something in the ‘Tottingham Gene’ that tells our lot not to go for the jugular, not to make the victory emphatic.

Overview analysis is that we still desperately need a settled back four. Right now we all too reliant on others pitching in when the heat is on. The return of Moussa is a delight and I look forward to him getting into his stride, finding his groove and really begin pulling the strings again.

The gulf between what Suarez offers and what Defoe offers was chilling. A churlish person would use this as an opportunity to slip in that quote from Arry but I’m not, so I won’t. See what I did there? But the point is we need to have 11 players on the pitch for the whole of every game and with The Midget Gem all too often we are only fielding 10.

When the Bindippers lost the ball the were actually furious and tore about wanting it back. Too frequently we pull a ‘Oh FFS’ face and wait for someone else to take the problem on. Normally that someone else is Sandro hence the fact he’s looking pooped.

Elsewhere it’s the usual business of people seemingly choosing ‘if and when they decide to show up’. I can’t get too overwrought though, because we won and had it not been for a fluke we would have won by 2 goals and not 1.

He’s like one of those bacterial yoghurt drinks that are good for you because they are proactive.

Improved is what he was.

Creaking like a creaking thing.

Needs to play CB


Good 1st half, reverted to type in the 2nd

Like a dog chasing cars

A touch of class. Unfit, but classy.

Unbelievably good free kick. Unbelievable.

When is he ever going to be really good?

Started off quietly and fizzled out.

Fal-cao? More like Kieren Fall-on after a bung…

Guest spots for future HHH shows are still available so come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough.

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  • Stupot says:

    WC- World Class not toilet..

  • Sao Paulo Spurs says:

    Two wins on the bounce is always good! A tricky trip to Fulham this weekend with lots of ex-players bound to be on show. Is Ade back for this?
    Liverpool have been poor for a few seasons and this side is no better. We should be beating them at home and we did. Defoe has been the same since we signed him, Keane got in front of him because he worked harder off the ball and eventually Ade will push him out too. Defoe has scored goals and will do at any other club. I agree with HH that we need a player who is more inventive and wants to create for himself and the team. That old fashioned selfish, striker type is extinct! There is no room in the modern game for them

  • Ramos43 says:

    Nice article my friend, although I think you may be being a little harsh comparing Defoe and Suarez.

    Yes Suarez was more of a menace last night, but apart from his ability to drop deep and pick a pass, Spurs defending was so terrible that he was always going to look impressive until he actually got a chance….and when he did get that chance ( his one-on-one with Lloris, midway through the first-half) he scuffed it.
    Now without meaning to sound biased here, but had Defoe had been presented with a clear shooting opportunity from the edge of the 18 yard box, I would have bet a lot more on him making a better fist of it than Luis.

    So while I have to agree that Suarez is undoubtedly a better PLAYER than Defoe, I would have to say that he has still yet to show me during his spell in the EPL that he is a better STRIKER than Jermain!

    And also I think the comment on Aaron Lennon is a bit over-board too, especially as he has already been so productive for the team this year. Infact, in terms of numbers (goals/assists), I think Lennon is easily set to complete his best season in a Spurs shirt, to date.
    Lenny had a decent game last night, and even when he isn’t quite at his blistering best, the little man is always leading the line (alongside Sandro) when it comes to work-rate and commitment. I wouldn’t swap for anyone!!!

    I thought Walker was easily man-of-the-match yesterday and looked a lot more like his old self. While the defence around him went missing, Kyle stood firm and bailed us out on more than one occasion. Hopefully that performance will give him the necessary confidence to really push on and get back to his very best.

    The biggest problem, for me, yesterday was the fact that we DID seem to be playing with a man less, but it was the no10 that appeared vacant rather than the striking berth. Because while Defoe ploughed away, admirably, upfront without much reward for 90mins, Dempsey offered very, very little after an encouraging display against West Ham on the weekend.

    Now,whether this was down to fatigue or not, I don’t know, but considering he didn’t do a lot while in possession the least he could have done was move around a little faster without the ball. I would love to know exactly how well he and Defoe get on as they NEVER seem to pass the ball to each other. At one point against Liverpool, I thought they were going to come to blows as they conspired to get in eachothers way and squander a goal-scoring opportunity.

    Gyfil, bless him, worked hard when he came on but made very little impact in terms of creativity or guile. Instead, he appeared to be doing a man marking role on Joe Allen, which to be honest was quite helpful in stemming The Reds attacking in the latter stages of the match.

    However, to become more of a force over the course of 90mins, I think we need one, or both of these two players to begin to display some sort of consistency in their performances. With reinforcements a near certainty come January, I think both Dempsey and Sigurdsson are at real risk of losing the trust of the Spurs management!

  • Ben says:

    Azza is top, top quality. He’s one of the most underrated players in the league, works really hard, chases back, comes into the middle when needed, scores, sets up goals, has a great engine, he’s tough despite getting kicked. He’s top drawer.

  • who framed ruel fox? says:

    We’ve been playing musical chairs with our back-four since… well, I don’t know when. But it’s been bloody ages.

    Top analysis, as ever.

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