
Analyise This

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Good afternoon.

Brentdon Rodgers is a card, eh? There is something in the water at Melwood. I don’t remember him being such an overwhelming twit when he was at Swansea. More to the point I can’t believe that so many Spurs fans would have been suggesting Levy & Co. appointment him after Arry’s demise if that were the case.

Fatigue seemed to be nipping at the heels of one or two. And the decision to fly out the traps was definitely a good one. The Azza Blud goal was a body blow the Bale free kick delicious for us, vomit inducing for them. But and there always is a but, if there’s something in the water up there, then there’s something in the ‘Tottingham Gene’ that tells our lot not to go for the jugular, not to make the victory emphatic.

Overview analysis is that we still desperately need a settled back four. Right now we all too reliant on others pitching in when the heat is on. The return of Moussa is a delight and I look forward to him getting into his stride, finding his groove and really begin pulling the strings again.

The gulf between what Suarez offers and what Defoe offers was chilling. A churlish person would use this as an opportunity to slip in that quote from Arry but I’m not, so I won’t. See what I did there? But the point is we need to have 11 players on the pitch for the whole of every game and with The Midget Gem all too often we are only fielding 10.

When the Bindippers lost the ball the were actually furious and tore about wanting it back. Too frequently we pull a ‘Oh FFS’ face and wait for someone else to take the problem on. Normally that someone else is Sandro hence the fact he’s looking pooped.

Elsewhere it’s the usual business of people seemingly choosing ‘if and when they decide to show up’. I can’t get too overwrought though, because we won and had it not been for a fluke we would have won by 2 goals and not 1.

He’s like one of those bacterial yoghurt drinks that are good for you because they are proactive.

Improved is what he was.

Creaking like a creaking thing.

Needs to play CB


Good 1st half, reverted to type in the 2nd

Like a dog chasing cars

A touch of class. Unfit, but classy.

Unbelievably good free kick. Unbelievable.

When is he ever going to be really good?

Started off quietly and fizzled out.

Fal-cao? More like Kieren Fall-on after a bung…

Guest spots for future HHH shows are still available so come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough.

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  • Stu Barney says:

    ODM and HH, can you get Dinah from Canada back on the half hour and ask her actual prediction for the Fulham game, want to see if her Liverpool prediction was a fluke.

    She thinks we will kill ’em so that is good enough for me!

  • Astro Spur says:

    You can’t really blame Rodgers for quickly becoming a twat as soon as he joined Liverpool. You have to remember that everyone involved with that club, from the staff and players to the fans, truly believe that they should be winning the league every season and and meeting Barca in the final of the champions league….and winning of course! Because in their eyes LFC is the biggest and best club on the planet with the best fans and blah blah blah!!! Someone realy should teach their fans the meaning of the word ‘HISTORY’ and how it doesn’t apply to the present regardless of how great things were.
    It’s sad realy.

  • Stu Barney says:

    I’ve been thinking about the Parker rumours of him going to the hoops. What is he, 32? As Sandro is performing wonders and offers more going forward, would Pathe actually be happy for a role on the bench. I was his biggest fan but you cannot play both.

    I have a feeling though that Levy would be happy to get his £5m back on him though, so thinking about this maybe frutile.

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      I agree,but it would be nice to see how the midfield would work with him in it and to keep him as a stand by,but I think getting the money back or even a profit will be too much for Levy to resist

    • Essexian76 says:

      I would reckon if we’d get 3m and Parker off the wage bill-Levy would bite QPR’s hand off.
      I’d prefer him to stay for the season’s duration, if only to cover for Sandro and play in the cup games-but if that sort of offer came in-I’d take it, for sure!

      • UnkleKev says:

        If Levy can make a profit on Crouch I’m damn sure he can make a profit flogging Parker to moneybags QPR.

        Personally I suspect we’ve seen the best of Parker, so as long as we can bring in a suitable replacement I’ll be happy to see him move on.

        • Essexian76 says:

          Well, Unc, I still think Giacomo Livermourinho will come good yet, or at least be good enough to allow Sandro a break in the cup games

        • UnkleKev says:

          You may well be right, but I think it would be prudent to bring in a reinforcement or two just in case you’re not.

    • kojac says:

      sounds right on both counts,arry will want people liek defoe and parker,levy would sell parker

      our squad is short as it is for me,i think parker has some things to offer though,he does set a good example for the lads on the pitch

  • Essexian76 says:

    As discussed last night, Liverpool for all their ‘uffin’ an’ puffin’, scored via a Keystone Cops fluke, Did Llrois actually have to make a save of note?, did they hit the woodwork?- Lot’s of ooh, aahs. if’s and but’s-but we actually had more shots on and off target during the game-and played pretty crap for 70 mins! Lennon was my MOM, with Walker not too far behind, and if Liverpool couldn’t exploit our weakened left side,a bloke held together with gaffer tape and waering the wrong contact lenses who was paired with an erratic nutcase in the middle of our defence-how is that our fault?

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